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So I just wanted to post something about this briefly,
I have found my work posted on various free sites around the internet. I'm glad people enjoy my work and go to the trouble of uploading it, and I enjoy making these comics, but doing so is also time consuming.
I  know that not everyone wants to / is able to pay $3 a month for these,  and I think that, after a period of time, they should be free for everyone.
So I'd just like to ask that people don't post my work on free sites until around 6 weeks after I have uploaded it to Patreon. That way everyone  still gets to see it, and it also gives me an opportunity to get some reimbursement for the time and work I put into making them and will  allow me to make even more.
If you don't think this is fair or have another idea please let me know.


Near Uchiha

I subscribed to you because of the content on the free sites. It's kind of publicity. I would make it 8 weeks tho. Because i couldn't wait any longer for more content. Thats the reason i subscribed. And you made this. So it seems fair to me


Thanks for the comment :) Yeah, I am uploading to free sites with a 2 month delay, I thought that way everyone would still be able to read the comics and people who want to support me could do so, but recently people have been doing it almost as soon as it goes up on here :/

Near Uchiha

That should not be okey. Any way to find out who those people are? And is it possible to get your content of the free sites when you don't want them there? I would try to report if i see it happen.


A better idea would be to make a free comic that gets a release every week or something and have patron-only ones or something like that you don't want to make it so it feels like you don't really do anything because as you pointed out not everyone can use Patreon


Same as Near Uchiha, I first saw your work on a Free Site. Might be worthwhile doing this yourself and make sure people are directed here to sign-up. Enjoying all of your work, thank you


Many years ago Beyoncé Giselle ask her advocate delay one photo from internet. really nice try ) Very good author position. +1 I also find your comic on pirate way. But i love your style so i here ) Try balance between popularity ( more famous - more funs - more patreons) and rent for work. You can try use this free radio on your pleasure. Put your message on top head for everyone who enter - to see your position, because after 6 weeks nobody see it ) BTW 6 weeks too big. Month or even 2 weeks close to reality. Even if people agree with your position. monthly rent on patreon only 4 weeks so he need take pass>wait end of month>wait 2 weeks more just read on self galery>it`s time to show story to the world Ehoo!


And one more. if you go to another site your followers will be decrease \2 or even \3. Because Patreon 1. Famous, like deviantart or printess but created for help author. 2. easy for registration and subscribe. people well known this system and can trust put nomber of their cards. Thiefs everywhere...


I found you through a free site but wanted to see more so came here. I totally understand what your saying a agree with the solution you came up with. I can only hope that others will respect your wishes. The site I found your work on is at least a few week behind, so maybe there's hope.


Found your work on one such site. Though there was a watermark with your name amd patreon, i belive you may have posted it personally? Either way I'm glad i found you

John Doe

I actually came from one of those free sites. The person who does upload isnt consistent but they upload in monthly chunks.


I’ll be honest I found your work through those free sites, and would have never subscribed if I didn’t like what I saw from them.