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Good evening my dears! I hope you're doing well tonight. Well here's a little something out of the blue. Being so close to the spooky holiday seasons again, I wanted to dabble once more with an older project that sadly went to hang out and dry for a little as life got fast. 

The next page of the Sigj: Sew Evil is up for viewing and download. This is something I'm hopeful to finish up before the end of the month while I get the last of my affairs tended to among some other art I have planned! 

As always thanks for being sweeties and supporting these projects! 




oh my unholy gosh dang, lookit what just woke up from the black abysses to the ticklish delight of us suprised mortals ' A ' Halloween is just the best~ look forward to seeing you reanimate this with your usual life and charm man!

Mike Frant

There's more then one Irpo? Well it's been nice knowing this series but our lad's not surviving this...