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So I'm about to loose my mind here. xD

I was playtesting some of the game and discovered a very, very weird bug. And the last couple of days I was fighting with this big and for now I think I have to give up and move on.

Apperently me switching out the old forest images with the new one broke something???

I'm not sure though. It's possible it was there before and I didn't notice it.

So basically when you go from the mountain trail to the forest area the backrgound image breaks. I don't know why that happens.

I've linked both to different areas as well to see if I can replicate the bug but no. Everything is fine when I connect them to different areas.

It literally only appears when you go from the mountain to the forest.

I don't even know that these textures are...

Oh yes, I could replicate the bug by connecting different maps of the forest area with different maps of the mountain trail area.

Connecting both to ANY other map works perfectly fine.

Luckily the bug is not completely game breaking. Saving the game and restarting will fix the broken background but it's still very annoying.

I will look if I can find this bug anywhere else. If it only happens here I might just render one additional map to put in between the two and hope that will fix it. I can't think of any other solution...


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