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  • Get up.mp4



Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing alright tonight! 

Up for download and viewing is a digital piece I call " Get Up " Inspired by ΔKTR's "Get It Up " which can be found here https://youtu.be/zMhOOczgsqs


There is only so much one person can do. So many challenges one can give themselves in a life time.

Some days...are longer. So you do the best you can do. For some of you, that may fall well below what you've come to expect of yourself. It may also be what you believe others have come to expect of you.

Many of you have struggled along the way in your life. You may have even fallen down for a time. You might still be there. The feelings we have inside aren't always pleasant or kind..nor are they fair to us sometimes. 

That makes some of us scared. We're all a little scared sometimes. Scared we're not good enough. That we haven't tried hard enough, or proven ourselves in just the right way to those we love..or just ourselves. 

It can make you feel like you're stuck in place. That you are unchanging, or maybe that you have lost a part of yourself that used to make you, you. 

...What I can tell you is that every moment of your life is formative. That for each and every moment, good or bad, happy or sad, they are a part of you. That despite how stuck  you feel, how lost you believe you are..you have grown so much. Right now to me, you are not just you...you are every year come true. You haven't lost a thing in my eyes because...all of you right now is here.

And I want you to know that I'm proud of you each and every moment of the way. That  even if you feel like your best may fall short of what you would really want some days, no one person is flawless or perfect. Doing what you can, given what you have is not a weakness..it is a strength.   

So if you truly feel that you have fallen..that you are unsure if you can get up once more..I want you to rest a little longer. We'll rise again together some day. We will.  



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