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Chapter 196

Preparations for a revolt in Aberron moved swiftly. As rumors spread across the city, suspicions continued to fall on the Barons of Stolas. Several more had been arrested the following morning, and the barons could no longer stay quiet. Their cozy lives were being torn away by an upstart ruler who sided with a succubus, or so they believed. Now, they and their slaves took to the polished streets in protests above, while the poor voiced their own outrage below.

Kanae peeled away from the window and smiled mischievously to herself. Everything was going according to plan. She clenched her fists so tightly, the nails bit into her palm. It was only going well because Claudia allowed it. The Mistress of the Pain could have easily told Seer Yesenia what was really going on but didn't.

The fleet of crossdressing dark elven maids bowed to Kanae when she faced them. Many of them looked worried. It was up to her to assuage their worries.

"Whatever happens today, the rest is up to you. Take the reins to your own freedom. If Aberron is your home, then you have to turn it into a place you can be proud to live in. If it isn't, carve your own path elsewhere. Don't let anyone do it for you." Kanae patted the youngest boy's head.

Esta, Moira, and Aisha were just now coming down the stairs. Aberron Brawl was starting soon. They needed to get Esta there before it began. Kanae threw a cloak over herself. She opted to wear the Matron's Regalia and keep her succubus features today. There would be no going back after the reveal.

"Baroness!" Lenta cried from behind.

Kanae paused with her hand on the front door and turned around. Twenty, dewy-eyed dark elves gazed back at her.

"Thank you for freeing us," he said, smiling.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kanae played coy. "As far as I can tell, you're all still my slave, and I'm your Baroness."

They continued to bow even as Kanae and her companions left the manor. The four of them rode the carriage past the protestors. It was getting more and more rowdy, especially closer to Yesenia's keep.

"The hells is Seer Yesenia doing? This is what happens when you don't have strength to back up your rule. Gabrul would never have let things get out of hand." Aisha growled.

"Maybe ya forgot yer old man got played by a succubus!" Moira reached up and pinched Aisha's cheeks.

"Ow, ow! Mom, stop!" she cried.

"From here on out, anything can happen. Everyone, make sure to be on your guard," Kanae warned them.

The three of them nodded.

When the carriage reached the stadium, Esta split ways from them to head for the contestants' area. Kanae, Aisha, and Moira went upstairs where Aberron's wealthy class sat, but it was a lot more barren this time around. Most were probably at the protests. The masses in the crowds were also especially raucous. Many booed and tossed trash into the arena floor.

"Things are getting really bad. You think we should leave and make way for Capillis?"

"Good idea. Whatever Seer Yesenia's up to, she's probably lost it. Colluding with a succubus? Arresting Barons of Stolas? I don't want to be here when Lord Charron arrives…"

Two demon men in fine suits with slaves of their own sat down a few rows behind Kanae. Their sentiments on Aberron's state seemed grim. Unbeknownst to them, it was going to get a lot worse.

"So, Kanae… uh… We're going to have to watch you get fucked down there?" Aisha reluctantly asked.

"You're not a voyeur?" Kanae teased.

"As if!" she snapped back. "I just figured, if the drakeling was anything to go by… You're going to end up just the same as her."

"That's the plan!"

"My boy Mitty sure chose a scamp to make a mate out of! Ahaha!" Moira cackled heartily.

It was going to be a little awkward having her family watch it go down. However, they weren't going to be the only ones. Kanae scanned the entire crowd. This stadium was large enough to fit thousands. They were all going to see. They were going to know who she was, too. Kanae shivered with excitement.

A demon emerged from the tunnel, riding upon a dire beast hound with snow white fur. He announced the start of Aberron Brawl instead of Seer Yesenia. Maybe the old crone was hiding from her own people. Her ritualists, however, were still around to summon monsters for the contestants to fight.

Finally, after an hour of bloody, merciless, and even sometimes rapey fights that ended in many of the slave fighters' defeats, the spectators had almost forgotten their grievances. They were too caught up in the spectacle of violence and beatdowns. It was Esta's turn. She strolled out of the tunnel dressed in her full suit of armor, wielding both the greatsword and Dragonhead Greatshield.

"I am not a slave!" Esta began as planned. "My name is Estaline von Cleisseldor, the Knight of Silver! Demons and monsters alike shall be felled by my blade. Come, bring out these creatures you wish for me to slay."

Everyone started cheering again as quickly as they had stopped. The ritualists, on the other hand, panicked at the sight of the suited up drakeling who issued them a challenge. They summoned a giant wyrm from their circle. The length of the wingless, draconic beast was covered in glowing tattoos. Each one lit up as it sucked in a deep breath, then spewed toxic sludge at Esta.

Undeterred, Esta bared her clenched teeth and breathed out a geyser of flames. Her fire cut through the slurry, searing the wyrm and scattering the ritualists. She charged ahead as it reeled in pain and severed the head with a single slash.

"Is this all Seer Yesenia can muster?" Esta taunted the new emcee.

"Eh… uh…" the demon stammered. "Looks like we have a win—"

"Have you come back for seconds, drakeling? Some new toys won't save you from climaxing to my touch." Claudia, the Mistress of Pain, descended with a smug grin on her face.

"I'm grateful for the pleasure you have shown me, because it has led to this moment. I won't be facing you." Esta plunged the end of her sword into the ground and rested the greatshield on her back.

"That's my cue." Kanae stood up and shedded the cloak that hid her body. The audience behind her gasped sharply. By the sound of it, a few of them made a run for the booth's exit. She spread her wings and flew to the arena floor, and the rest of the spectators clamored in surprise.

"My master will." The loyal drakeling knight stepped aside and bowed.

Kanae and Claudia faced each other down.

"Oh? Oh? Oh? Oh! This is a dream come true. The Demon Queen wishes to fight me? And I was kind enough to let you traipse around Aberron as you pleased. Perhaps you saw yesterday's fight and couldn't resist?" Claudia panted heavily, her cheeks rosy and her breaths deeply shallow.

"Well…" Kanae's tail flicked side to side, and she drooled from the side of her mouth. "After seeing how relentless you can be, how could I hold back?"

"Hey! Take this fight seriously, you skank!" Aisha shouted from the upper booth.

"Aisha, sweetie! Shh!" Moira pulled her daughter away from the edge.

The energy in the audience grew with each passing second. They saw two succubus in the arena who were about to go at each other's throats after all.

"I am Kanae Toyomi, Queen of the Commonwealth and Knight of Amethyst. Aberron Brawl accepts anyone who wants to fight, right? If defeating you is what it takes to meet with Yesenia, then that's exactly what's going to happen." Kanae drew her whip and cracked it on the ground.

"Come then! Don't keep me waiting!" Claudia flashed a crazed grin.

Kanae flourished the whip, but she was too slow. Claudia was faster. The Mistress of Pain struck her thigh with the horsewhip. Burning pain ran up Kanae's own thigh. Wincing, she dropped down to one knee. The crowds, too, suffered the same pain.


"This is what I was waiting for!"

"Yes, mistress! Yes!"

"Had enough after just one hit?" Claudia asked, pulling taut the leather straps with her other hand. "You must be wondering why you're able to feel this wonderful pain? I'll tell you, because there isn't anything you can do about it. It's a passive skill called Project Agony. Damage dealt to me is also dealt to those around me. My lovely whip came from a Rift. It scales off my STR attribute which happens to be at S-rank. Paired together, well… it makes for quite an intense pang of pain, don't you think?"

"Maybe you're the real masochist here!" Kanae launched across the arena and nailed Claudia in the gut with Titanic Blow.

The feedback of pain from Project Agony left many in the audience doubling over. For Kanae, too. She clutched her stomach, squealing from the low shot.

"Too weak, too soft!" Claudia lifted Kanae by one horn. "How are you going to get me off like that? I need you to teach you a lesson about doling out true pain."

Not good. The plan wasn't just to get fucked by Claudia, it was also to find out exactly what class she had been crowned with. Without knowing that, they might not have an inkling of a chance to defeat her.

Claudia began to hit herself over and over again with the horsewhip, bringing Kanae into a world of pain. Breasts, collarbone, stomach, ass, back, shoulders… Everywhere. All the while, the Mistress of Pain cackled like a maniac.

Not yet, Kanae thought. I can't turn on Masochist yet… even though it hurts so much…

Somehow, Claudia didn't so much as wince or flinch. Either she was used to it or none of it fazed her. How? It hurt so much that Kanae could black out at any moment.

Kanae pulled her regalia off. The Piercings of Impurity flashed a blinding light. Claudia let her go, and she seized the moment of respite to lash out with Lust. The tip of the whip connected, knocking the Mistress of Pain back a few paces.

"Wow! That stung a little. What was that?" Claudia asked, rubbing her slightly pink upper arm where the whip landed.

It… hurt?

Kanae quickly checked her character sheet.

[Lust: This whip serves as both a focusing element and casting element. Attacks with this weapon scales off DEX. Also ignores defenses and armor.]

Wait. Esta's greatsword barely gave Claudia a papercut. Yet the whip just…

Defenses and armor.

The Mistress of Pain was an extraordinarily tough individual with high defenses. Vanguard was definitely a possibility, but Talis, the only other person Kanae knew to be crowned with that class, didn't make him that physically resistant as a fighter. What other classes that granted an even higher degree of defense?

"Master, watch out!" Esta shouted.

Kanae looked up too late. A massive punch cratered her into the ground. If it wasn't for Lion's Pride, she would have been a goner. Unfortunately, Kanae wasn't standing any longer and the passive skill's effects were gone.

"We're going to need to play a little more later, but it's about time I wrap up this fight with a climactic ending! Everyone, yahoo~ Are you ready for your mistress to start punishing this misbehaving succubus?" Claudia asked the crowds.

They roared back in agreement.

A magic circle etched itself into the dirt around Kanae. She unfurled both pairs of wings to fly out, but tendrils fired forth to yank her down. The ritualists ahead were chanting in unison. This must be their spell.

The wriggly appendages lifted Kanae up and into the spread eagle position. She couldn't break free. They fondled her bare skin, tugged off the Matron's Regalia, and prodded her private bits. Meanwhile, Claudia walked circles around her, nodding occasionally.

"When Yesenia told me she had tapped into dark magic, I didn't believe her. I see the potential now. The demon crone might be useful after all." Claudia pushed open Kanae's legs and licked her shivering pussy.

"Nngh… What's your real aim in Aberron? Why side… with a race you call… cattle?" Kanae asked between sighs of pleasure.

"Aw. Weren't you going to beat me and ask Yesenia herself? Too bad~" She brought the horsewhip down on her ass.

Kanae saw white. Red hot pain ran up her spine. The spectators cheered even louder than before. Before it became too unbearable, she switched on Masochist. Slowly, that pain morphed into familiar pleasure tingling across her skin.

"Whooo! Fuck her!"

"I want to see some succubus on succubus action!"

Everyone in the arena was jumping out of their seats. Kanae hyperventilated like a mutt in summer. Her pussy was dripping wet. She had just introduced herself as an enemy, and they now looked upon the defeated queen with lustful gazed.

"Open your mouth. I wouldn't want you to bite your own tongue. It has a little surprise, too!" Claudia plugged a ball gag into Kanae's mouth that wrapped around her neck. Something extended from the ball. She felt the shape of a throbbing dick pushing against the walls of throat.

"Mmm! Mmmrpphh!" Kanae couldn't so much as cry for help. Her words came out as muffled gibberish.

The tendrils flipped Kanae over so that she was facing the ground. They forced her ass to angle upwards. She knew what was coming next when Claudia skipped merrily behind her.

"Look at them all! They have come to hear you scream!" Claudia pulled out the paddle that had devastated Esta and struck Kanae's butt.

"MMMHH!" Kanae screamed as the Mistress of Pain wanted, but it was suppressed behind the gag. Drool slipped out between the cracks like a pipe on the verge of breaking.

Because of the hole in the middle, the paddle whistled as it flew into her ass again, and again, and again… each hit bringing Kanae closer to climax.

"Ahhh! I love it. Your pained voice is filled with so much pleasure. It's music to my ears! Your voice alone is an orchestra! Sing for me, Demon Queen! Fall into debaucherous pain!"


Kanae's eyes rolled back.

It was so good. More. More. More. More! Her ass was probably red and swollen. The hole likely left a round mark after every hit. The stinging cheeks pulsed with pain and pleasure. All the while this phantom dick in her mouth pumped faster and harder, like it was facefucking her to the rhythm of Claudia's strikes.

A pair of hands grabbed Kanae by the stinging cheeks. Claudia. She buried her face into Kanae's butt. Ten fingers sank into the beaten dough.

"I can't help myself… Just a little taste… You're gushing so much!" Claudia licked up all the sweat and pussy nectar that gushed out.

"Mmm!" Kanae crushed the ball gag with her teeth, destroying it and the phantom dick. "Punish me… more! I want more… mistress!"

"That's more like it… ahhh… I'm going to cum from just hearing you beg. Wait right there, my little darling…" She showed Kanae a red wax candle in which the wick had already been alight. A trickle of wax ran down the length of it.

The appendages that grasped Kanae firmly pulled her flat to the ground face down. She only saw Claudia's legs and feet. Something searing hot dripped down on her back. It burned intensely. Kanae tensed up and drew trenches in the dirt with her horns.

A wagging tail— Claudia's tail— wrapped around Kanae's throat and clenched. Her vision blurred. It was getting harder to breathe. The burning sensation of hot wax intensified and continued to come intermittently. Each drop left behind a trail of lava as it cooled and hardened. She wanted to cum so bad, but she was dipping in and out of consciousness… just a little more before passing out…

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not yet" Claudia loosened the hold on her tail before Kanae blacked out.

All of the tendrils started to interconnect and merge together. They tied around in a style similar to shibari and lifted her up again. It felt like real threads pinching her skin, like the bite of wild animals.

"Please, make me cum… I want to… by your hands!" Kanae pleaded.

"You're so sweet and obedient. If I could make you my dog…" Claudia smirked and reached down to pull on the Piercings of Impurity. "How far will these go before they rip off?"

Just like the hobgoblins.

Claudia turned to the audience. "This is the Demon Queen of the Commonwealth! Look how pathetically she begs. This is the threat that stopped Artaggon's invasion into No Man's Land. Lord Charron and your leaders are afraid of her while I've turned her into a sow in heat. Well, Kanae? Would you like to cum in front of your audience?"

"Yes! I'm just a bitch in heat who wants to cum! Hurt me more, so I— ackk…" Kanae reared her head back in ecstasy as Claudia's tail constricted again, this time with killing intent. The lack of oxygen, the agonizing pain of suffocating… the thought of actually dying somehow brought great comfort. As her vision blurred again, someone stood as clear as day in the arena. Arenade. Two gentle hands cupped her cheeks.

Pleasure and relief washed over Kanae.

[Congratulations! You are now level 245!

Masochist has granted you additional experience worth five levels.

Congratulations! You are now level 250!]

"Uu… Holy… crap…" Kanae meeked out.

[Your Drain skill has evolved into Skill Drain!

Skill Drain: In addition to functioning like Drain, performing penetrative sex with a crowned individual will temporarily grant you a skill or spell they used on you. Lasts 24 hours or until a new skill or spell is taken.]

"Penetrative…" Kanae muttered.

"Hm? What was that? I'm pleasantly surprised you're still able to speak after that! Would you like some more punishment?" Claudia, who had been bathing in the cheers, returned to Kanae and grabbed her chin.

Gaining an evolved skill wasn't part of the plan, but this sure was going to come in handy.

"No, but I have something for you. Esta, now!" Kanae signaled to her drakeling knight.

Esta shoulder-checked Claudia away and cleaved the appendages. The restraints binding Kanae loosened.

"Leave the ritualists to me." Esta nodded and stampeded towards them before they could summon a monster.

"Now, then…" Kanae switched on Futanari, granting herself a modest penis. She slipped the oversized Cock Ring of Hardening down to the base. At first, it was the size of a bracelet, but then slowly reduced in circumference until it fit snugly. Claudia recovered, rubbing the side of her head and picking up her weapons.

"So much for a one on one— What the? Is that a dick? Oh, you're like Hilde! A Seductress! You should have told me sooner, and I would have… uh…" Claudia watched on speechlessly as Kanae's dick grew into an erect schlong at full mast.

Even Kanae was baffled by its size, just shy of over fourteen inches and of incredible girth. The enchanted gear once owned and worn by Warchief Gabrul appeared in Kanae's equipment list.

[Cock Ring of Hardening: When worn, your cock enlarges and becomes harder than diamonds. May cause lightheadedness due to increased blood flow to the other head.]

"Hold on now. No one said anything about last minute equipment changes!" Claudia took a step back for the very first time.

"What?" Kanae smiled, switching Masochist to Sadist. "Where did all your gusto go? Not so confident about defeating me now? I should have guessed the Mistress of Pain was all talk and no bark. Could it be you've never taken a dick this big before? Pft. And you call yourself a succubus."

"I… I am the Mistress of Pain! The Queen-Mother granted me that title because I'm able to dish out as much pain as I can take! Who do you take me for, bitch? Fine!" Seething with fury, she yanked a crotch zipper down to reveal her own soaking wet pussy and gave it a good slap. "Come get me!"

Kanae lunged for Claudia, tackling her into the air. The Mistress of Pain threw both legs around Kanae's waist and was practically begging for it. She was more than eager to oblige. Kanae plunged her empowered cock into Claudia's snatch. It was tight, way tighter than any pussy she had ever fucked before thanks to having a bigger dick.

Wait a minute. This was unfair. People with bigger dicks had more surface area to feel pleasure from.

"S-See… I can… take your paltry dick!" Claudia winced.

"Then don't mind if I take you to pound town!" Kanae pistoned into the Mistress of Pain, whose coquettish voice— a stark difference from the arrogant bravado— began to leak out.

However, their fucking was having an unintended consequence…


"We're being taken for a ride, too?!"

"Three hells, I can feel it in my ass!"

The audience writhed in their seats. Many were keeled over and shuddering. Claudia's Project Agony was still active, so Kanae was fucking them… by proxy?

"Yes, yes, yes! Oh, my fucking gods! Yes! I'm feeling it… the pain! Finally, at last… I can feel something!" Claudia bounced on Kanae's dick with impassioned zeal. She was relentless. Sanity lost amidst gratuitous sex. Her ravenous pussy took it all the way down to the base. The Mistress of Pain was a succubus after all.

Even Esta and the ritualists, who had until now been locked in a fearsome battle that collapsed a section of the arena, were doubled over.

"Don't look at them!" Claudia grabbed Kanae's face, inadvertently causing the latex sleeve to peel back and show a wrist sigil of a brick wall. "Fuck my pussy, you fucking degenerate cattle-fucking, bat— ahhhhhh!"

Everyone joined the Mistress of Pain's harried moans.

"I'm… cumming inside you!" Kanae pumped so hard that their clapping hips were like a percussion band.

"Do it!" Claudia shrieked. "I've been waiting for this all my liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!"

Kanae blew her load into the Queen-Mother succubus. The pressure was so great that Claudia lifted off from the geyser of ejaculate. Strings of semen blasted out of the stadium.

[Skill Drain has temporarily acquired the skill Project Agony.

Project Agony: Physical and magical attacks inflicted on you are reflected to anyone within line of sight.]

"Whew… I didn't even know I could shoot that much." Kanae switched off Sadist and gaped at the audience, who were rubbing their rear ends. "I just hope Aisha and Moira weren't caught in that…"

"Kanae! You fucking did it!" Aisha came running out of a tunnel entrance with Moira on her back, but she grinded to a halt.

Kanae followed her gaze to Claudia, who picked herself right up. Aside from looking a little frazzled, she appeared perfectly unhurt.

"You're still standing?" Kanae snatched Lust off the ground expecting another fight.

"No, I'm good for now! That was a positively thrilling experience. We definitely need to do it again sometime, but it appears Yesenia wants to meet with you." Claudia pointed to the ritualists who were just now getting to their feet. They formed a circle again and raised a portal tall enough for them to enter.

The last one turned back and said, "Seer Yesenia has granted the victor of Aberron Brawl an audience. This way, please." He entered without another word.

"I'll meet you on the other side." Claudia winked and skipped inside.

Kanae helped Esta up, and together with Aisha and Moira, headed for the portal. She took one last look over her shoulder. The spectators were also distracted by the chaotic sounds of rioting outside. Raksha did her part. The revolt has begun. Now… Kanae faced the dark portal that awaited before her.

It was time to rescue Lapis and Eliza, but more importantly, to avenge Arenade.


Chapter 196 - A Dominatrix Meets Her Match


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