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Chapter 206

Following the end of Arum Taum and Avaline von Cleisseldor's siege of Aidenhall, the Grand Eye called for an emergency meeting at night in the trial chamber. It had been a while since Kanae saw this place. She was on trial last time. Analise and King Turren sat on their high seats, but the archbishop's seat remained empty.

All eight Saint Priests were in attendance, Marwin and Eliza. They stood alongside Kanae and Esta in facing Aidenhall's leadership pair.

"It is as I feared. Avaline's coming here was Rotandrix and the Empire of Ortesia's way of declaring war on the Commonwealth. How disgraceful of them to attack on the holiest day of Arum Taum… The greatest disgrace is on me. Aidenhall is once again in disarray, two high-ranking officers from our enemies have escaped, and our vault robbed!" Grand Eye Analise growled, both fists clenched over her lap.

Everyone, especially the Saint Priests, shifted uncomfortably.

"Do we know exactly what it is that the Rook of Rotandrix stole from the vault?" King Turren asked.

"I believe I do." Marwin stepped forward with a book Kanae recognized, My Encounters with Powerful Magical Items. "The One-Eyed Cross. It is presumed to have been excavated around two millennia ago and exchanged hands over the years. Once even to the dwarves. Some believe it a relic of the Supreme One because of the single all-seeing eye. Although it is shaped like a cross, the item is actually a crossguard and seems to fit a blade. Divining it revealed little other than a compulsion to find its other piece. My experiments with the One-Eyed Cross before it was vaulted are as follows. It gives the wielder a five-minute glimpse into the future and an infinite number of possibilities to move forward."

"Oh, wow! In that way, then there is almost always an assured victory?" Camilla Rudoux asked.

He shook his head and continued, "Theoretically, yes. But the problem isn't that the user will see a path to victory. It is that our mortal minds can neither fathom nor process infinity. Wielding that weapon almost destroyed my mind were it not for Elizabeth's help! For Ortesia to want such a thing…"

"Likely means they either have the blade portion in their possession or know where it is, and have a way of comprehending infinity," Eliza concluded.

"I'm sorry, your grace. If only I was strong enough to stop Avaline. This wouldn't have happened," Kanae said apologetically.

"No. I'm just as much at fault. To think my mother would stoop so low. If anyone is deserving of punishment, it is me. Not my master," Esta implored.

Grand Eye Analise waved a dismissive hand. "Neither of you will see punishment. Things would have gone a lot worse without both of your intervention. However, that brings us to a much more pressing matter. That of war."

Tension fell upon the room like a suffocating fog.

Avaline specified, in her proclamation of war, that they were only after the Commonwealth of Sin, and that Radevic was not to intervene. That put King Turren and the Grand Eye in a bind over who to express loyalty to.

"Queen Kanae," King Turren began, "Allow me to—"

"Wait, your highness. I don't want you or the Grand Eye to carry the burden of your decision. Let me. As Queen of the Commonwealth, my country and I will shoulder the war ourselves. It's our fight alone," Kanae declared to the gasps of the entire chamber.

"B-But against the might of the empire?" he stammered.

"I only ask that you keep my children safe here. Teana, Mikki, Pan, Revah… even Daya and Nelly. Kanade and Suvee are still too young, so I'll be keeping them by my side. If the war gets bad enough, I might send them back to Radevic. Will you protect them?" she asked earnestly.

"You're brave, Amethyst. Aidenhall will guard your precious children," Analise assured her. "Ortesia may have asked us to stay our hands, but that extends both ways. We will not aid them in attacking the Commonwealth."

"Thank you!"

"I also presume then that you will leave for the Commonwealth soon, and that Silver will follow suit. We will be without our Knights of Colors. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I know you are at odds with her, but we have taken your consideration to heart. Turren and I have discussed at great lengths to reach this conclusion. Bring her in."

The chamber doors opened. Two knights escorted an unshackled Dalu'luna Mello inside. Kanae met the confused elven woman's gaze and nodded to her. King Turren and Grand Eye Analise rose to their feet.

"Dalu'luna Mello, we understand you aided Amethyst and Silver during the attack in Aidenhall. While you had every opportunity to escape, every opportunity to aid your accomplices and Vander Zolta… you did not. We would like to extend you a chance at redemption," King Turren said.

"The former archbishop trialed you for the position of Knight of Ivory as an unofficial post. We would like to officially recognize Ivory to the elven race and ask that you bear its mantle. What say you, Dalu'luna? Will you atone for your crimes by serving Radevic?" Analise asked.

"M-Me? But, I…" Unable to finish her sentence, tears flowed down Dalu's face.

"Silver and I are going to be gone for a while. We're going to need you to hold down the fort here. Honestly, it's more like we're shoving most of the work onto you." Kanae patted her on the back and grinned.

"I'll endeavor to make things right and not waste this chance at redemption!" she exclaimed.

The establishment of the Knight of Ivory in the order ended their meeting on a positive note. Coming off the heels of a declaration of war, this was a nice spit in the face to Ortesia. A way for Radevic to demonstrate their sentiments over the empire's recent actions.

Kanae and Esta returned home after an extremely long, tiring day. They made their trek in awkward silence. Well, awkward to Kanae. Esta probably didn't even know the first feeling of being awkward. There was still the topic of her pregnancy to discuss… but Kanae didn't know how to broach the subject. It had come so suddenly. Even Avaline was utterly baffled.

Fortunately, running into a Rown carriage outside of the mansion bought Kanae some time. Renya was inside. Two, actually. One was a clone. They were bouncing Kanade and Suvee on their knees.

"Awww. You girls are going to rule the world one day, aren't you? Yes, you will!" Renya cooed.

"Don't get that in their heads! They're young and impressionable! Kanade, Suvee. Go play with Gretchen. Mom needs to speak with Renya," Kanae said.

"Okay!" Both of them ran off to the kitchen.

A plate shattering on the floor and Gretchen scolding them followed soon after.

"Don't you have a job to see through? Why are you here?" Esta asked, folding her arms.

"Relax, fire-breather! It's precisely concerning them that I'm paying you two a visit." Renya smirked, and her clone whistled sharply before vanishing.

Two cloaked figures descended from the second floor. They peeled their hoods back. Minestra Val'doun and Hilde, the Mistress of Subjugation, joined them in the living room by the fireplace.

"You brought them here? I told you to transport them to the Commonwealth," Kanae reminded her.

"I insisted that she bring us here. Don't think just because you've freed me that I will simply go along with your games. I want to know exactly what you expect out of this arrangement." Hilde glowered defensively.

"The same goes for me, as well. Though… I'm more than happy to just be by your side!" Minestra was more relaxed.

The herzulith sidled up behind Kanae and squeezed her breasts with one pair of hands, and caressed her hips with the other pair. Esta reached for her sword, but Kanae motioned against it.

"I'm the one who should be careful," Kanae chided and rested her hands over Minestra's to make them squeeze harder. "You two were the ones who resisted Avaline after she broke you out. I guess even the Rook of Rotandrix can miscalculate a move."

"That drakeling cattle wanted to use us as a bargaining chip against our own. She thought we were weak just because you defeated us. Once." Hilde made sure Kanae knew that.

"Unfortunately for her, both of us together proved too great a threat for her to fight. I deserve a reward, don't I? I wanted to go with you instead of her!" Minestra panted heavily.

"Ugh. How unsightly. Well? What do you intend to do?" the Mistress of Subjugation asked.

Avaline had wanted to take Minestra and Hilde to Ortesia. According to them, she offered the two freedom from their lifetime imprisonment in Radevic for only four years in Ortesia. After which, they would be freed. In return, Ortesia would petition Lord Charron and the Queen-Mother to stay out of the Commonwealth, giving them free reign to invade Kanae's country without a possible run-in.

It was the greatest miscalculation of their lives.

Neither Lord Charron nor the Queen-Mother were interested in the Commonwealth. At least not yet. They were only interested in each other. Ortesia didn't have this key piece of information. Only Kanae and her inner circle knew. Avaline broke Minestra and Hilde out so that Kanae could make a counter offer instead, unbeknownst to even the Grand Eye. A move that might actually warrant a treasonous verdict if discovered.

"I'm going to free you two back to your respective factions, then ask your leaders to join hands with the Commonwealth. Demon Queen Kanae, Queen-Mother Zariah, and Demon Lord Charron to repel the Empire of Ortesia's invasion. I think I'll call it… the Demon Three's Alliance," Kanae explained.

"You… You're serious? Lord Charron despises the Underqueen." Minestra was so taken aback that she peeled off from Kanae in shock.

"And good luck convincing my mother and sisters into allying with cattle," Hilde scoffed.

Yet allying was the only way to ensure the Commonwealth's survival. It would only be a temporary alliance. Kanae didn't want to estrange Radevic. The three of them could go back to hating each other after kicking Ortesia out of the continent.

"You, dark elf cattle. What do you even gain from this?" Hilde glared at Renya.

"Me, you ask? Why, metric fuck tons of supplies are moved across the land during wartime! I will take any and all opportunities to build the Imperial Span into Artaggon to… alleviate the burdens of transporting goods, armies, and equipment." Renya flashed a wide smile.

No one benefited more from this war than the Rown Company, whose access into unpaved lands was essentially a gold mine on the surface.

"Convincing Lord Charron and the Underqueen… You have a long and hard road ahead of you," Minestra said.

"I'm used to long and hard rods— I mean roads! Listen, the two of you are my keys to getting in contact with them. None of us want Ortesia here, right? I'm sure the Queen-Mother wants a fresh batch of high elven prisoners of war. Lord Charron has a few bones to pick with the lords of Ortesia. It's a win for all of us." Kanae extended a hand to each of them.

Minestra and Hilde traded looks, then shook Kanae's hands.

"Very well. Perhaps you have the wings and horns to be queen after all. I await you back at the Commonwealth to discuss the particulars then. The leaders of the alliance should cozy up after all." Hilde winked.

"Hey, she's mine first!" Minestra huffed.

They walked out with Renya to be smuggled safely out of Radevic. Finally, Kanae was alone with Esta.

"I should get back to Aidenhall. There's a lot I need to get in order before leaving for the Commonwealth," Esta said.

"Wait! So, uhm… You're… pregnant?" Kanae asked, rubbing the back of her head. "Since when?"

"I believe when we were around Artaggon. I… didn't want you to find out that way. It just felt like something my mother needed to know." The drakeling blushed as red as her scales.

Kanae really didn't want a child during a war. Especially given Esta's penchant to dive into battles. It was dangerous, but…

"If it's a girl, she's probably going to be born a drakeling succubus, you know?" Kanae chuckled.

"A strong one. I feel like this child is your gift to me. Which is why I must thank you. Together, we will come out of this war victorious over Ortesia. Over my mother." Esta smiled, resting a hand over her stomach.

The two of them shared a tender hug, wrapped tightly in the other's arms. It hadn't been long since Arenade passed, but Kanae was beginning to find purpose again. There would always be new life, and they needed to be protected and nurtured.

Esta made her way back to Aidenhall. Meanwhile, Kanae went in search of Edina. She never returned to the Basilica of Saint Rue after the fighting ended. The cathedral sisters were worried that she hadn't fully recovered yet and wasn't in any state to wander around.

Part of Kanae was that Edina might still be under the Pillar of the Damned's control. The staff had apparently gone missing from the vault after the rubble was cleared. She knew for sure Avaline didn't take it. The only thing in her hand was the One-Eyed Cross.

However, Kanae's worries came to an end when she spotted a group of shambling skeletons standing outside of an entertainment venue. Their familiar savage armaments could only mean one person. She landed at the entrance. Both skeletons regarded her with a wave and brief bow.

Inside was a gambling den. To no surprise at all, Edina sat at one of the poker tables. A large group of people surrounded them, eyes glued to the dealer's laid out hand. Kanae waited in the back, not wanting to spoil the fun. Everyone held their breaths. The dealer drew a card, and the players revealed their hands.

The crowd gasped. Three players at the table buried their faces into their hands. None of them were Edina. She scooped up the chips with a big smile on her face.

"Read 'em and weep, boyos. Edina Hackett's back in the game, and Lady Luck's still shining down on her ass!" Edina howled victoriously.

"No fucking way. You musta cheated!" an irate player shouted.

One of Edina's undeads brandished a sword in his face.

"Wanna take it outside?" Edina smirked.

Not wanting trouble, the player cut his losses and ran.

"Out of the hospital bed and right back into gambling, huh?" Kanae chided, shuffling up to the table now that people were clearing away.

"Lay off me, man. I've been in a coma for ages. This is my R&R." Edina picked up a staff from the floor and startled Kanae cold.

"Is that—?!"

"Oh, this? I nabbed it before anyone had a chance to put it away. Quit panicking! The staff ain't sweet-talking to me anymore. Whatever you did silenced the talking heads for good, but it's still a powerful necromantic staff. Hells if I'm gonna get rid of it," she said, hugging the Pillar of the Damned.

Well… if it was safe…

Kanae only noticed now that Edina no longer had her succubus features. They were gone. The squirreling was back to her natural squirreling color, too, just like she remembered her from back then.

"What happened to you being a half-succubus? I don't even sense you anymore." Kanae scratched her horn.

"Beats me. You mentioned anti-magic blasting me with that orbal capaci-whatever, right? When I woke up, I had to re-attune to all of my enchanted equipment. You probably knocked the succubus out of me. Not that I'm complaining." Edina shrugged.

"The orbal capacitor feedbacks to other items?" she muttered to herself.

They cashed out the chips at the front for a total of almost a million gold. Edina was going high stakes right from consciousness. Then in a very Edina fashion, she dragged Kanae over to the bar and ordered the most expensive drink possible.

"I heard what happened." Edina sipped quietly on her whiskey and clicked her tongue. "Arenade checked out early? Dumb cowtits didn't even have the courtesy of saying bye to me first. You fuck up whoever did her dirty?"

Kanae nodded. "Yeah, thoroughly. We have another problem though. A lot happened in Artaggon while you were in a coma, but we've got to put that behind us. The biggest problem now is Rotandrix and Ortesia. I'm planning to form an alliance with Lord Charron and the Queen-Mother. Obviously, I'll need the help of the greatest necromancer in the world to help me win this war. You in?"

"The fuck? Trying to team up with them to fight the biggest, baddest army in the world? Those odds sound like shit, but… I am a bettin' squirreling. I'll take those odds no matter how shit it is. Count me in though! I'm ready to make up for lost time, but first— Cheers, pal. To me waking up and to Arenade."

Kanae and Edina clinked their glasses and knocked back the whiskey together. It felt good drinking with a friend again. The taste, even though Kanae wasn't really a fan of alcohol to begin with, brought a smile to her face.


Chapter 206 - Queen Kanae's Answer to War


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