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Good evening my dears! I hope you have been doing well! My goodness how the time certainly has been flying, has it not for you? 

Today was my kind of catch a breath for a moment kind of day. Of course, we all know what happens when you play a little bit of catch up! Time just slips right on by again, and that's fine...but I certainly did not want another day crossing our path without a little something! I have a variety of pictures stuck on my laptop that I need to port on over, but in the meantime, I wanted to cap our night with a work I call " The Giant's Shield " inspired by Pogo's " Soulmate stuff " which can be found here https://pogomix.bandcamp.com/track/soulmate-stuff

" It is a great shield that I hold. " Said the giant with a heavy breath. Meant as a whisper and great as a groan. 

" If it is a shield you carry, then where about would it be? " Asked the man. 

" In a place you cannot fathom. Beyond any mountain you could climb. Deeper than any lake you could swim. Stiller than any forest you could travel. In my chest, guarding my heart. " The giant said with a heaving sigh. 

" Why do you cry? " Asked the man. 

" ..You things always find your destiny in other people's business...could grind you into this mountainside........I cry, for I am in pain.  Troubled by naught. Slowly I wither from nothing. " The giant's hand scraped at the ground and dirt. 

" If there is nothing, then why do you have a shield? " Asked the man. 

"Because it is my last defense, little man...I know no other way...and hearts break behind the shield. Well protected, isolated, and alone. The price of being a giant. " 

"What if your heart wanted to be free?" Asked the man. 

" ...what if... indeed.." relented the giant. 




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