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So here's the thing, I am super overwhelmed.  It's nothing all that bad, just have a lot of stuff on my plate right now with a higher degree of urgency to get things done.  And after cutting yesterday's stream short, I realized part of the problem was that my brain's got so many things it's jumping between that the addition of chat just flooded my mind hard.  That's never been the case before.  I love the interaction and the brainstorming of the Paragraph streams, but I think right now it's just too much MORE for me to process it while being efficiently productive, and unfortunately, right now I need to be as efficiently productive as I can be.

So no Paragraph stream today, as promised.  I'm very sorry about that.  But I feel the best thing for me to do is gonna be to camp on the couch with a laptop, listen to music, and just focus on the words.  The CosplayBabes streams WILL be happening, though, hopefully starting Thursday.  I'd say tomorrow, but apartment complex is shutting off the power for 6 hours to work on their fancy 'upgrade' bullshit.  Again, sorry for things being suddenly fucky and dumb and things will be back to some semblance of normalcy next month.  Either that or I'm gonna be way more stressed out.  Mysteries! (sarcastic)Yay!


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