Livestreams? (Patreon)
Just pondering potential benefits I could offer to you guys, stuff that's fairly easy and fun to do that isn't just 'moar writing', and I keep pondering the potential of doing some kinda livestream. It wouldn't be like the old ones, where I just streamed me writing. That was fun, but it really slowed down the process and became pretty stressful.
But there's plenty of other stuff to be streamed, video games jumping to the forefront of my mind. Could be just straight up playthroughs of stuff, or we could do it with an aim to highlight ryona/death stuff. If I did do it, I'd probably at least start off on YouTube, since that'd allow for some Patreon privacy, although that'd somewhat limit what we could do. I could likely commit to a once a week kinda schedule, obviously more if it picks up and there's interest. Likewise, if it picks up, I'd be able to reinvest in getting a premium Picarto account to do more stuff.
But I figured before just jumping into it, I'd check in and see if there was even any interest in that sort of thing, hence the pole. Figure I'll keep it at a simple yes or no option, but by all means, include comments about what you'd like to see and what kinda tier price point you think would be fair.