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Good morning my dears! I hope you're doing well today! 

Up and with my foot halfway out the door for work. I have a little set of sketches to share, as well as an idea of leaving the decision of the next comic in your hands! Go on now, have a little fun with it and pick the story that sounds fun to you and leave a little comment of which number! 

This morning going through my Patrons, I have unfortunately found a slow growth of declined payments as well as fraud based accounts, which has been most disheartening. This number has grown a significant amount with the growing decline of verified Patrons on this channel, and so I will be going through my Patrons list over the next few days and considering removal of certain accounts.

It is deeply disappointing to myself to find this pattern on the rise, but as always I am hopeful we can see this through and continue on!   

If you were a patron that was declined multiple times, or is flagged as a fraud account, please contact myself in a private message so we can work this out together!  



Terri Mouse

Personally torn between numbers 2 and 3, but I think I'm leaning more towards 3. I know my payments haven't been going through because I haven't even started being an ACTUAL patron. Once I have something of an income again, I can see about changing that.


all sounds too good I CANT DECIDE. But honestly I'm fine with whatever. They all look great to me.


I like the sound of the 2nd or 3rd one. And my payment went through, so I assume that it should be ok with my account :3


I'm sorry about the fraud thing, must be really annoying. I like the Taur Imp the most out of the bunch. Partially because I'm curious what exactly they get out of kidnapping people.


aw, bad business, those frauds you know i'll be riding along for a good long while go ahead, check my ticket! anyway, i vote for number 3


I'm liking numbers 1 & 3, but I'm gonna vote for 1.


I like all these ideas, but if I could only see one made, I'd go with #1.


They sound all really awesome. You make it really hard to decide between them. So after long thinking and throwing a dice I choose #2.


Stuck between 1 and 3... I vote 3!