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Joan Holloway (Mad Men)

Tracey Hughes (Office Christmas Party)

Sue (Bad Santa)

Annie Edison (Community)

and Kimmy Schmidt (The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)


A Very Undead Christmas

A CosplayBabes vs. the Legions of the Undead Special

By Deathstalker

The five women had come from five different realities. Compared to the typical assortment of denizens who found themselves in the Necropolis, they were decidedly more average. By all rights, they should have been dead within minutes of arriving. But, somehow, they’d survived. They’d arrived within a single day, each of them popping into the reality on the top floor of one of the Necropolis’s tallest skyscrapers. The office floor was locked down, the door to the stairwell sealed and the elevator devoid of power. It provided a certain kind of innate security for the five women. The water cooler had plenty of refill bottles and the vending machines had been freshly stocked. It was far from the most orthodox of living arrangements, but looking out the windows down on the dead city below, they’d all agreed that maybe it was for the best that they’d wound up where they were.

There was Joan Holloway, a busty redhead who said she’d come from the 1960’s. She’d adjusted to their terrifying situation with a quiet grace, making sure she only let her emotions out when she was alone. The little group didn’t have much of a hierarchy, but Joan had more or less taken charge. She was good at managing people, keeping a level head. Her guidance led them all into something almost resembling a normal life as they waited for some kind of explanation or rescue.

Tracey Hughes’ technical aptitude allowed them to rig up a bit of power. She even managed to get a computer running, although it didn’t offer much in the way of answers. There were a few wifi signals, but Tracey was having a tough time hacking into them. It had become a pet project of hers, but the longer the group remained in the isolated office, the more distracted she got. She blamed the stash of quality weed she’d found in the former boss’s office. That and Sue, the bartender who’d wound up ported into their little group. She liked the weed as much as Tracey did, and she was willing to provide certain favors to get Tracey to share her limited supply. Before coming to the Necropolis, Tracey had been a bisexual only in the sense that she quite liked looking at naked ladies on occasion. Now, with the lack of options, she might as well have been a full blown lesbian. Sue insisted she was straight, despite the number of times she’d wiggled her tongue into Tracey’s cunt. It was just her way of coping with a bad situation.

Annie Edison hadn’t reacted to her relocation nearly as calmly as the others. The flighty, wide-eyed young woman had freaked out badly once she realized they were trapped. Her panic seemed a bit sillier once she revealed her biggest fear was missing the Spanish final at the community college she was attending. Jane and Sue managed to hold her down long enough for Tracey to blow a thick cloud of pot smoke into her face. It helped to calm her down a bit after she stopped coughing. After that, she’d become Jane’s dutiful assistant. Jane insisted she looked like another woman she’d known back in her reality. Just another – albeit small – mystery the Necropolis had served up to them.

Then there was Kimmy Schmidt. Her innocent naivety was contrasted starkly by her fighting spirit. The others figured she had to be some kind of crazy. Still, she came equipped with the means and knowledge of handling exactly the sort of situation they found themselves in. The only explanation they got for her coping mechanisms was a vague mention of some bunker, but Kimmy didn’t seem keen on talking about it much beyond that. She had a way of keeping everyone’s spirits up. That and she was remarkably good at keeping track of the dates despite not having access to any kind of accurate calendar. Whether or not her date tracking was accurate or not, the others had no way of knowing. Kimmy didn’t even know if she was right, but she found it better just to trust her instincts until proven wrong. When she gleefully announced to the others that it was Christmas, Kimmy would have been ecstatic to learn that she was actually spot on with her guess.

With their supplies finite and carefully rationed, the group wasn’t prone to throwing any sort of celebration. But Kimmy’s exuberance was contagious, enough so that Joan decided throwing a little party for themselves wasn’t the worst idea ever. At the very least, it would boost their overall morale for a little while. They got started on preparing the event. Joan, Annie, and Kimmy handled the decorating. They’d found a supply closet full of Christmas things not long after their arrival, the leftovers of some forgotten party in the office. Lights, tinsel, big red bows, mistletoe, even a pretty sizeable tree complete with a set of ornaments. Santa hats and fuzzy reindeer horn adornments were passed around and slipped on, helping to foster a festive mood throughout the lonely office. Tracey scoured the computer files, finding a Christmas playlist of tunes to put on. Rigging it into the office’s intercom was tricky but doable. The presence of music – even overly familiar holiday tunes – did wonders to brighten everyone’s moods, filling them with a sense of normalcy. Sue gathered up all the various bottles of booze she’d found stashed in people’s desks. They still had enough cans of soda and juice to have a decent arrangement of mixed alcoholic beverages.

Despite the overall bleakness of their situation, the group put together a holly, jolly Christmas party. Tracey devoted a fair chunk of her dwindling supply of weed to the occasion. That, along with the booze Sue had on deck, gave the women plenty to consume to dull their reality. Even Annie and Kimmy joined in on imbibing. They were all quite stoned and tipsy when Kimmy had what seemed like a brilliant idea.

“Christmas scavenger hunt,” she declared, broad grin plastered across her blushing cheeks. “We all split up. And we don’t come back until we’ve found gifts for everyone else.”

Kimmy’s attempt to make the party as cheerful as possible only ensured the women were too spread out across the office floor to lend each other any assistance when the Necropolis decided they were simply having too good of a time and that their time in the high-rise oasis was over.


Joan was on the far side of the floor. Her green dress complimented her red hair, but it barely contained her massive bust. She made her way down the hall, conference rooms to her left, floor-to-ceiling windows to her right, showcasing the dark, seemingly lifeless city beyond. They’d not decorated this far out. There wasn’t much on this side of the floor, so it was largely avoided. However, Joan did know that Tracey and Sue liked to use one of the conference rooms for a bit of privacy while they fucked and got high. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to find any potential gifts in any of the rooms, but she did know she needed a little time to herself. Turning to face the darkened city, Joan looked out and let the warmth from the booze and weed dwindle, letting in the loneliness and fear. Even with the others so far away, she kept her sobs as quiet as possible as she thought of everyone she’d been taken from – Roger, in particular.

The jingle of sleigh bells snapped Jane out of her expressive sadness in an instant. She kept looking out at the city while she collected herself, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Goddammit, Kimmy,” she gasped under her breath. The perky fellow redhead had adorned herself with a string of bells, making each step she took cause a jingling sound not unlike the one she heard. Leave it to her to sense my mood was dipping and come find me, Jane thought, taking a breath and settling the mountain of anxiety she felt before turning in the direction of the sound. Instead of Kimmy, Joan found herself facing a four-legged beast that was large enough to crowd the hall. The rack of horns sprouting from its head was nearly as impressive as Joan’s own rack. Her brow furrowed with confusion, more baffled by the unexpected sight of the reindeer than scared. What the hell was in that weed?

The reindeer let out a snort, lifting his head and fixing his glassy eyes on the buxom redhead before him. The creature was no drug-induced hallucination. The office wasn’t roomy enough for a full compliment of reindeer, but there was just enough space for a single, undead beast eager to bury his cock into the first piece of hot ass he saw. And Joan was a very hot piece of ass. The reindeer broke into a hasty trot towards the woman. Her confusion had enough time to became real fear when she realized that she wasn’t imagining the thing. She turned and darted down the hall, but her decision to slip on her high heels for the Christmas party worked against her. The reindeer caught up to her with ease, knocking into her and throwing Joan to the floor. She cried out as she landed hard on her hands and knees, the force of her fall jostling her oversized breasts free from the top of her dress.

The reindeer reared up, growling with excitement as he dropped down over Joan’s fallen form. The woman screamed as the heavy hooves dropped onto the backs of her shoulders, shoving her upper half down to the floor and leaving her wide ass in the air. His swollen pink prick dangled beneath him, ready to violate the stunning posterior wiggling helplessly before him. The hem of Joan’s dress road up, exposing her panty-clad buttocks. The reindeer lowered onto her, driving his dick against the redhead’s rear. Joan sobbed openly, no longer worried about who saw or heard her. She squealed as the reindeer’s cock slipped past her panties and speared her tight sphincter. The inner walls of Joan’s ass hugged the creature’s erection with pained contractions. In the weeks since their arrival, the women had been spared the true nature of the Necropolis. Joan was now getting a very intimate example of what the damned city did best. And she wasn’t the only one.


Tracey had the easiest time thinking up gifts for everyone. It left her weed supply nearly depleted, but she pinched out a choice bud for each of her fellow survivors, slipping them into a sandwich baggie. Sticking a bow against each of the bags, she placed them four mini-stashes under the tree, feeling surprisingly good about the whole thing. With her task completed, she settled back into a chair and lit up a joint. There was no telling how long the others would be gone. She considered going to find Sue for a holiday quickie, but she was feeling a strong wave of stoner laziness washing over her. Besides, she had everything she needed to attend to her sexual needs. Setting the joint aside, Tracey slid a hand down the front of her pants, under her panties and across the folds of her cunt.

Tracey was two digits deep into her damp slit when the Christmas tree started to rustle. She didn’t notice the inanimate decoration coming to life, too busy enjoying herself. She was just getting into the special pleasures of stroking her thumb across her aching clitoris when the tree attacked. Strings of lights possessed with unholy purpose stretched over Tracey’s body, snaring her arms and legs before she had a chance to react. Her eyes snapped open, straining to pull free from the seat. Her lips parted, intending to call out for help. A shiny red bobble ornament shot free from the tree, stuffing her mouth before she could raise her voice. Her eyes widened with horror as she watched the limbs of the tree shifted and molded, becoming an oversized and cruel face. She screamed into her ornament gag as the tree fixed the glowing embers of its Christmas light eyes on her and curled its icicle ornament-toothed teeth into a wicked grin, letting out a growling laugh. The metal posts of the tree stand curled as they came to life, becoming a set of four clawed feet. The evil Christmas tree moved in on Tracey, tightening its hold on her with the Christmas lights, snaring her in festive lengths of twinkling festivity.

Tracey continued to scream into the ornament as the tethers of lights wiggled their way under her clothes. She could barely squirm as the lights shredded her clothing, leaving her naked, helpless, and still a bit damp between her thighs. In a matter of moments, she’d become a pretty present for the Christmas tree, waiting to be thoroughly explored.


Sue had every intention of following through on Kimmy’s scavenger hunt. But first, she needed to piss. One of the minor miracles of the office they were trapped in was that the plumbing still worked. It meant they not only had a supply of fresh water, but they even had working toilets. The bartender slipped into the women’s room and into the nearest stall. She left the door open. There wasn’t much need for privacy. Even if the others weren’t out on their own journeys to find gifts, they’d spent enough time around each other that they’d pretty much seen all there was to see. Even the most innocent in their group – a tossup between Annie and Kimmy – had grown comfortable enough to strip down in front of the others if there was a need for it.

Sue had just finished draining her bladder and was wiping herself clean when she heard the door to the bathroom open. Maybe it was another of the girls coming to relieve herself. Or maybe Tracey had come after her for a bit of Christmastime sexual release. She may not have been a huge fan of fucking ladies, but as far as ladies worth fucking went, Tracey was top notch. And with no other real options around, Sue was perfectly happy to take what she could get.

When the hulking man stepped in front of the open stall, Sue let out a startled yelp. Then she saw the red suit, the bushy white beard – clearly a fake, and the pointed red hat tipped with a fluffy white ball. “Santa?” she gasped, a playful smirk filling her face. “Is that really you?”

The man nodded his head, face largely obscured in shadows but she could see his grin.

Sue let out a giggle. Typically, the unexpected appearance of a strange man in the bathroom would have caused more alarm. But she’d shown up in the office – as had the other girls – just as abruptly. And the thoughts of sexual release – paired with Sue’s crippling Santa fetish – had her mind filled with things other than alarm. “I’d hoped you’d wiggle into my chimney tonight.” She gave him a flirtatious pout, fingers opening the buttons on her top. “I hope you don’t mind that I’ve been a bit of a naughty girl this year.”

Santa shook his head, stepping into the stall with her. His hands opened his pants, freeing a deliciously thick slab of holiday sausage for Sue to feast her eyes upon. She gave Santa something to look at in return, opening her top and tugging down the cups of her bra to let her breasts spill free. Her hands moved forward, fingers closing around the base of Santa’s shaft. Dragging her tongue across her lips, she looked up and gave the red-suited man a wink. “Tis the season of giving, after all,” she purred, parting her lips and sucking the head of his cock into her mouth.


Annie had started her search for presents in the little cafeteria the office had. Her intentions were pure enough, but the weed she’d smoked had left her with a bad case of the munchies. She had the fridge door propped open and was leaning into it, surveying the options for potential snacks. There were still a couple chocolate pudding cups left. With a dopey smile on her face, she reached for one, already salivating at the thought of slurping the creamy chocolate onto her tongue. She yelped as a small hand smacked across her posterior – unintentionally presented due to her positioning. Her head shot up, banging into the upper portion of the fridge hard enough to put her into a daze. Rubbing at the back of her head, Annie carefully stood and turned. “What the heck, Tracey,” she whimpered. “The marijuana is nice, but I’m not interested in – “

The rest of her sentence died on her lips as she saw that the person responsible for smacking her ass was not the notoriously horny bisexual hacker, but a three-foot tall man-thing with pointed ears wearing green. Annie would have guessed he was an elf if not for how hideous he looked. “Uh,” she groaned, drugged mind trying to comprehend what she was looking at. As she stammered for an explanation that refused to present itself, four more of the short men entered the little cafeteria. They looked roughly identical. They certainly all had the same beady eyes, all of them fixed hungrily on her. “I knew I shouldn’t have smoked that pot.”

The five little men let out a disturbing, chittering laugh in unison. Then they launched towards her. Annie shrieked, tried to back away but only bumped into the fridge. She spun to the side, but there was no way out of the room. The five elves moved quick, two of them snagging hold of her ankles while a third leapt up onto her back. She fell to the floor, kicking and twisting as she fought against her bizarre attackers. They wrestled her onto her back, pinning her to the floor as their small hands moved across her body, grabbing hold of her breasts and digging into her crotch, caressing along her calves and hooking into her lips. Annie’s panicked flailing didn’t get her any closer to the freedom she desperately needed, but it only grew worse as the five elves began to tug and tear at her clothing, stripping her down so their greedy hands could get an even better feel of her.

Annie shuddered with revulsion as the men pulled their dicks free. The throbbing erections were far too large for their otherwise small statures. She tried to call out for help only to have one of the elves ram his thick shaft into her mouth. She gagged around it, sickened by the peppermint taste of his flesh as much as the depraved act. Another hopped onto her chest, sliding into her cleavage. Two more worked their way between her flailing thighs, one angling his way into her naked cunt while the other rammed against her asshole. The fifth elf stayed back, watching his companions gangbang the cute brunette while he stroked his dick and devised a wicked plan for her.


While the others suffered their terrible fates, Kimmy was off on her own adventure. She’d proposed the idea of everyone spreading out to find each other gifts for two reasons. The first was because it was gosh darn Christmas and it was the nice thing to do. The second was because she needed a little more time to finish the gift she’d been working on for the others. The door to the stairwell had been welded shut pretty effectively, but Kimmy had the willpower and the time to see it as merely a temporary obstruction. The tools she’d found in the maintenance closet had helped, too. She’d been working at chipping her way through the welded threshold for a while, keeping it a secret from the others. With help, they could’ve gotten through the door faster, but she wanted it to be a surprise. It had simply been a stroke of good luck that Christmas had arrived roughly around the same time she was ready to pop through the door and reveal the potential escape route she’d made to everyone.

Gathering her tools, Kimmy had made her way to the stairwell only to find that the passage had already been cleared. The door looked to have been pried off its hinges almost completely, half-hanging open. The urge to immediately rush back and gather the others to share the miraculous good news was tempered by Kimmy’s curiosity and concern. She’d not gotten the door open, but it definitely looked like something had. Whatever the something was, it wasn’t there anymore. Which meant it had either gotten into the office or it had gone back into the stairwell. It required further investigation. “Inspector Kimmy is on the case,” she muttered to herself, face firming into a determined look. She stepped through the door and into the stairwell.

Inside the stairwell, Kimmy saw that the steps leading down didn’t go very far before the passage became thoroughly blocked by an assortment of debris. It would be possible to clear it out with all of the women working together, but it did mean that whatever had forced the door open had not come from that direction. So with only one other possibility to choose from, Kimmy started up the stairs. She stopped at each floor, checking the doors she found, only to find each of them just as firmly sealed as the one that had been forced open. There were only three floors until the redhead reached the top of the building. Upon getting there, Kimmy discovered part of the answer to the mystery. The door leading out onto the rooftop was not sealed. She pulled it open and slipped through, determined to figure out what was going on, hopelessly unprepared for what she was about to encounter.


Joan cringed as she took the full length of the undead reindeer’s prick right up her stunningly plump ass. The pale flesh rippled from the rough strokes the beast was giving her. The pain was not insignificant. Joan could see a fire axe mounted to the wall behind a thin plate of safety glass not more than five feet away, but with the reindeer’s weight pressing down against her bruised shoulders, she wasn’t going to get there. Her mind ached as she tried to figure out how the creature had even gotten into the building, let alone the high-rise office floor they’d been trapped on for so long. They’d seen things down on the streets, sometimes in the sky, that had not looked welcoming, but nothing to indicate what was happening to her now.

The incessant jingling of the sleigh bells rattling against the reindeer’s reins threatened to drive Joan insane almost as much as the nightmare creature’s throbbing erection pounding into her asshole. She didn’t know how she was going to get out of the situation. Joan had been through more than her fair share of shit in the past, but nothing even close to this. Her plump tits mashed painfully against the rough carpeting of the floor. Even the cushioning they provided came with growing discomfort. Her only hope was that one of the other girls found her, grabbed the axe, and slammed it into the offending beast’s skull. Crying out for help wasn’t much good. With the hooves digging into her back and her tits crushed against her ribs, she could barely breathe let alone scream.

The reindeer’s thrusts grew in speed and force, signaling that the beast was nearing his climax. Joan dreaded it. She didn’t want to feel an animal’s hot spunk shooting into her bowels. She’d done a lot of things that she wasn’t particularly proud of, but she’d always maintained a certain level of dignity and grace. With a reindeer dick stuffed up her chimney, there was no such thing as dignity or grace. Sure, she could flush the offending substance out. She could kill the creature and have its head stuffed and mounted to the wall. She could join a convent and take a vow of celibacy, using the remainder of her days helping the sick and curing the poor. But there’d be no act to restore that dignity and grace.

Luckily for Joan, she wasn’t going to have to worry about how to live as an undead animal sexual assault survivor. As the reindeer’s cock swelled within her rear, the beast reared back, letting out a groan of release. Joan gasped as the hooves left her back. The ability to breathe, to scream out for help, did wonders in assisting her with ignoring the first powerful spurt of the thing’s jizz firing up her ass. She sucked down a deep lungful of air, ready to break glass with her scream. The reindeer dropped back onto her before she could. His hooves smashed into the back of the busty woman’s head, shoving her face into the carpet hard enough to break her nose and knock loose her two front teeth. The reindeer kicked up again, bucking wildly as he spewed his massive load into the squirming redhead. Joan barely managed to lift her throbbing head from the floor, pretty face now a messy visage. Flattened, bloody nose, blackening eyes, gaping mouth leaking blood from her torn gums. The hooves came down on her head again, this time hard enough to shatter her skull. Her body jerked hard before falling into a series of wild shudders as her brains were crushed into the carpeting.

Piss erupted from Joan’s crotch, firing in a long arc between the reindeer’s back legs and onto the floor. The creature’s jizz kept on pouring into her convulsing ass as he trod his front hooves on the gruesome remains of her head. The spent cock slipped free from Joan’s gaping orifice, allowing her to expel the blend of cum and shit out onto the already soiled carpeting behind her. The reindeer lowered his head to the slop he’d made out of the woman’s head, sniffing at it a couple of times before starting to slurp up her gooey brain chunks.


The pink, glistening maw of Tracey’s cunt was illuminated by a myriad of vibrant colors thanks to the strings of Christmas lights prying her pussy lips open widely. The woman writhed in her seat, moaning and drooling around her ornament-gag like a desperate whore. Her nipples stood out stiffly as lengths of tinsel tickled across the nubs. A bundle of mistletoe flicked back and forth across her aching clit. Several tangled lengths of lights snaked into her snatch, giving her a nice, hard fuck. The lights thrust into her rapidly, angled upwards to ram against her g-spot. With the overabundance of ecstasy forced into her, Tracey’s fear had been beaten back by the number of orgasms that had been worked from her restrained body in record time.

Tracey’s abs ached from the contractions of her orgasms, but the rapid prodding of her g-spot had her tensing up all over again. Tears of pleasure leaked from her eyes as she squeezed them shut tight. Her nostrils flared, panting rapidly as she released the air as muffled whines. Her head went woozy, nearly passing out from the stimulation. The bundles of lights hammered into her with blinding speed for a few more seconds before suddenly retracting from her lubed up, stretched open sex. Tracey’s eyes shot open, bulging as she screamed into her gag. Her cunt pulsed, watery spray squirting out of her. The powerful stream had no problem clearing the distance to the Evil Christmas Tree. Tracey’s girl-spunk hosed the tree down, watering it down as she writhed and twitched in her seat. As the massive orgasm came to an end, she slumped listlessly, head swaying to the side as she gasped for air through her nose and did her best to remain conscious.

The tangles of lights holding Tracey down loosened. Maybe this thing isn’t so bad, she thought as she dwelt happily in the warm fuzziness the animated tree had left her in. She definitely needed to smoke some more and maybe take a shot of something to prolong the pleasant feelings. I wonder if I can get this thing baked. Against her better judgement, Tracey pried her eyes open to look at the weird thing that had fucked her so nicely. Before she could ask the tree if it wanted to get high, the Christmas lights snapped tight around her again. Her face filled with concern that rapidly rose into terror as she watched the tree’s bizarre mouth stretch open wide before her. She went from loosely enjoying her post-orgasmic glow to struggling all over again, but the strength in her muscles was sapped from the stimulation. The tree plucked her out of her seat with ease, yanking her squirming form towards it.

Tracey’s head was pulled into the tree’s maw. Her horror rose as she found herself staring into an inky void that should not have physically existed. She wasn’t given long to dwell on the further impossibility of her situation. The tree tugged her deeper inside. Her legs kicked about wildly as her body quickly vanished into the Evil Christmas Tree. Her perky ass slipped inside, followed by her smooth thighs – still coated in a layer of sweat and girl-cum. The teeth closed behind her clenching toes. The lights and tinsel returned to the tree, looping around it as it stepped back to its original position. The face faded back into normal, fake tree branches as the tree’s reversion back to inanimate object progressed.

The room was returned to a state of normalcy, but only for a few brief moments. The tree began to shudder, an echo of buzzing coming from somewhere within the thing. Suddenly, a crimson mist exploded outwards from the tree. The mist spread through the air across the room, slowly solidifying into leisurely drifting snowflakes of blood. As the tree came back into view, the ornaments and tinsel had vanished, replaced by the mangled chunks of Tracey’s body. Fingers and toes dangled from hooks. Her intestines looped around the tree like a gruesome garland. Her organs were arranged under the tree, tied up with bows. And in place of the star that had topped the tree previously, Tracey’s head had been stuck, red ornament still stuffed between her lips.


“Fuck me, Santa,” Sue whimpered urgently, over and over. With her legs wrapped around him and his big dick mashing into her quivering cunt, the bartender had come to one very definitive conclusion about the mysterious interloper. He could stay as long as he liked. Best fucking Christmas ever, she thought as her body shuddered through another climax. She dug her fingers into his soft red jacket, burying her face in the fluffy white trim along his neckline. Her back was pinned to the bathroom wall, giving her merry lover all the leverage he needed to pound her with everything he had. With the taste of his skin and pre-cum still lingering on her tongue, Sue’s eyes rolled back as she called out, for the thousandth time, for Santa to fuck her.

Sue didn’t know how Santa managed to work a candy cane into his hand considering both of them were cupping the curve of her ass, but she appreciated his creativity as he worked the end of the treat up her asshole. As far as double penetrations went, she’d handled far larger, but the way the sugar and peppermint made her sphincter tingle and even burn in a pleasant way gave her an extra bit of pep as she ground her slippery crotch against the throbbing erection buried deeply inside her. Thoughts of scouring the office to find shitty presents to bring back to the others vanished as she came around Santa’s big dick over and over. She gasped, eyes widening with shock as she felt the size of the candy cane somehow growing inside her, filling out and stretching her asshole. She attributed it to some kind of glorious Christmas miracle and shimmied her hips back and forth, providing equal attention to both real and fake cock buried inside her.

Sue let out a whine of disappointment when Santa pulled the candy cane free of her ass. She doubled down on humping against him, flexing her cunt muscles around his girth. “Let me suck it,” she groaned. “I want to taste my ass on your magic cane, Santa.” The chuckle he responded with had a dark edge to it, but Sue was too busy cumming to notice. Leaving one hand gripping her ass, he brought the oversized candy cane around. She turned her head towards it, ready and willing to make good on her dirty offer. Her sparkling blue eyes filled with confusion as she got her first look at the thing. It looked mostly like a regular candy cane, just a bit bigger, except for the tip that had been plunging its way up her ass only a few moments ago. The tip had been tapered down into a sharp point. At first, Sue was just thankful that the point hadn’t stabbed anything sensitive up her rear. But as she stretched her head towards it, lips parted and waiting, Santa adjusted the angle of the cane lower.

Sue only had a moment to realize her miracle Santa was actually a curse. Then the candy cane was entering her body again, puncturing the skin just below her chin. Blood flowed down her throat and into her sweaty cleavage as the cane was driven dipper, spearing her flopping tongue before punching through the roof of her mouth. Sue’s eyes bulged as the condensed length of sugar spiked through her brain and erupted from the top of her skull. Her muscles convulsed, fingers digging into Santa’s shoulders, hugging him tighter as her hips gyrated wildly against him, leaking cum and piss over his throbbing prick. Her head rolled to the side, dead eyes staring as blood drained from her parted lips and through the plugged hole under her chin. Santa hammered into her twitching pussy harder, blowing his load inside her as he rumbled out a growl of, “Ho ho ho…”


Annie’s holes leaked a steady supply of elf spunk. More of the creamy substance had been fired across every inch of her body over the course of the vigorous gangrape. The girl lay before the five thoroughly spent elves, clutching at herself and sobbing. She’d been through a lot, but her ordeal was far from finished. Under the direction of the head elf, the others went about preparing the young woman for the next stage of her torture. They pulled her up onto the cafeteria’s table, laying her on her belly. They stretched her arms back and bent her legs up, producing lengths of twine to truss her up in a secure hogtie. Annie was too weak and traumatized to put up much resistance. She did lift her face to the head elf, blubbering out a plea for mercy before he shoved the shiny red apple into her mouth.

The oven was nice and toasty by the time the elves finished tying Annie up. They lifted her off the table and dropped her into a large cooking pan, already oiled. They drizzled more of the oil across her cum-basted flesh, sprinkling seasoning onto her as they went. The wave of heat that hit her as the oven door was pulled open shook some of the daze from Annie’s head. Her face filled with horror as she realized exactly what they intended to do. Her brain ached as she tried to explain how the oven was even working, let alone how it was suddenly large enough to hold her entire body within it. The questions would never be answered. The elves slid her onto the middle rack of the oven and closed the door behind her, peering in through the small window to watch as she cooked for them.

Constricted by the twin and hugged tightly by the scorching heat inside the oven, Annie sobbed. Her teeth dug into the apple stuffing her mouth, tasting the sweet juices as they rolled across her tongue. She liked apples, but this one tasted bitter to her. Maybe because the flavor was mixed with the taste of elf cum. The pain of her cooking worsened as it went along. Her tears dried up, but she could hear the dripping of cum and sweat sizzling in the pan. There was no way for her to know how long she spent in the oven, but it felt like an eternity. Towards the end, when her flesh had became a succulent golden brown, her mind went completely. Her heavy eyelids sank lower as her dying mind struggled to identify what smelled so tasty.

When the timer dinged, the elves flicked off the oven and opened the door wide. A cloud of steam rolled out of the cramped space, dispersing rapidly to reveal Annie’s well-cooked carcass. They slid the pan out of the oven and back to the table. Cutting utensils weren’t necessary. The elves’ teeth were more than sharp enough to dig into her cooked meat without them. The five little men dug in, tearing into the young woman and gobbling her up. They cracked open her bones and slurped out the marrow. They peeled her hair and scalp away so they could get through her skull and dine on her shriveled brain tissue. The head elf plucked out one of her eyes and popped it into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue before squishing it between his teeth. Another elf wiggled his tongue through the ring of Annie’s asshole, turn away from her mostly devoured rear. She made for a hearty Christmas feast for the famished elves. As they sat around the table, burping and rubbing their bulging bellies, the vicious little creatures came to a singular conclusion.

Annie’s boobs had been the best.


Kimmy hugged herself against the chill of the rooftop. She trudged along, eyes scanning to spot any sign of something capable of knocking through the door. But there was nothing to see. Kimmy was prepared to mark it off as a Christmas miracle and head back to let the others know. She turned back, started towards rooftop door. She made it only a few steps before she heard the thudding of heavy footsteps behind her. Turning slowly, Kimmy’s eyes went wide and her face paled as she stared at the massive, goat-like thing looming before her. Thick, curved horns sprouted from the top of his head. Red eyes glowed as he slathered his tongue across his vicious fangs. The fur coating his twelve-foot form was dark and matted in places. His cloven feet crunched against the roof, striding towards Kimmy without fear or hesitation.

The beast was Krampus. And he was sporting an erection as thick as a hydrant and as long as a grown man’s arm.

Kimmy darted for the door. She even managed to make it, but as her hands fumbled uselessly at the knob, she quickly realized that the passage had locked behind her. It was almost enough to get her to unleash a bit of colorful language, but she managed to keep the impulse in check. She wasn’t so successful with the frightened scream that erupted from her lips as Krampus closed the distance and snatched her up in one large hand. The beast turned her around, leering down at her and flicking his forked tongue across her face. The stench of rancid flesh and wet dog washed over her, making her gag. She kicked her legs out at the creature, landing several hard blows that had no apparent effect. Krampus held her firmly with one hand while curling a couple long digits of the other down the front of her pants. With a minimal amount of flexing, the beast tore the crotch of Kimmy’s pants away, revealing her Christmas-themed panties beneath. Krampus gave them only enough attention to tear them away, exposing the redhead’s virgin sex framed with a thick patch of fiery pubic hair.

Kimmy’s breath quickened, icy dread filling her as the beast pulled her closer, angling his monstrous member towards her crotch. “No means no, you goat-faced jerk!” she yelled, continuing to kick and swing her fists, but Krampus shrugged off the impacts of her limbs with ease. The oversized tip of the creature’s cock pressed against the small slit of Kimmy’s pussy, pressure building against her loins as he fought to enter her. The orifice was the tightest it could possibly be, having never experienced a dick before. With a hard tug, Krampus entered Kimmy, stealing the young woman’s virginity from her with his battering ram of a prick. She howled, head rolling back, as the lips of cunt stretched painfully around the massive girth. Her hip bones shifted to allow the oversized member deeper penetration. Kimmy’s arms stretched around Krampus’s fingers, down to her belly, futilely attempting to push the rising bulge back the way it had come.

Krampus reached the end of Kimmy’s vaginal canal quickly, but the beast was far from finished with her. He shoved forward, punching through her cervix and battering the top of her uterus. Kimmy puked. Her slim belly distended obscenely, morbidly pregnant with the head of the beast’s member. She bent her legs, stomping the rubber soles of her sneakers against the sides of Krampus’s shaft. The strikes were little more than a pleasant addition of stimulation for the creature, encouraging him to fuck her harder. Kimmy’s body was dragged wildly back and forth along Krampus’s cock, the flesh of her stomach stretching taut with each forward thrust. It was incredible that the weapon of a dick didn’t just rip right through her. Kimmy’s eyes bulged, tears spurting down her flushed cheeks as she howled and gagged. Her arms stretched out, flailing about for some kind of escape. Even with her top intact, the sight of her perky tits bouncing was quite the treat for Krampus’s cruel eyes.

As the hard fucking reached its peak, Krampus yanked Kimmy down hard on his throbbing prick. The beast let out a howl as he came, jizz rocketing into the squirming redhead’s tortured form. Kimmy tilted her head forward, watching in slack-jawed horror as her belly expanded. Frothing cum sloshed from her stretched pussy lips and leaked across her quivering buttocks, dripping in thick strands to the ground. But the majority of it remained trapped within her thanks to the effective plug that was Krampus’s erection. The creature loosened his grip on the woman and let out a chittering laugh as the internal pressure and the continued spurts of his seed launched her off of his twitching shaft. She shot out a few feet, riding a geyser of spunk, before dropping to the ground, landing hard on her shoulders. Her legs dropped, falling open as her belly gradually deflated, pouring gallons of creamy, thick spunk out onto the rooftop.

Satiated for the moment, Krampus towered over the thoroughly fucked woman, considering what to do with her. Kimmy gasped for air, wincing and twitching from the pain radiating through her. She sniffled as she fought down the sobs, pressing a hand against her stomach to help push out more of the cum. Turning her head to the side, she spotted a length of pipe laying nearby. It hurt to move even a little bit, but somehow Kimmy managed it. She got her wobbly legs to work enough to stand, leaning over to snag the pipe and drag it into her hands. Turning to face the monstrosity before her, she cocked the pipe back. “You’re not gonna get away with this, buster,” she growled, putting on her best mean face. With an angry yell, Kimmy stepped forward and swung the pipe will every ounce of strength she had. The metal bounced off of Krampus’s thickly furred hide, causing no damage. She tried to swing again, but the beast casually plucked the weapon from her hands and chucked it off the side of the roof.

Disarmed, on the verge of passing out from the trauma and pain of her brutal rape, and more than a little terrified, Kimmy Shmidt managed to remain on her feet, glaring defiantly up at Krampus.

Krampus looked back at her, impressed with her apparently unbreakable spirit. He snatched her back into his hand and pulled her around. She yelled and flailed, fighting to break free, but could do nothing as he fed her into the lumpy grey sack he carried with him. He cinched the bag closed behind her and hefted its weight up onto his shoulder. The woman was tough. He would enjoy breaking her into his personal whore. Climbing into his downright demonic sleigh, adorned with the stretched skin and bleached bones of previous victims, Krampus took off from the rooftop and sped across the night sky.

Three floors down in the office, not a creature was stirring. Except for the subtle twitch of Joan Holloway’s left pinkie finger.



Creative! I like it