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If there was ever an update that could potentially kill this Patreon and garner a lot of unhappiness from people, this will probably be it.  But just hear me out.

Next month (March) will be the final month for Paragraphs of Snuff.

What the hell?  That came outta nowhere!  The Paragraphs are the most prevalent thing you offer!

Yep, it's a dumb move.  Lemme try to explain why I'm making it.

The Paragraphs have existed since before this Patreon even started and I've done a hell of a lot of them.  For Patreon alone, I've done roughly 1000.  That's a lot.  I still think it's a fun concept, but it's one I've done so often and for so long, I genuinely feel like I'm nearing the end of what I can effectively do in them that hasn't already been done before.

For the record, I'm not burnt out on writing them.  But I can feel burnout seeping in on that front.

I'm also not overwhelmed by the number of them I tackle every month.  I mean, it's a lot, and it takes roughly 2-3 days of being dialed in to slam through them all in a timely manner, but we've gotten it down to a pretty good rhythm.

And that's exactly why I want to cut them now.  I've been feeling it for the last few months and kinda just pushed it off, cuz it's a scary move to make.  The vast majority of my earnings on Patreon come from the Paragraph tiers and it's clear from the livestreams that people really dig them.  But what I don't want to do is just ignore my gut until one month, I'm just tapped completely, and it becomes a nightmare.  I want to phase it out properly and hopefully do it in such a way where everyone understands (even if they don't like it) and we can have one more killer Paragraph month before laying it to rest.

I apologize in advance for whatever strife this big change might cause.  But stagnation leads to decay.  And the Paragraphs are stagnating - at least on my end from a creative point - and I'd really like to send them off right before the decay sets in.

I welcome your feedback and thoughts and I hope you all aren't too pissed with me.



Well, I can't say this is too surprising, given a lot of the discussions in recent streams. Personally, I'll give the polls a shot, since they sound sort of like pseudo- commissions, which I feel offer A LOT more than just a paragraph. I'd say to just give a bit more detail on how these polls work, what characters can be offered, etc.

Krash Koi

Not mad, just sad. Was a nice thing to look forward to each month. I'm not sure If I'll do the poll thing, as it's apparent to me I have much different taste in characters than the rest of our community. But I hope this works out for the better for DS, and everyone else.


Yeah, I guess one big problem with the poll is that popular characters will most likely win. Not that its a bad, but it means more obscure characters and OCs will pretty much never win.


Sure, kinda just figuring it out along the way. I feel like as long as the characters aren't underage or real people, whoever you want works fine.


So that is a concern, that we'll just wind up with a new Samus story every single month or something, but... we had some surprising characters win the polls back when we ran em for CosplayBabes. I could also implement a rule that if a character wins a month, they can't be on the poll for the next month, to give the chance of more variety. But, yea, that's a problem I don't think can be fully addressed. This new idea doesn't replace the individual, personalized efforts provided for everyone, but it's hard to think of something that does. And like I said over on Discord, the new idea isn't 100% set in stone. We've got time to tweak and adjust it, or replace it with something else entirely that sits better with people. I am open to ideas.


Yeah, I'd say wait and see. If your idea of removing winners doesn't work, I suppose a raffle could also be viable option, where patrons can submit characters. However, I can see other issues arising from this method as well.


Raffles would be a great way of ensuring even the most obscure character gets a chance to win. Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't allow raffles.


Yeah it's a rough situation all around. I can understand what you mean just by yesterday's conversation, "How can we do Samus that we haven't already done" which I totally get. I do feel what everyone says about polls though too, with the method or character perhaps not being what you're into or just popular ones stomping out most of the time. It's a tough spot to be in, but I'm hoping we can figure something out that most everyone can be cool with.


Absolutely. The polls and monthly story thing was just an idea I thought could be a fun replacement. I am 100% open to both tweaking the idea to make it appealing to the most people I can, as well as open to tossing out that idea completely in favor of something else that people like more. If people have got ideas, I wanna hear em.


My only thing is I tend to be a more direct rewards type of person. I've never been as big a fan of polls but again, trying things out is fine and such cause you might do it better than others. I think polls get worse when you have more people because of the way that they scale weirdly with simple majority of "Tifa Samus OC nobody knows"


Understandable, and the popular characters getting chosen all the time is definitely an issue that I'm not sure even has a solution. I can definitely see the appeal of a direct reward over a poll, just not sure what something like that would look like where it's not totally insane, considering there's 25 people spread across all the paragraph tiers.


Best I can think of is a point system, where characters are submitted, and the longer a character is up there, the more likely it to be picked. Every month, a patron can submit a character, or add points to a character already on the list. But it has several problems: 1. More confusing than just a simple, one time poll. 2.First month, or any month characters have an equal number of votes in first place, will be hell. Unfortunately, I think you're right. A basic poll seems to be the best possible replacement.


Little more involved on the end of the Patrons, but what about a channel in the Discord, where people putting forth characters can attempt to sway votes in their favor, either by pitching their idea for scenarios if their character wins or why their character deserves to win?


That actually doesn't sound too bad. Don't know how effective it'll be, but its worth a shot.


If people got into it, I could see it being fun. Gives people with more obscure picks the chance to show off their pick to people, maybe pick up some surprise votes. Also, the thing we're not considering, if the majority of people are concerned that only popular characters will win, that might lead to less popular characters having a chance.


If you wanted to do direct rewards, I know one guy who does things based on duration. He has a 13 dollar tier where every month you stay, is a point more or less, and whoever has the most points gets a free colored request for that month, then they reset to 0. If you wanted you could try something similar, maybe like 1 or 2 slightly longer deals, and the people at the top get them, then cycle back in as the next set of people go


Sounds interesting, although it also seems like a lot of backend stuff I'd have to keep track of, plus the randomness of people cashing in would play hell on scheduling. It's not a bad idea, but probably not something well-suited for me.


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