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  • Heal.mp4



Good evening my dears. I hope you are doing alright tonight. 

Well the computer has arrived, and I must say that this has been one of the most powerful if not extravagant systems I have put money down on. Given my years of seeing the computer as not only my outlet but a lifestyle, I felt it was finally time to upgrade to something a lot more powerful than my previous system. 

Well it's up and running now, and I must say that I am pleased as punch! To celebrate, I'm bringing out the first picture here which I have titled " Heal " Inspired by   切腹's " at home" which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/blaze-bui/at-home


can you feel the entropy? The weight of fading existence upon your shoulders? It can eat away at you..it eats away at me each and every day until I wonder if there will be anything left by the time this world is finished with me.

And you know what...? There is. There is always something more beneath our struggles and burdens. Something greater than our cynicism and strife's. 

And deep down within that darkness, within those gnawing depths is an inescapable truth...that we are not meant to resign to rotting...but to healing. That our wounds do not become us nor should they spread.

That despite whatever shadows of a doubt, whatever grand, sinister design we are subjected to...we are not bleeding away into nothingness nor giving into our apathy.

At times it can appear that this world seemingly was made for the violent and the heartless but our time is now. It always has been now for now is all that we have.  

I want you to reflect on this if only for a time. To remember you are still more than less, still here, not vanished. 

This is your home. It is time for your to heal.  


It's good to be officially back, everyone. Look forward to more soon! :) 



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