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Chapter 4

The next morning, Robyn and Sienna headed to the studio together. One of their coin pouches was a lot lighter than the other. Robyn held what was left of her kleins in both hands, deeply regretting her choice to bar hop the entire night.

"What are you sulking for? I recall you having just as much fun," Sienna teased.

"Sometimes I forget that draphs have way too big a tolerance to alcohol… You literally drank my kleins dry! I gotta live frugally again until the end of the week. Man." Robyn sighed heavily.

"Ah, don't sweat it. I'll pick up the tab until you get your next paycheck," she promised.

When they entered the studio, the front desk was empty. Sylvia was nowhere to be seen. Odd. But there was chatter coming from the conference room.

"Morning." Robyn opened the door into the next room. "What gives? I thought we were—"

The rest of the words lodged at the bottom of her throat. A number of men neither Robyn nor Sienna recognized were sitting around the table inside.

"Sorry. Wrong building." Robyn was about to shut the door until a red tail caught the knob.

Slyvia's tail. The demon secretary was standing inside and beside the door.

"You're not in the wrong building," Sylvia said.

"Who the hell are they then?" Robyn asked, pointing to the table full of people and a… slime monster?

Cordelius emerged from his office. "One of them is going to be our new in-house male actor. Since your sausage is lost to the void, we need someone to fill the cumshot role."

"But that's my role! You can't just replace me. I could be turning back into a guy any moment now, and… and… That thing isn't even a person!" she complained about the pulsating blob of slime in a chair.

"I know, right! That means I don't have to pay it. Isn't that great? Saw the guild was about to kill the thing, so I scooped it up for a premium discount. It's sedated right now. Don't worry about it acting up," he explained.

Robyn and Sienna grimaced at the throbbing red jelly monster with slimy tentacles protruding from its body. Some people were into that sort of thing, but neither of them wanted to find out if they were. The rest of the prospective male actors came from a diverse background of races. Humans, elves, demons, halfies, dwarves, and more…

"At any rate," Sylvia began, pushing the spectacles up her nose, "someone in this room is going to be working for Adventurers Gone Wild by the end of the day. Having an in-house actor is cheaper than contracting freelance or hiring from another company. Cordelius was going to choose the slime, but I convinced him to bring you two in to get your input on our candidates. What's it going to be?"

That came as no surprise. Robyn doubted Cordelius did any vetting. She could see it in their lascivious eyes, some of these 'actors' were probably just here hoping to get it on with her and Sienna. They likely had next to no experience. It had happened before. Plenty of candidates applied to score a chance at having sex with the Milky.


Robyn squirmed where she stood. Many of them weren't looking at Sienna. They were looking at Robyn instead. Was she really that attractive to them? And why did that turn her on? It shouldn't! To think, she would be having sex with one of them on camera some day…

"Robyn, quit spacing out!" Sienna hollered from the door adjacent to Cordelius' office.

"S-Sorry!" Robyn caught up with the other three in a room she hadn't seen in ages.

They entered a small studio office that was only furnished with a few chairs, a desk, and a stinky black couch. It was the room Robyn had been interviewed in when she was scouted to become an in-house actor.

The 'casting couch' room.

Thankfully, Cordelius wasn't a sleazebag. He never touched Sienna, applying actresses, nor any hired actresses before. The crew long came to the conclusion that he was only sexually attracted to the shine of kleins.

"I guess we're really doing this…" Robyn despaired, slumping into a seat between Cordelius and Sienna.

As for Sylvia, she opened the door once they were settled in and called on an applicant to enter. A human man was first. His sleeveless shirt revealed thick, muscular arms. He came in with a big smile and—

"Next!" Cordelius waved a dismissive hand.

The man's smile flipped into a frown.

"Wait, you haven't even seen what I can do! I'm telling you, my dick is perfect for the cameras!" he cried.

"Excuse me. You're holding up the interview." Sylvia squeezed the man's shoulder from behind, brimming with the wrathful administrative fury of a secretary that hated hindrances.

Robyn, Sienna, and Cordelius gulped hard.

The not-so-veiled-threat had been heard loud and clear, and the sulking applicant dragged his feet out the door.

Sylvia called in the next person. His heavy footfalls caused the ground to shudder with each step. Robyn almost fell backwards when the giant, green orc dressed in only a leather kilt lumbered into the room.

"Uh, next!" Robyn shouted.

"What? No, not next! Who's the director here? Get in here and introduce yourself, big guy!" Cordelius beckoned him in.

"Big John," the orc said in an incredibly deep, rumbly voice.

Orcs were a rare sight anywhere. They were violent, unruly, and most of all— they stank due to poor hygiene. Half-orcs, on the other hand, were less prone to violence thanks to having the blood of other races in their veins.

While Cordelius conducted the interview, Robyn was lost in thought. She should be repulsed, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to his masculinity. The muscles on Big John made her wonder how it would feel to be pinned down underneath that mountain of meat and—

"Hmmm. Alright, Big John. I like you because you're simple," Cordelius said.

"Thank," Big John replied.

"Orcs are in demand and a civilized one is nice to have. Being dommed by giant guys like you is all the rage for ladies with a sub streak. Next part of the interview is for you to show us your money-maker." The director hurried him with a few finger snaps.

When Big John dropped his pants, Robyn dropped her jaw. A massive foot-long schlong hung between the orc's legs, and it wasn't even erect yet. Cordelius rubbed his chin and nodded slowly. It was the look of a shark wondering how much money he could make out of this.

For Robyn, as someone who intimately understood the interview process, dreaded what came next.

"Okay, you two. Get over there and kneel next to him," Cordelius ordered.

Sienna, who was used to this already, got up out of her seat and did as she was told. Robyn, however…

"What's wrong with you? Get up there," he urged her.

"D-Do I have to? That thing looks like it could club me to death," Robyn muttered.

"Come on, Robyn. The faster we get through this, the sooner we can go home." Sienna was already on her knees beside Big John.

Sighing, Robyn reluctantly left her seat to kneel by the orc's other side. She could practically feel the warmth radiating from it. Something this big… would it even fit in the dainty body of an elf?

They had to stay this way while Cordelius brainstormed imagining the actors going at it. The standard procedure. Robyn had done this, too, while Sienna was kneeling next to him.

Suddenly, the large orc cock twitched. It began to grow larger. The thick vein running along the shaft pulsed, filling it with blood to increase the already girthy rod of meat. Robyn couldn't believe what she was seeing, and she was in even greater disbelief that seeing it got her uncomfortably wet. She wanted to touch it, to feel how warm it was, and maybe…

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down there, buddy. What are you getting hard for?" Cordelius threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Sorry… Pretty elf make me feel funny," Big John said.

"E… Eep…" Robyn squeaked, shrinking underneath his salacious gaze.

"No can do, pal. You're out. Next!" Cordelius shouted angrily.

"Are you sure?" Sylvia turned to him with a start.

"What use is Big John's big johnson to me if he can't control it? The director decides when he gets hard, when to go soft, and when to fire the money-shot. Not the actor. We'll keep in touch if we need extras." He shooed the orc out.

It was a hard-fast rule Robyn had to learn very quickly, and she was quick to as the male actor. If he couldn't control his own erections, then he definitely wouldn't be able to control his own climax. That would ruin the shoots.

Robyn was both relieved and disappointed seeing the orc leave the room.

"Heh. What's wrong, Robyn? You wanted some action with an orc as your first~" Sienna grinned, nudging her in the side.

"No! As if!" Robyn fired back.

The next to enter was a fair-haired gnome, a stark contrast to a tall and imposing orc. He was dressed in a comfortable robe and wielded a magic staff. Judging by his outfit and slight limp, he must be a veteran member of the Civil Guard or a retired soldier. It wasn't unusual for them to apply. They were Adventurers Gone Wild's main demographic after all.

"A small fry, huh?" Cordelius leaned over the table to look at the gnome.

You're one to talk, Robyn wanted to say.

"Name's Rufus. Rufus Smalls," the gnome introduced himself in a pitchy voice.

"Mr. Smalls has been a member of the Civil Guard for three years and is a capable magister. Having him on board would make the studio's excursions to film outside of the city much safer," Sylvia explained.

Which would have been nice to have during their last two outings…

"That means we'd save costs by not needing to hire adventurers!" Cordelius exclaimed excitedly.

"As if you hire any to begin with!" Robyn and Sienna retorted.

"Alright, ladies. Get up there. Smalls, drop your pants!" The imp clapped his hands to hurry them up.

"On the bright side, this guy can't possibly skewer you," Sienna joked.

"Doesn't make the prospect of getting a dick in me any more enticing!" Even kneeling down, Robyn was still taller than the gnome. Sienna, even more so.

Rufus fiddled with his robes until it finally parted from the side. Everyone in the room gasped. Robyn followed their gazes and gaped at the third leg hanging from the gnome's crotch. His dick was so big, it was practically scraping along the floor.

"So it wasn't a limp after all!" Robyn screamed.

"Rufus Smalls, my ass. Your cock is so big, I could sue you for false advertisement," Cordelius said in the midst of laughter.

"My physician calls it Fat-dong Syndrome. Apparently, this afflicts like one-percent of gnomes in the world. Believe me, it's a lot of trouble when I'm out there fighting monsters! Everyone keeps telling me I should try and work in porn instead, so here I am." Rufus rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Robyn's gaze swapped worriedly between Rufus and Cordelius. If the damn director hadn't told him to get lost yet, that could only mean one thing. But there was no way in hell that monster was going to fit inside her either!

"Cordy, you can't be serious?" Robyn asked.

"Why not? There's a market for size differences. Picture it— Puny man fucks tall, hot babes! Bang! There comes the money. Ka-ching, ka-ching!" Cordelius flicked a klein into the air and missed catching it on the way down.

"Hm. Since Mr. Smalls has a medical condition, that means the studio will also have to cover all of his medical insurance and expenses," Sylvia said.

"Say what now?" The imp popped his head up after finding the klein.

"Fair Labor Laws of the Republic of Hamisburg state that all businesses operating within the republic— of which Morganta is a part of— must take over or cover the insurance of any employee afflicted with an ailment, magical or non-magical, of any kind," she recited off the top of her head.

"When the hell did we get so progressive?" he asked.

Sylvia continued, "These laws have existed for decades. Additionally, disqualifying potential employees based solely on them having an ailment violates Anti-Discriminatory Labor Laws. The studio would be subjected to heavy fines upwards of 10,000 kleins per offense. Per day."

After hearing all that, the director began to sweat bullets.

"We'll, uh… We'll keep in touch! H-How's that? You're on the top of the list if we ever need extras! You have the word of an imp!" Cordelius assured the big-dick gnome.

"Which doesn't mean much," Robyn added vengefully, drawing a pleading look from the director.

After Sylvia escorted Rufus out, they conducted the rest of the interviews normally. Most of the applicants were given the 'next!' by Cordelius, whose self-proclaimed good eye for actors would bring Adventurers Gone Wild to the top. He said that years ago, and they were still waiting for it to happen.

"I believe next is…" Sylvia stopped talking and backed up into the room.

The slime creature slithered in, leaving behind a trail of its own secretions. Everyone snapped to Cordelius. His expression brightened up for the first time since the interviews began.

"You damn demon midget, no wonder you were rejecting everyone! You wanted the monster all along!" Robyn accused him.

"Perish the thought! The others just didn't… strike me as a winner, that's all. Unless you want me to call that orc and gnome back?" Cordelius smirked.

"N-No…" She gulped hard.

"Wait, I'm with Robyn. No studio works with monsters because it's dangerous. You picked it up from the guild, right? It isn't even tame!" Sienna added.

And she was right. Most studios wouldn't dare risk their actors, or other company actors for that matter, to shoot a scene with monsters. The risks were too great.

"Now I have to deal with two pussies instead of one! Quit getting your britches in a bunch. You don't see what I see. We're the only studio willing to go to the extremes. You know how many fetishists out there want something like this? The amount of kleins they're willing to fork over to get their hands on a monster dicking a woman? Now get over there and get on your knees like you're its bitch!" he exclaimed, breathless after his rant.

"I'm sorry about Cordelius," Sylvia whispered to the two of them. "He's stressed because the debt collectors will be coming again at the end of the month. I'll talk him down about the monster afterwards. For the time being, can you humor him so he doesn't blow off his own head?"

"We don't get paid enough for this shit." Robyn relented.

They begrudgingly went over to the slime monster and kneeled down beside it. The gelatinous red body pulsated rhythmically, causing the many protrusions to throb each time. Deep within it was a small, jagged crystal which served as its heart.

"I'm getting the heebie-jeebies around this thing. You seen enough yet?" Sienna asked their director.

"Yeah, alright." Cordelius wasn't even paying attention, too busy hugging a sack of kleins. "We'll toss the slime idea. Get outta my sight and be back tomorrow—"


A cool and sticky sensation attached itself to Robyn's cheek.

"Oh, shit!" Robyn tried to get away, but more and more slimy tentacles stuck onto her body like an adhesive.

"It's getting on me, too! Cordy, do something!" Sienna yanked at the sticky appendages to little success.

"I'm already on it!" Cordelius pointed a camera at them.

"Fuck you, Cordy!" they shouted.

Sylvia raced up to them with her twin tails poised to strike the slime core. A tentacle fired out, knocking her back into a bookshelf.

"This damn thing… N-No, don't!" Robyn cried as more appendages slithered underneath her clothes. They stuck themselves to her nipples like suction cups, sending bouts of pleasure rippling across the surface of her skin.

It was different from when Robyn played with herself in private. Using just her hands was addictive, but this sensation left her wanting more. A woman's body was amazing. She couldn't believe just having her nipples teased brought her so close to climaxing.

"God… I'm going to orgasm at this rate…" Robyn muttered.

"Ro… byn!" Sienna, who had been completely entangled by the slime, tried to scoot closer to help. She succeeded only in falling flat on her back.

This monster seemed to have other plans. It dragged Robyn on top of Sienna's body, and now she was lying on top of her coworker. Their faces were centimeters apart. Slime bound them together like glue.

"You… have to stop struggling, Robyn… Our nipples are rubbing against each other a lot…" Sienna winced.

"I can't help it… I didn't know it could feel so good…" Delirious with pleasure, Robyn started humping Sienna to feel even better.

"Oooh! That's good. Now kiss for the climax! It's gonna make for a great shot!" Cordelius urged them.

The draph managed to stomp her cloven hoof.

"Cordy, you bastard. This monster is outta control! Get us out of this damn slime— aahh!" Sienna's entire body jerked as slime prodded both hers and Robyn's holes.

"Where the hell is it poking?! I'm not ready for this!" Robyn snapped out of it, fearful of the point of no return.

The jelly-like slime appendage hardened to a more firm state. It began to push into Robyn, her entrance wet from being rigorously stimulated.

"Are you actually enjoying this?!" Sienna gaped.

"Ye— I mean, no! Sienna, what do we do? It's not stopping, and I'm about to piss myself!" Robyn shuddered.

"Don't piss yourself! I'm right under you! Just relax, breathe… You're too tense right now. Try not to clench your lower body, and just let it—"

"I'm clenching because it's trying to fuck me!" she retorted.


Robyn and Sienna trembled. The slime repeatedly flicked at their clits and vibrated gently as though to tease them for the camera. Sienna's warm breath grew more shallow and hoarse, caressing Robyn's sensitive neck.

"Fuck it… I want to see you cum, Robyn… I've always liked how your face looked as a guy… Now let me see how you cum as a girl…" Sienna whispered.

"Th-The hell are you saying at a time like this?! You need get a grip now, Si— aahh… crap… I'm… I'm going to— aaahhhh!" Robyn's eyes rolled to the back of her head as an intense climax assailed her.

They were about to kiss until Sylvia pierced the slime core. The gelatinous body lost its form, reduced to a soupy puddle beneath them. The draph came to her senses and pushed Robyn off.

"S-Sorry, Robyn! I don't know what came over me," Sienna apologized.

"Don't… mention it…" Robyn mumbled, having a hard time looking her coworker in the eyes.

A dirty giggle interrupted them.

"Hehehe… Talk about opportunistic footage. This will make for a great intro in our next flick!" Cordelius rubbed his grimy hands together.

The two unhappy and unwilling actors loomed over the imp, cracking their knuckles together.

"You're paying us overtime for this," Sienna said.

"Or you can kiss that camera and the footage goodbye." Robyn added with seething fury.

"H-How does an extra… 1% bonus to your next paycheck sound?" Cordelius swallowed the lump in his throat.


Chapter 4 - In Search of a New In-House Actor.pdf


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