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Chapter Sixty-Nine: Into the Light, Into the Dark

Maybe it was due to their prolonged stay underground, but the lure of the illuminated tunnel was too strong to resist. It was easy for Jack to rationalize her decision. The presence of a light might mean some kind of trap, but it would be better to be able to see any potential threats than to blunder into the darkness where anything could be waiting. Not that she seemed to have need of that rationalization. The others were more than willing to take the light path and be thankful for it. After the disastrous assault on the Bunker and the frantic escape from it, everyone in the group was on edge. They needed some kind of relief, even if it came from something as stupid as a bit of extra light. They started down the tunnel, following the gentle bend, staying alert, despite the pleasant warmth of the glow emanating towards them.

The source of the light came into view as they trekked further along the bending tunnel. It appeared to be some kind of organic, oversized lightbulb, suspended down through an overhead tunnel. Whatever warm fuzzies Jack had been feeling about the light vanished. She had no reason to trust anything organic in the Necropolis, even as far as the occasional fellow survivor. The light pulsed faintly, producing a greater hypnotic effect to try to sooth any that looked upon it. Clearly, it was some kind of trap.  But, just like she’d hoped, the presence of the light – even if it was for a dark purpose – allowed them to see the trap clearly for what it was. Only a fucking idiot would walk right up to that and start poking it, she thought. But despite its large, bulbous nature, there was enough room to slide past it and continue down the tunnel.

“Everybody steer clear of the flesh light,” Jack called to the others, cringing at her unintentional sex toy reference. A cruel smirk played across her face, glancing back to one of her group in particular. “Hey, Joy. Why don’t you go poke it?”

The blonde redneck gave her a glare and a middle finger but didn’t fall for the obvious bait.

Jack let it go, along with the urge to shove the woman into the thing. “Everybody just move slow. It’ll be fine.”

It didn’t take long before Jack was regretting those words. Either due to bad luck or sadistic strategy, the group was only halfway past the pulsing bulb when they were interrupted by a hungry pack of undead lumbering down a dark side tunnel towards them. Tense chaos erupted in the tunnel, the group of survivors dancing between avoiding the bulb and dispatching the zombies. Jack divided her focus, doing her best to guide the others past the obvious lure while keeping them from getting snagged by any of the zombies pouring out of the side tunnel. “Why the fuck can’t anything ever be simple?” she growled, emptying a load from her shotgun into the snarling, decayed face of a topless woman who’d once been ace reporter Lois Lane until she’d found herself teleported into the midst of an underground zombie gangbang. The only statements she’d managed to get from her unexpected interviewees was their cold, corrupt cum forced into her various orifices until she’d become one of them. Jack’s shot put an end to her unlife, splattering her previously pretty face across the tunnel wall.

Samus did her best to lend Jack some assistance in organizing the group and getting them through the ordeal, but the sight of a pack of ravenous living dead surging out of a dark tunnel stirred too many recent memories. Uneasiness stirred deep in her gut, remembering how the rigid lengths of undead flesh had felt as she’d been violated. She managed to fight off the memories, and the current threat, but her distraction came at a cost. One of the rotting bags of meat had managed to slip past her, advancing on Parasoul as she was trying to squeeze past the glowing bulb. Samus noticed her mistake, calling out to the woman to warn her. Parasoul turned to spot the zombie, pulling her weaponized umbrella up to deliver a powerful strike to the dead man’s chin that tore his head away from his neck. But in the process, she lost her balance and stumbled backwards, directly into the bulb.

The thin layer of adhesive sap coating the outer layer of the fleshy bulb clung to Parasoul’s backside. She tried to pull herself free, pulling Kreig up to get a shot at the bulb’s thick stem, but before she could fire off an attack, the bulb retracted with shocking swiftness. She let out a shriek as she was hoisted off her feet and up the overhead tunnel, her umbrella slipping from her fingers and dropping to the tunnel floor. The other survivors barely caught a glimpse of her kicking legs before she was dragged completely out of sight, leaving them one more member down and still finishing off the last of the tunnel zombies with significantly less light to aid them.

Parasoul’s squirming body bounced and scrapped against the wall of the tunnel as she was plucked upwards. Her clothing was filthy and tattered by the time she was pulled into the fleshy alcove where the Angler Grinder had grown. Technically, the cavity was inside the creature, but it served only as the preparation room for any unlucky victims it managed to snare with one of its glowing lures. While the others lost their source of light, Parasoul found herself with far too much of it. She had a clear view of the monster that she’d stumbled into the clutches of, the walls a blend of dark crimson and yellow sinew, stretched taut. Tendrils grew from the walls, tingled lines of thick flesh, some with large glow bulbs sprouting from the tips, others still developing their luminescent appendages, and still more lacking any source of illumination. At the uppermost part of the alcove was a single, small orifice, lined with thick, sharp teeth that fit poorly together but clicked with hungry excitement as she arrived.

The tendrils converged on Parasoul’s struggling form, working their way into her already tattered clothing. She tried to fight them off as they tore through the fabric, stripping her bare, but her lack of weapon made it difficult, as did her limited mobility due to still being glued to the glowing lure bulb. Her thoughts were too consumed with the horror that awaited her and the issue of trying to escape her almost certain death to spare any consideration for the others, or even to assign any of them any blame in her stumbling into the lure. Movement became more troublesome as the harder she struggled, the more she unintentionally pressed herself against the sticky sap, securing her in place even more. By the time she’d been reduced to wearing nothing more than her black loafers, Parasoul had no chance of offering even the most meager of resistance to the voracious and amorous Angler Grinder.

The young woman let out a squeal of dismay as the thick tip of one tentacle began to grind against the cleft of her cunt, forcefully stimulating her until her body responded. The growing dampness of her pussy brought a blush of shame to Parasoul’s cheeks, but the shame didn’t last long. As the tendril shoved its way into her tightly clenched snatch, she felt only pain. Her scream echoed off the fleshy walls of the alcove, driving the tentacles into a wild frenzy. They dragged across her body, smacking against her full breasts and tangling in her disheveled hair. The tendril driving its way into the warm, unwilling embrace of her pussy mashed hard against her cervix, creating a subtle bulge against the lowest point of her abdomen each time it rammed into her. Her bulging eyes gushed tears as her cervix gave way, allowing the tentacle to hammer deeper into her body. Her muscles – glistening from trickles of sap and the sweat creeping out of her – tensed, straining hard against the unbreakable hold the Angler Grinder had on her.

Parasoul’s screams choked off as a second tendril shoved its way into her open mouth, punching its way down her throat. She gagged around the girth and the taste of putrid earth and raw flesh. A spray of watery vomit escaped her stretched lips and squirted from her flared nostrils as the violent oral penetration got the better of her. Her abs clenched as she heaved, occasionally deformed by the tentacle wildly fucking her slippery cunt. Parasoul’s hands bent forward, fingers clawing at the air, the only real movement she could make. Her curling digits only encouraged another set of tendrils to slip into her grip. She clutched the girths as hard as she could, hoping to cause the creature some form of discomfort but only really managing to provide it a couple of tight handjobs as it dragged its tentacles back and forth against her soft palms.

Pinned to the glowing bulb and utterly helpless, Parasoul suffered the violent assault of the tentacles. She managed an agonized gurgle as a second vine-like appendage squeezed into her already widely stretched pussy. Another ropey length circled around the mounds of her tits, pulling them together so that it could slide the bulbous protrusion of its half-formed glow lure through her cleavage. Her suffering worsened as one managed to slide in between her and the lure bulb, wiggling its way through the crack of her ass and forcing its way into her ass. The tendril in her mouth pulled free, letting her gasp down air and released a horrified scream as her long legs were pried away from the bulb, leaving behind a few bloody patches of skin in their wake. Her legs, held securely by the tentacles looped around her ankles, were lifted upwards, held in a V-shape against her shoulders to allow easier access to her lower holes.

The hive of horny tentacles ravaged Parasoul’s defenseless body, plunging into her various orifices, rubbing across her soft flesh, leaving her coated in their excretions. She managed to tilt her head forward far enough to watch a thick, partially developed lure bulb take aim at her gaping asshole. Her head snapped back as a fresh tendril snaked its way into her mouth, but she had no trouble feeling the pain as her aching sphincter stretched slowly around the large bulb. Her eyes rolled back, choking on her scream as her anus tore. She felt overly fully as the bulb was driven deeper into her bowels. The rough face fucking ended with a quick spurt of sickly sweet sap down her gullet before her mouth was freed and she was able to look down at the destruction being done to her. She let out a pathetic half-wail, half-sob as she stared at her bulging gut, seeing the luminescence of the lure bulb shining through her tightly stretched skin.

As Parasoul’s holes grew looser and the Angler Grinder’s lust diminished, the creature’s hunger stirred. The woman had been thoroughly fucked into a daze by that point, but she was still aware enough to feel the pain of being peeled away from the lure bulb. She let out a hoarse scream as she was pulled free, held snugly in the grip of a number of the wicked tendrils. The Angler Grinder possessed no face to give Parasoul a hint of its amusement, but the excited chattering of its teeth gave her a pretty good idea of what was about to happen to her. It didn’t keep her from letting out a shocked cry as the tentacles twisted her upper and lower halves in opposite directions. Her spine snapped and her skin stretched before she was brutally ripped in half. The pair of tentacles looped around Parasoul’s ankles began a short game of tug of war with her lower half, ending in a sharp snap as her pelvis gave out and her limbs separated from one another. She managed a weak scream as her right arm was plucked from its socket and torn away. The scream rose in strength and volume as the remainder of her upper body was hoisted higher, up to the waiting maw above her. The teeth stretched open as wide as they could as the tentacle forced her screaming face between them. With a meaty crunch, Parasoul’s scream – and life – came to an end as the bulk of her head was bitten off.

The woman’s various gory remains were dropped to the floor of the Angler Grinder’s alcove. The tentacles continued to find ways to fuck her as the creature leisurely chewed at the mouthful of her head. One partially deflated eye was left impaled on a thin tooth. A tendril slithered across Parasoul’s flopping tongue before dipping into the bloody hole of esophagus. Another tightened around her left breast until the mound of fat and flesh tore away. The pilfered tit became the Angler Grinder’s next meal. When it finished with that tasty treat, the creature tore the woman’s right leg in half, pulling the bloody stump of her calf into its mouth. Sharp teeth shredded her flesh and crunched through her bone as the half-a-leg slowly sank into the maw. Her black loafer was pulled away from her foot to spare the monster the foul taste of the footwear. Her limp toes dangled as they crept further up, finally vanishing into the Angler Grinder’s mouth with a quick chomp.


The loss of light – as well as one of their own – had doused Jack and the rest of her group into a frightened state, but they managed to hold it together long enough to dispatch the last of the zombies. Softly whispered words of confusion and fear started to creep towards panic. Jack wasn’t feeling much better, but she’d been through too much shit to let them all fall apart now.

“Alright, cut the shit,” she snapped. “So it’s dark. So what?”

The guilt of having any part in Parasoul’s certain death spurred Samus into lending her own assistance. “We need to get another light source. Does anyone have anything?” She figured focusing on a simple, yet vitally important, task would give them all a much needed distraction.

“My disk,” Quora said, reaching to pull it from her back. Even in the dark, she had no trouble activating it. The neon blue glow that emanated from it didn’t provide nearly enough light as the lure bulb had, but they could at least see where they were going with it. It unfortunately also allowed them enough light to identify what the dripping sound they’d been hearing was. Thick droplets of blood spattered from the vertical tunnel Parasoul had been pulled into, creating a spreading pool on the floor. Almost as if whatever monster lurked up there could sense the new source of light, a chunk of what looked like a partially eaten kidney dropped from the hole and splattered into the pool. It effectively dashed any dwindling thoughts of perhaps Parasoul making it back to them, or the even more foolish concept of trying to rescue her. It also got the group highly motivated to keep moving down the tunnel.

The remainder of the trip down the now dark tunnel was thankfully uneventful. They reached an end point leading into an area that still retained power. The yellowed lightbulbs cast a sickly glow across the traumatized survivors, but at least they didn’t have to worry about any of the bulbs snaring them into the clutches of some nightmare creature. Jack kept everyone moving with Samus’s help, neither of them thinking a rest would be a good idea. Parasoul’s rapid abduction and death was still too fresh in everyone’s minds. If they slowed down to dwell on it now, they might never get moving again.

The next crossroads came far too soon, proving once again that the Necropolis was a son of a bitch fuckhead, as far as Jack was concerned. The path ahead had suffered some damage. They could make it through easily enough, but the tunnel had been opened up to the street above. She couldn’t see anything snooping around the opening, but that didn’t mean it would stay that way long enough for them to pass through the exposed section. A quick check of the area offered up only one alternative, and it wasn’t any better. The crawlspace was safe from whatever elements lurked on the street above, but it was tight enough that they’d have to shimmy their way from one end to the other. If something attacked them from behind, there wouldn’t be much they could do about it. The same went for if something came at them from the front.

Two shit choices, but Jack knew she had to make a decision fast, before stagnation led to their ultimate downfall.


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