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Hi everyone,
I'm sorry there has been a long break since the last post.
Coronavirus was a bit of a struggle to get through, but we are on the mend and back to making the comics. We will make up for the missed pages as soon as we can.
Again, we're really sorry for the gap in uploading and we're going to do out best so this doesn't happen again!

Thanks always for your support and I hope you like these pages!




Glad you guys are doing better now, and happy to see a return of the comic. I can't wait to see what happens next, hehe


F in the chat for our boy Brad


Glad to hear that you are doing better. Your health comes first so don't push yourselves.


Great to have you back. Hopefully the milk is addictive. The way Mirai acted made it seem so.


Hey, so nice to hear you're on the mend. Don't stress too much about making up for the lack of pages, we understand the situation. Make sure to take it easy until you're all fully recovered from the whole orderal.

Aaron Hopkins

Glad you guys are doing better!