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Chapter Seventy-Nine: Pinned Down

Better to make noise and maintain the ability to defend themselves over attempting to be quiet and being helpless against a potential attack. That’s how Jack saw it, anyway. “We take the lift,” she decided. “It’ll be cramped and noisy, but everyone just stay sharp and we’ll get down there just fine.” She wished she believed the words, but she genuinely thought the lift was the best option. If I’m going out, I want the chance to kill the son of a bitch right back along the way, she thought, trudging over to the lift and pulling the door open.

The elevator wasn’t exactly small, but with seven bodies crammed into it, there wasn’t much in the way of elbow room. Jack let the others pile in first before squeezing into the front and pulling the door closed. The controls were simple enough. Two buttons. One for up, the other for down. She pressed her thumb against the appropriate button and hoped for the best. The lift shuddered around them. For a second, Jack thought it might just drop, plummeting them all to their deaths. That’d be hilarious, she thought. Before she had the chance to laugh her way into a bone-shattering end, the lift started to descend without incident.

Working machinery was just the first hurdle to cross. The rate of movement was slow and, just as they’d feared, the rumbling was nearly deafening, echoing off the walls of the cavernous room. If there was anything around, they’d know right where to go for the banquet. Jack was fairly certain that any shuffling, horny corpses up on the moon were turning their rotten brains to rocket science to hunt down the source of the noise. She didn’t have to tell the others to stay alert. They already knew. And they were ready to do what they could against anything that came poking around. She hoped that would be enough.

“Ah, shit,” Joy’s panicked drawl rang out. Standing just beside Jack, the tattooed woman cringed at the ringing in her ears. Joy thrust a finger towards the far wall. “It’s a big ole wall gator!”

Jack spotted the thing immediately once she knew where to look. Joy’s description was reasonably accurate. Some kind of massive reptile-like creature, four squat legs clinging to the wall courtesy of its thick claws. Its rough, thick hide was a myriad of blacks and dark greens, giving it a natural camouflage in the murky darkness of the sewer. Its size and general shape did resemble an alligator, along with its large head and long snout. But it possessed something no gator Jack had ever seen did. Its tail was stouter, brimming with thick spines. Wall Gator was a decent name for it. Spike Tail seemed even more appropriate.

“Somebody give me a gun!” Joy demanded, head darting from one woman to the next. “The hell am I supposed to do against that thing with this stupid frying pan?” She held her weapon up to show how ineffective it would be in a fire fight. Jack ignored her, more worried by the monster as it curled its massive tail up and back, like a scorpion. One of its many spikes launched from the tail, streaking across the room at the descending lift. By pure chance, Joy lifted her pan just in time to avoid being skewered by the spike, deflecting the shot with a loud twang. Her eyes bulged as she stared at the noticeable dent left behind in the metal. “Oh, screw this,” she groaned, forcing herself deeper into the crowd, struggling to put as much distance between herself and the monster as possible.

Those in the group with guns shifted to the front, struggling to get a good aim at the Spike Tail. The Spike Tail shifted on the wall, crawling slowly and keeping its tail curled upwards, occasionally firing off its organic spears. The creature didn’t seem to be a particularly good shot, but the women had just as hard a time hitting their solitary target. Either that, or the thing’s hide was too thick for their bullets to penetrate it. The lift rattled around them as one of the spikes hit the side and bounced away. Good thing it’s dumb, too, Jack thought. If it aimed higher, it could damage the hoist. Drop us all like a big, screaming stone and crawl on down to chew on what’s left.

She shook aside the dark thought before her subconscious could manifest it into reality. It was easy to focus on the heat of battle. She let it sort out her priorities for her. Step One: Keep everyone alive. Step Two: Keep herself alive. Step Three: Kill any and all pieces of shit trying to interfere with Steps One or Two. The floor was approaching slowly but steadily. Once they got there, they’d have to come up with a plan. The Spike Tail would have them pinned down. If they stayed in the lift, it would only be a matter of time before the thing made its way down the wall, leaving them as sitting ducks. Thankfully, the thing seemed to like its elevated position, for the moment, and the more distance they moved away from it, the worse its aim became.

The lift rumbled to a stop at the bottom of its track. Spikes punched into the ground around the lift, several punching several inches through the elevator’s ceiling. Jack thought through their options. “Quorra,” she called out. “That disc of yours. I’ve seen it lock onto things before. Think it could help us out here?”

Quorra nodded. “It might. But I need to know where it is.”

“It’s above us,” Joy offered, unhelpfully.

“More precise than that,” she replied.

They could hear shuffling, but the Spike Tail remained out of sight. No more spikes rained down on them. “It’s waiting for one of us to walk out there,” Kara realized.

“If it shoots another spike, would that be enough for you to get its location?” Jack asked Quorra.


“I ain’t walkin’ out there to play target practice with that thing!” Joy yelled.

“Shut up!” Jack snapped back. “Dot, give me your vest.”

Dot shrugged out of the garment and handed it over. Jack took it, along with several breaths to steady her nerves. Its aim is garbage, she told herself. Quorra just needs one shot to get its position. It was a risk, but one that needed to be taken. “Alright, be ready,” she told the others.  She yanked the lift door open and shoved Dot’s vest out into the open, hoping she didn’t lose her hand in the process. The wisp of a fired spike rang in her ears. She closed her eyes, clenched her teeth. The spike nailed the vest, missing her clutching fingers by only an inch or so. Jack yanked her arm back into the lift. “Quorra, go!”

Calculating the trajectory of the shot and using it to find the trajectory she needed to hit the Spike Tail, Quorra flung her glowing disc out of the lift. It clipped the wall, ricocheting upwards into the darkness. A bestial roar filled the air, followed by a torrent of scuffling. The bulky reptile slammed into the ground several feet in front of the lift. Pale green blood gushed from the stump of one leg. It writhed about on its back, straining to flip over. The group’s guns came up, ready to blow the wounded monster into oblivion. With startling speed, the Spike Tail managed to flip itself over, tail snapping up and around to take aim at the lift.

“Everybody out!” Jack yelled, rushing clear of the lift and diving to the side. The others scrambled to get free, out of the line of fire. Joy’s attempt to shield herself from the attack left her at the back of the lift, unable to get clear. She hefted her pan in front of her, a futile attempt to shield herself, as the Spike Tail unleashed every spike it had into the lift. The blonde vanished in a spray of blood, twisted metal, and sparks as the spikes tore through her, pinning her to the back wall of the lift. Three of them speared her face, obliterating the majority of her head, leaving only tangles of blood-drenched blonde hair and a mangled, hanging jaw. Six more punched through her chest and shoulders, shredding her breasts and shattering her bones. Four more through her slender midriff, steaming guts exploding outwards and tangling around the fatal shafts.

A hail of gunfire erupted, shredding through the Spike Tail’s body, killing it before it could regrow any of its spikes. They were safe again, for the moment, but there was nothing to be done for Joy. As far as losses went, it didn’t sting as bad as some of the others they’d lost so far in the sewer. But not even Jack felt particularly good about the woman’s death. She’d despised the woman, had even considered killing her, but now that she was gone, she felt no satisfaction. Guess I’m not as big a cunt as I think I am, she thought.

The lift was just as dead as Joy, controls smashed beyond repair. Not that it mattered. Jack had no intention of turning around. “No use dwelling on it,” she told the others. “We have to keep moving.”

Samus nodded her agreement. And while the others looked glummer about the whole thing, there was no argument.

“The bridge isn’t much further,” Quorra said, referring to the map stored on her disc. “Looks like we just need to make it to another control station and then we’ll be there.”

The group got moving, ready to be done with their journey and even more ready to get out of the sewer. They followed a tunnel leading to the control station, on edge for potential danger. Catching a glimpse of movement up ahead, Jack motioned for everyone to stay quiet and stick to the shadows. The group crept forward until they caught sight of what lay ahead.

Four humanoid figures, large in size, with slimy green skin and thick shells covering their backs. Unique weapons were strapped to their bodies. A katana for one, a pair of sais for another, bo staff, some nun chucks. Thin strips of colored, but dirty, fabric circled their heads, slits for their bulbous eyes to peer through. Great, Jack thought. As if this place couldn’t get any weirder, now we’ve got some kinda ninja turtle people.

Any doubt as to whether or not the things were friendly vanished as Jack spotted what the shelled foursome was up to. A trio of female bodies lay sprawled amidst them, stripped nude and quite dead. Jack’s eyes widened as she recognized two of the bodies. Ada and Tron. The third was a stranger to her, but not the turtles. April O’Neil’s final moments had been filled with terror as the zombified husks of the Ninja Turtles had happily violated her various holes, drowning in the creamy spunk gushing from Raphael’s twitching cock. She’d been the first plaything, but they’d happily salvaged others since her death.

Ada’s body bounced atop the turtle-man with the katana, forced to ride his thick member as her head rolled about bonelessly. Her glazed eyes stared sightlessly in the direction of Jack’s group, tongue protruding against her chin as a steady flow of jizz leaked from her mouth. Tron had been perched on her knees, head turned to the side as the turtle-man in purple rammed into her upraised ass. Each pump forced spurts of rancid sewage up her throat. The last two turtle-men had April’s body sandwiched between them, stuffing her cunt and ass as they made her listless arms wave about.

As shocking as the discovery was, the turtles were too engrossed with their playthings to have noticed Jack or the others. There was no doubt that they would have to get past the creatures to reach their destination, but she saw a couple potential options as to how to achieve that goal. A walkway stretched across where the turtles were camped out, the ladder up to it far enough away that they’d likely be able to get up to the walkway without being detected. Once up there, they could sneak past and leave the things to their disgusting hobbies. The biggest issue was that the walkway was largely exposed. It would only take a bit of noise or just a little bad luck and they’d have to deal with the creatures from a compromised position. Alternatively, they could take full advantage of the element of surprise. Jack had no idea what the turtle things were capable of, but catching them off guard might be enough to make the fight a short, simple affair.

Whatever she decided to do, she needed to come up with the plan fast. Every moment of inaction left them vulnerable.


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