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Chapter 1

Robyn Clemrose pinned the dainty elven adventurer Lilia to the cold stone dungeon wall. His right knee parted her long and luscious legs, pinched lighty by the high knee stockings. A short black skirt left the porcelain skin of her thighs exposed. She was blushing. It only made her look that much cuter.

"P-Please, we shouldn't do this…" Lilia breathed heavily.

"How can you expect me to control myself when you're dressed like that? You did it on purpose, didn't you? To tempt me. Or maybe you wanted this all along!" Robyn exclaimed, drawing a dagger up to her white lace underwear.

"It's just… you're always saving me, so I thought maybe… I… I'm sorry. You're so much more different than I expected! I can't do it after all, and I have a husband waiting for me back home!" She shoved Robyn, a little harder than he expected and fell backwards onto his ass, then took off running into the darkness of the dungeon corridors.

"Aaaaand cut! Alright, everyone. Take ten!" Their director, the imp Cordelius, emerged from the other end of the corridor with a big smile on his face.

The rest of the production crew followed suit. Skip and Dane, a rather scrawny dwarf and baby-faced human respectively, quickly began to replace the magic crystal on their cameras. The pixie Twinkle, slumped to the ground and wiped the sweat from her face, panting as the light surrounding her body dimmed significantly.

"How was that? I better not hear that we'll need another take." Lilia returned with a haughty look, nose turned to the ceiling.

"Don't worry, baby!" Cordelius flew over and threw a woolen cloak around her shoulders. "You did fantastic! Robyn, on the other hand, you missed a line at the end there. What gives?"

Still on the ground and rubbing his ass, Robyn was going over the script with a scowl.

"What gives? The scene clearly said light shove. LIGHT! I didn't expect to be sent flying!" Robyn complained.

"Please, I hardly touched you. Now where are my aides? I need a touch up on my make-up because Robyn's breath made me all icky and gross." Lilia didn't even need to move, because a group of people immediately rushed forth to reapply cosmetics on her.

Robyn picked himself up, backside still aching from the fall.

"Robyn, pal. I need you to not mess this up. Do you know how much money I shelled out to book the Lilia Amerella? She's one of the hottest actresses in the industry right now. We need this!" Cordelius whispered out of earshot from the others.

Lilia Amerella. She was probably the cutest elven porn star around. The soft features, shoulder-length blonde hair, and innocent expression type-casted her into the damsel roles. She had tight, yet springy skin that could have only been obtained through top of the line products and constant pampering.

Her pornos sold like coffee at first light. So many people loved her work, she had a dedicated fanbase. One that Robyn used to be a part of! Too bad the personality she displayed behind the camera was exactly just that— fiction. The reality was this hoity-toity viper could poison a man with her glare alone.

To think, Robyn was excited to shoot a porno with her. He was a fan up until an hour ago when he learned her true self.

"Yeah, I know. But this chick is getting on my nerves. I'm not even sure I can get it up around her anymore!" Robyn fired back.

"Just bear with it. Adventurers Gone Wild is making a comeback with this new film, I can feel it! So, please. Don't tick Lilia off. Get her off instead," the imp pleaded before going to appease the star of the film.

Robyn threw his hands in the air. He sat down on the ground but freaked out at a rat scurrying past him. Well… Standing was fine, too.

Being an adult porn actor wasn't all that it was cut out to be. Robyn was an elf himself, born to two modest cattle ranchers in the countryside of the Hamisburg Republic. Unfortunately, nothing about his physical appearance illustrated a hardy, labor-filled lifestyle.

He lacked the strength and magical affinity to join the Civil Guard as an adventurer or become a republican soldier. He lacked the intelligence to attend an academy. He was only as average as average could be. Average height. Average looks. Average dick size. That excruciating averageness, however, was what landed him the job as the main male actor for Adventurers Gone Wild.

Since adventurers were their core demographic, Robyn's averageness was the perfect self-insert for their audience. At least, that was what Cordelius Pinkerton, the imp director of the production crew had told him. Of course, he was excited at first. Who wouldn't be?

As it turned out, the novelty of being able to have sex with hot women wore off quickly when most were mean-spirited, narcissistic twats, and probably sea deep in drugs.

"Man, I wish I had a pair of tits and a pussy. Women have it easy." Robyn sighed.

"If only that were true. Smoke?" Sienna joined Robyn and offered him a smoking pipe.

"I'm good. Don't want my breath smelling of ashes and pissing Lilia off," Robyn said.

"Like a little princess." She dumped the herbs to the ground and stomped on it with her cloven hoof.

Sienna Baron, or better known by her stage name Milky, was a tall draph with a big personality. She had modest ribbed horns that extended out and curved up. Her voluminous chestnut brown hair was currently in a large braid worn like a scarf around her neck. Although she was wearing a cloak, it couldn't hide her signature money-makers underneath.

Like Robyn, Sienna was also an in-house actress of Adventurers Gone Wild. They worked on plenty of adult films together, but none of them sold as well as her first big hit two years ago. Milky's Milk. A breast milk fetish flick that flew off the shelves on release and continued to earn Sienna decent royalties to this day. It was Adventurers Gone Wild's most sold film to date, and they received constant requests for a sequel.

However, the star actress always vehemently refused despite Cordelius' begging, and Robyn had learned not to press her on it anymore.

"No, kidding. I don't get why we couldn't just put you in it. Instead, Cordy probably went to some shady money-lenders again." Robyn groaned, recalling the last time debt collectors came knocking.

"Wait, you serious?" Sienna gaped.

"Yeah. Why do you think that half-orc is here? It isn't for our protection." He thumbed to the giant, cowled man, staring daggers at the sweating imp director.

A half-orc mafia family ran a racketeering and black market ring in Morganta city, the same city where Adventurers Gone Wild was based. Where most of the studio employees made their home. They ran several clubs and taverns, but it was something of an open secret that a lot of illicit drugs and magical weaponry passed through their hands.

Although the mafia rarely dealt with civilians for fear of drawing the ire of the Republican Chevaliers, the Hamisburg Republic's elite order of detective knights, it wasn't out of the ordinary for them to also lend out predatory loans. That dude was definitely a mafioso sent to make sure Cordelius wasn't skipping town. On the bright side, he was really the only one in danger.

"Ugh. I knew I should've stayed home. Who's bright idea was this? Sylvia?" Sienna asked.

"Take another wild guess. Dane told me an adventurer from the Civil Guard tipped Cordy off about this place. Thinks the whole dangerous setting will help sell the flick like cheap beer," Robyn said doubtfully.

"Assuming some dungeon monster won't make a meal out of us first." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright, break's over! Everybody up! We got two more scenes to film. Next one takes place in front of an ironbound door. Let's check the end of the corridor!" Cordelius corralled the production crew back to their feet.

On their way searching for the next suitable location, Robyn flipped through the script to familiarize himself with the next scene. Unfortunately, it was far too dark. The torches they were holding flickered too much and made his eyes hurt.

"Twinkle, can I get some light?" Robyn asked the little pixie.

"You got it!" Twinkle, the blue-haired pixie who helped with illuminating scenes, sat on Robyn's shoulder and brightened up. Literally. In exchange, he gave her a piece of hard candy from his waist pouch.

Twinkle shoved the sugary round morsel into her mouth. It was as big as her head, and now her right cheek bloated up. She squealed delightfully and brightened a little more.

Pixies were incredibly cute and benign creatures. Unlike their more mischievous fae cousins, the fairies, pixies liked being helpful. A trait that Cordelius took advantage of often, so Robyn brought it upon himself to accommodate her. They could be distinguished by their colorless, dragonfly-like wings while a fairy's was closer to colorful butterflies.

With a bright enough light now, Robyn went over his next scene. It involved him chasing after Lilia. He would catch up to her in front of a door to corner her. Unable to resist his advances, she would fall for him. After that, the final scene was just some vanilla sex with light butt spanking. Perfect opportunity to get back at her.

On their way down, everyone flinched and cowered to every distant noise. This dungeon was filled with monsters after all. They ran away from undeads down one corridor, steered clear of what was obviously a mimic at a dead end, and dodged numerous traps.

"I wish Cordelius had hired at least one adventurer." Sienna shuddered after they crossed a swinging axe trap.

Although Robyn was terrified himself, this was a good chance to show Sienna how reliable he was. A man should protect the women around him.

"We'll be fine!" Robyn assured her. "If anything happens, I'll—"

"Robyn, watch out!" Twinkle warned.


Robyn couldn't lift his left foot anymore. A green slime oozing out between the cracks in the ground clung tightly to his boot.

"Hey, hey! That's perfect. Skip, Dane. Get a close-up on Robyn's foot from two different angles. Chop-chop!" Cordelius clapped his hands.

"Fuck you, Cordy! Help me out of here!" Robyn growled.

"We'll edit that out in post," he added nonchalantly.

The half-orc mafioso lowered his torch until the flames were practically licking the slime. It shuddered and retreated back into the cracks, freeing Robyn's leg.

"Thanks," Robyn said and received a nod in return.

Maybe this guy wasn't so bad.

"Tch. One take will have to do," Cordelius grumbled.

"If you're done fooling around, I've found a good place to film our next scene. We may have a problem though." Lilia made herself known much farther down the corridor in front of a heavy set, iron door.

When the rest of the crew caught up, a signpost hanging on a nail hook warned, 'Do not enter'. Everyone turned to the director.

"As much as I'd like to get out of here, maybe we should heed the sign?" Robyn suggested cautiously.

"I don't even know the first meaning!" Cordelius ripped the sign off and tossed it over his shoulders.

He kicked open the door to a spacious chamber. Water poured from the mouths of gargoyle statues on the upper wall which travel along small channels, then into holes in the corners of the room. At the center was a circle of strange runic symbols with four unlit braziers along the ring.

"What is this place?" Sienna gasped as she walked in.

"Dunno. My non-adventurer brain is telling me that's a magic circle though.Maybe this was a ritual chamber?" Robyn wondered aloud.

"That's it!" Cordelius exclaimed at the top of his lungs.

The outburst was so loud, everyone pressed their ears shut.

"How is it that someone so small can be so loud… What's it? What are you screaming about now?" Robyn asked the director.

"The final scene is just your typical bang. Boring snoozefest, right? Buuuuut! Thinking about her husband, Lilia resists. Robyn, in a surprising twist, turns out to be an evil summoner who summons forth his lovely and succulent servant, Milky, to make Lilia submit. What do you think? I came up with it on the spot," Cordelius explained, out of breath now after his spiel.

"Excuse me, but a threesome isn't in the script. I believe I was paid to follow this?" Lilia brandished the stack of papers at him like a weapon.

Robyn agreed. "Yeah, we're at the finish line. Just film us and— Wait, a threesome?"

"Think about it." The imp threw an arm around Robyn's shoulders. "Lilia and Milky, double blowjob. Two pairs of glorious mammary goodness squeezing your whistle. You like the sound of that?"

"You're goddamn right I do!" He blew steam out his nose in triumph, already pitching a tent.

All of their flicks until now were one on ones. Sienna shot a threesome before, but it was with two other guys from some talent agency. This was a chance of the lifetime— until his two partners in question gave him the stink eye, rendering his erection limper than a wet noodle.

"On second thought, maybe Lilia's right…" Robyn cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Oh, give me a break! The key to success is rolling with the punches. This dungeon provided us with a golden opportunity to improvise. Come on, adventurers! My life is literally on the line here!" Cordelius begged pathetically, casting a worried look over his shoulder.

The half-orc thug pounded a fist into his palm, drew a thumb across his neck, and pointed threateningly at Cordelius.

"I'll bite, but I'm expecting a cut." Sienna relented. "Royalties straight from your paycheck, Cordy."

"Kuh… Fine." Cordelius sulked, seemingly in more agony than before.

Robyn and Lilia traded glances, faced away each other in a huff, and reluctantly gave in.

"Fine," the two said.

As the production crew was getting things into place, the three actors gathered around Cordelius to go over changes to the script. It wouldn't be the first time they worked on the fly, but precious filming crystals were limited. They had to get it right the first time.

"All you want me to do is act all menacing inside the circle? Do we even know if it's safe?" Robyn asked.

"Why wouldn't it? The magic's probably long diminished. No one here is going to cast magic to activate it either." Cordelius tossed a pebble into the circle and nothing happened.

"Lying on the ground outside of the circle and acting demure, huh? Sounds easy enough. I just hope the amateurs can do their part." Lilia brushed her blonde hair with patronizing intent.

"Where do I come in?" Sienna shedded her cloak, revealing a buxom and shapely body underneath that never failed to get Robyn hard.

"Your role is easy. Wear this." Cordelius fished out prop leathery wings to make her look like a succubus. "Have Twinkle cast an illusion to change your skin red. After we film Robyn's part, we'll have you appear behind Lilia like you've been summoned out of thin air. Both of you will give him a double blowjob, he gives you two a facial, and then you take turns getting railed from behind. Scene ends. We all go home and wake up rich next week. Good? Yeah? Great!" He repeatedly flashed thumbs up with both hands, but the three of them were still doubtful.

They swallowed the urge to make a retort and went to get ready. The usual groupies swarmed Lilia to doll her up again. Twinkle was incanting an illusory spell to tint Sienna's skin. Skip and Dane were getting their cameras ready.

Meanwhile, Robyn rummaged through a suitcase for something an 'evil summoner' would wear. He found a black mantle with a hood to throw on, then cautiously entered the magic circle. A foot first. Nothing happened. He heaved a sigh and positioned himself in the middle to quietly recite a few lines.

"You won't escape me now, Lilia! Hmm. Maybe… Behold, my succubus thrall! No… too cringe. How about… Try resisting my decadent servant! Yeah. I think that should work." Robyn nodded to himself and noticed the cameras already facing him.

"Don't mind me, just getting some test footage in. Looking good, Robyn!" Dane grinned from behind the camera and slowly tracked his subtle movements.

"Make sure to get the good angle of my dick getting blown by Lilia and Sienna," he said with an eager smile.

"Who do ya think yer talking to? 'Course, we'll get it. Now if I can just get this damn crystal in…" Skip was trying to jam the magic crystal into the slot, but it wouldn't budge.

These tiny crystals were inexpensive yet extraordinarily valuable. Their uses ranged from alchemical ingredients, spell enhancers, power source for machines, traded as currency, and more. It even powered Robyn's new flip phone and the internet he used to egosurf himself on.

For Adventurers Gone Wild, it was used for much more… indecent purposes. Their cameras were enchanted with a scrying spell. Kind of like a spell scroll. Switching it on activated the spell, which then captured and recorded anything within line of sight into the crystal. The final product was a recording used to rewatch what they filmed. Since crystals wore down over time with each watch, frequent viewers must purchase new ones in time.

That was the adult video industry's bread and butter, and how Robyn made a living. Well, Sienna and Lilia made a living. Robyn subsisted on his paltry earnings. However, if Cordelius' hunch turned out to be correct— though it usually wasn't— then things might start looking up.

"Hey, be careful with that. It's the last one we brought, right?" Robyn asked.

"Don't worry your golden-haired head, Robyn. I'll just— oh, drats! Dagnabbit!" The crystal slipped from Skip's hands and clattered to the floor.

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" Cordelius shouted in panic.

"Sorry, Director!" Skip and Dane dove to the ground, scrambling to pick up the crystal. Their grasping fingers only succeeded in nudging it farther away until it rolled right up to the magic circle. The runes lit up like a lighthouse.

"I thought you said this was safe!" The column of light engulfed Robyn, who was still in the circle. He raced to the edge and ran into an invisible wall.

Someone banged against it from the other side.

"Robyn!" Sienna cried out, pounding the barrier that separated them.

What was going to happen? Was this the end? Just as things were about to look up—

"But what about my threesome with Sienna and Lilia?!" Robyn screamed, falling to his knees.

The light faded. Relief washed over Robyn. His hands passed through the barrier and found purchase on Sienna's bountiful draph breasts. The supple and bouncy mounds brought him great comfort.

However, Sienna looked anything but relieved. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were wide with shock.

"R-Robyn…?" Sienna muttered finally.

"What?" Robyn was getting weirded out, because everyone in the chamber shared Sienna's baffled expression. Something did seem off. Wasn't his voice just now a little higher pitch than normal? His chest was also heavier than before.

Robyn glanced down and saw breasts attached to his chest. He took both hands off Sienna and grabbed them. They were real. Nowhere near as big but just as soft and supple. They belonged to… him?

"You… You're a…" Lilia was having a hard time finding the right words.

Robyn's attention went to the hand mirror one of Lilia's assistants was holding. He jumped to his feet and snatched it from her. A pretty female elf with long and straight blonde hair stared back at him through the mirror. It wasn't Lilia. It was him. Gone were the average masculine features and average looks. He reached into his pants, and the lack of his average dick and balls drove it home.

"I turned into a girl?!" Robyn exclaimed in horror.

"THAT'S IIIIIIIIIT!" Cordelius bellowed, then whirled on Dane. "Did you get that? TELL ME YOU GOT THAT, YOU SMOOTH-SKINNED MEATBAG!"

"I-I did!" Dane stammered.

Cordelius plugged his eye into the camera to rewatch the recording.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a chick now! We need to do something about this!" Robyn pulled the director from the camera and spun him around.

"What are you talking about? This is the perfect turn of events! Can you see it? Adventurers Gone Wild: Unassuming Adventurer Transforms into a Girl! This is what it means to roll with the punches. The masses are gonna eat this up!" Cordelius practically had gold glittering in his eyes.

"No, no, no, no! This is not happening! Give me another magic crystal. Maybe that stupid circle will turn me back… Where is it?!" he asked, stomping to the middle of the room but no longer able to find the runes.

"Robyn, I don't think we're turning you back." Sienna directed his attention to the ground, where the runes of the magic circle had all but faded away.

"But my threesome! FUUUUUUUCK!" In despair, Robyn dropped to all fours and beat her fists into the floor.


Chapter 1 - Robyn, the Rising Porn Actor.pdf


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