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Chapter 195

The Aberron Brawl and Claudia, the Mistress of Pain's beating, left Esta a lot more battered than anyone had anticipated. They came back to the baron residences in time to witness the arrests of Baron Clyde and Ayenne. One by one, the dominoes are starting to fall. Good.

Kanae carried the unconscious drakeling back to Baron Arnault's manor and laid her face down in bed. Her ass was too raw from all that spanking to let her lie the other way. Aisha and Moira repurposed an old cauldron in the kitchen to brew something that might help.

In the meantime, Kanae stayed by Esta's side. She held her loyal knight's hand and squeezed. There weren't many people on the continent who could match the Knight of Silver's raw strength. Vestrid and Minestra were among the few. Claudia managed to not only match her, but also defeated her with Bond active.

Just what kind of power did the Mistress of Pain have? The first step was finding out what she was crowned with.

"Forgive me… Master," Esta mustered up enough energy to say.

"You don't have to apologize. You did your best out there. For now, just rest and let me take it from here," Kanae insisted.

The drakeling swallowed hard and shook her head. "No, well… I apologize because… I might have lost as a result of imagining you in Claudia's place."

Kanae lifted her other hand to her face and sighed.

"I-I see. Next time, I won't permit you to lose like that! No one is allowed to dominate you other than me!" she exclaimed.

"Of course, Master. Now, if you will excuse me…" Esta fell back asleep with a look of bliss on her face.

As if on cue, Aisha and Moira entered the room with a bowl of green slop.

"Whipped up something with what little we got lying around. Ain't sure what good it'll do, but better than nothing!" Moira sniffed her own concoction and recoiled.

"I infused it with my magic. It should heal your friend over time. You won't see a single bruise on her by evening," Aisha promised.

"Thanks, you two. I'm going to leave Esta in your care. I'll try to be back before night." Kanae got up and headed for the door.

"Where ya going?" her goblin mother-in-law asked.

"The Mistress of Pain is going to be the talk of the town. I want to get an idea about how people feel about it. Maybe there's a way to exploit the fact that Yesenia's openly allied herself with a Queen-Mother succubus. I also might learn a thing or two about what happened to my friends," she explained.

On the way down, Baron Arnault stopped Kanae at the foot of the stairs.

"My lady! Will you be heading out? Shall I accompany you?" Arnault asked.

"Not this time, but…" Kanae spotted two dark elves who opted to dress in maid outfits. They were probably too accustomed to them to just not wear anymore. She beckoned the boys over, and they came over right away.

"Yes, Baroness?" one asked, and Kanae recognized him as the dark elf she met on the first day.

"I was thinking about going around the city. Will you two come with me? Unfortunately, I'll need to put collars around your necks," she explained.

Neither of them hesitated to agree and seemed almost eager to be of service. Instead of a metal shackle, Kanae opted for leather collars with a leash. The dark elf that Kanae had initially befriended was named Lenta. He had long, white hair that went straight down to his chest. The other was Uri. He was much quieter. His hair, however, was dark brown, short, and very wiry.

Although Kanae towered over the pair by almost three heads and was known to them as a succubus, they didn't seem at all afraid anymore. A little kindness went a long way. Though, the other night's romp probably helped a lot.

The first stop was the marketplace. It wasn't only the Barons of Stolas that lived up here, but also the merchants who had crossed the threshold of poverty through hard work, and the wealthy and influential from other parts of Artaggon.

Kanae browsed the many stalls with fishes laid out on ice or kept fresh through cold magic. Some fish looked outright demonic. One had thorns like those from a rosebush protruding from its body and a long, insect-like proboscis for a mouth. In another stall, open barrels contained needles the size of fingers that darted about within.

"What is this?" Kanae gagged.

"Those are a species of soft-shelled, Baroness!" Lenta answered, his voice dialed up in excitement upon seeing them. "You can eat them raw. They're very tasty!"

Uri glanced into the barrel, drooling from one corner of his mouth.

"Hey! Keep your mangy paws off my goods!" The centaur beastman stomped his forelegs. Both of them flinched and stumbled backwards in fright.

"How about you control your temper around my goods? Is this how you treat a member of the Barons of Stolas?" Kanae walked up to the stall and glared.

"B-B-Baron? I'm so terribly sorry, ma'am!" he stammered.

"Oh, it's fine. Nothing a little free samples wouldn't fix, don't you think?" she asked, charming him into obedience.

The merchant nodded. He fished out a couple of them with tongs, then plunged a wooden skewer into one end of the shell and out the other. That left behind a wriggly, fleshy rod behind behind. Lenta and Uri were ecstatic to receive them. They shoved the morsels into their mouths whole.

When Kanae was handed one, she was reluctant to eat it.

"Eh… Well, bottom's up." Kanae popped the thing into her mouth and thought she tasted raw oyster, a lot tastier than it looked.

"Thank you, Baroness!" The elves beamed.

Kanae smiled back at them.

"You must get a lot of barons as patrons up here, right?" Kanae asked the charmed centaur. "How have people been feeling about what happened at the Aberron Brawl earlier?"

He leaned in close and whispered, "Between you and me, the barons are more afraid of being the next Grimnir, Clyde, and Ayenne than the succubus. It's only been a few hours, but the barony used to be singing Yesenia's praises. Now? They're all scared shitless. Don't matter to me what they do or who's in charge as long as business is booming."

"But Lord Charron can't possibly be okay with this. He and the Que— Underqueen, have been fighting for months now," she said.

"You got me there, lady. Beats me what the crazy crone is up to. Lord Charron's coming for the War Games. After that stunt at Aberron Brawl, Seer Yesenia's days are numbered."

Unless Yesenia knew something no one else didn't and had an ace up her sleeve. An alliance with the Queen-Mother then? A secret weapon? It was no good. Kanae couldn't think of a single reason why Seer Yesenia would so blatantly betray Lord Charron. Unless Claudia had Yesenia charmed the whole time? Maybe this entire mission was a bust after all. Arenade was gone. Edina was in a coma. Esta got seriously injured…

Lenta and Uri each lifted a wriggling clam up to Kanae's face.

"Baroness, are you okay? You look sad. You can have ours if you want," Lenta said.

Uri nodded in agreement.

"So, you wanted to give me your food to make me feel better?" Kanae laughed into the back of her hand.

"When you… gave me a snack that time, it made me really happy. I thought the same might work for you." Lenta blushed.

Motherly instincts compelled Kanae to put a hand on their heads. Her eyes snapped open when she saw Claudia and an entourage of demon guards entering a building with a dome roof.

"I think I just found something tastier," Kanae said.

"B-B-But Baroness, that p-place is…" Lenta couldn't finish his sentence, stammering so much.

Kanae pulled them along anyway. They followed the group of demons into the foyer of what looked like a five-star hotel. A statue at the center of a circular fountain spewed water. The floor was fashioned from smooth granite, reflecting the glittering lights of glass chandeliers from above. Neither Claudia nor the group of guards were anywhere to be seen. Only a counter with several well-dressed demons manned the front.

"May I help you, my lady?" A pompous demon man asked, scrutinizing her through his round spectacles.

"I'm Baroness Kanae. I saw Claudia come in and wanted to introduce myself to her," Kanae lied.

"Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to do that. Lady Claudia has taken the diamond package. You will have to wait until she is satisfied and returns on her own," he said.


"Then I also want the diamond package," Kanae demanded.

The clerk's eyes glossed over as charm seized hold of him.

"Very well. Follow me." He came around to guide them down the left hallway.

For some reason, the dark elves were shaking and deeply red. Nothing about this place screamed dangerous. The clerk led them two flights of stairs before reaching a corridor in which numerous guards were stationed outside of a door. That must be the one Claudia was in.

However, Kanae and her companions were led past the guards, who briefly shot them a cautious glare, and into an adjacent room. It was a bit more lavish than Arnault's bedchamber. Two tall windows currently had their windows drawn, so few beams of light passed through. At one corner of the room was a steaming hot tub, large enough to fit many people. On the other end was an even larger bed with silken red sheets and a canopy. A few other expensive-looking furniture were smattered about. Other than that, it appeared to be a normal room. So what the hell was this place for?

The clerk shut the door behind them and departed before Kanae had a chance to ask. She wandered to the left side of the room and pressed her ear to the wall. Several voices could be heard… moaning. One distinctly belonged to Claudia.

"I can't hear a thing." Kanae sighed and dropped into an excessively comfortable lounge chair. She noticed the dark elves petrified by the door. "What's wrong with you two?"

"B-Baroness, I wouldn't sit on that if I were you!" Lenta warned.

"Why not? It's just a—"

The chair came to life. Dozens of arms sprung out and captured Kanae. Their hands tore her clothes off. She thrashed around and only succeeded in tiring herself out.

"Baroness!" Lenta and Uri raced over, vainly pulling against the arms.

"Is this… alive?" Kanae panicked.

The hands had ripped off every single piece of clothing, leaving her in her birthday suit. She trembled when the leathery seat became warm and wet like a tongue. Rows of teeth formed all along the seams.

"This place is where the barons come to have their sexual fantasies satisfied! Seer Yesenia created these things with dark magic. That's a chair mimic you're sitting on!" Lenta cried.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Kanae groaned.

"I thought you knew, and that's why you came here!" he fired back.

"No, I— Ahhh! Whatever. Just help me get out of— eeek!"

Two hands squeezed her breasts and nipples. Another plunged a finger into her pussy. The giant tongue licked her entire back. Kanae was slowly getting turned on. Her eyes rolled back as she climaxed. Lenta and Uri backed away to hide their erections.

"Fuck it." Kanae panted. "We're already here. Let your baroness get you two off."

Lenta threw himself on top of Kanae. One of the mimic hands lifted off her right breast to let him suck on her nipple. That same hand pulled his skirt up, revealing a throbbing boner that rubbed against her inner thigh.

The chair mimic shifted. It was as though someone pulled a latch, and the seat straightened out into the lying position. Uri tugged his own pants off and brought his dick over to Kanae's mouth. Meanwhile, Lenta's dick joined a mimic's finger inside her pussy.

"Baroness… It's so hot inside you, I don't know how long I can…" Lenta squeezed his eyes shut.

"Don't hold it in! Let it all inside me," Kanae urged while sucking Uri off.

Both of them came at the same time, and the mimic released her. It returned to being a regular old chair.

"Are you… okay?" Lenta asked, catching his breath while nestled between her breasts.

"Yeah, give me a sec…" Kanae cleaned off Uri's dick with her tongue and sighed. "I… kind of want to know what's in store for us in the bath and bed."

The room door burst open. Claudia was standing in the doorway. The blood in Kanae's veins froze solid.

"Hiiiiii— oh? I thought I heard the sound of a cattle in heat. Imagine my surprise when I find not one but three in one stable? Two cute calfs and a mature sow. Mmm!" Claudia sneered.


Does Claudia not recognize who I am?

Kanae only had her horns showing. Maybe Claudia was testing her?

"I reserved this room for myself, but I don't mind sharing it with the winner of Aberron Brawl." Kanae smiled.

"Ahaha! You were there? I was promised strong challengers, but alas, I found only disappointment. But enough about me. If you're wealthy enough to be in this room, you must be a baron. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. You already know me from my illustrious debut. My name is Claudia, the Mistress of Pain." Claudia stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

"I'm Baroness… Kan… dace…" She made up a name on the spot, hoping to fool her. "M-Mistress of Baron Arnault."

Claudia's eyes sweeped the room. With one hand, she shooed away Lenta and Uri. However, neither of them moved. They stayed right where they were between Claudia and Kanae.

"What's this? Disobedient cattle? Perhaps they need a little punishment…" Claudia's eyes glowed brightly as she pulled taut her whip.

Kanae sat up. "Wait! Don't hurt them!"

"And why not?" she asked, raising a brow.

"I… I paid a lot for them. I saw how badly you hurt the drakeling. I need them to stay on their feet to work. Lenta, Uri. Wait outside."

Both of them ultimately obeyed. As soon as they were out, she sighed in relief. Kanae stood up, but Claudia shoved her back into the seat. The many arms sprouted out again. Instead of molesting her, they only held her wrists and ankles.

"Baroness Kandace, was it? I pray you aren't among those intending to overthrow Seer Yesenia," Claudia said, bending down to Kanae's pussy which was dripping with fresh ejaculate.

"Is that what this is about? Are you here to find out if I am? I wonder if your timely debut is to suppress any other baron thinking about rebelling," Kanae said.

Without answering, Claudia drew her tongue along Kanae's inner thigh. She gasped delightfully. The Mistress of Pain had her own gentle streak and licked delicately.

"Mm!" Kanae, unable to move, gave in and let Claudia eat her out.

The pleasure, however, never reached climax. Claudia teased and teased, but she never fully committed.

"A succubus," Claudia began and gave Kanae half a heart attack, "is by all accounts a demon. Yet my mother calls them cattle. I always found that strange. After all, she hooked up with the lord of cattles once. Oh, but you won't hear me saying that in front of my sister, the Mistress of Daddy Issues. I get it though. Even demons can taste just as sweet… chuu."

The kiss on Kanae's clit made her shiver.

"Lord Charron is coming to the Hellfire Badlands… you and Seer Yesenia are playing with fire." Kanae winced.

"Aw. You don't sound convinced of that. I know because I loooove inflicting pain. People scream, "I've had enough!' or 'I can't take it anymore!' all the time. They lie. But the truth is, they can take so much more punishment. The truth comes out when they ask me to just end them already. So, I know you're lying. You don't think we're in any actual danger, do you?" Claudia whispered, her hot breath tickling Kanae closer to climax.

Just a little more… doing it with another Mistress would gain Kanae so much more experience, but—

Claudia stepped away. She jammed her stiletto into the chair, right between Kanae's thighs. The mimic shook violently. All of the arms holding Kanae down let go and disappeared.

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid I'll run to Lord Charron and tell him about this?" Kanae asked.

"Again, lie." Claudia walked up to one of the windows and threw the curtains open. "I can tell you could care less about telling him, but you are interested. Hildy got herself caught by cattles. Amby and Labelly are still screwing around in Suvius. Until they return, it's on me to make sure things stay in order. But I deserve a little fun, too! Do you think so? As for why I'm telling you?" She turned around and smirked. "It's because I know there's nothing you can do to stop me. There's nothing more fun than the pain of throwing yourself against the wall and not getting anywhere. Right, Demon Queen Kanae Toyomi of the Commonwealth of Sin?"

Kanae didn't have any danger sense skills, but her own warning bells went off like sirens. Since the jig was up, she let her true form show and prepared for a fight.

"Oh, my gosh… You're more beautiful in person than I ever imagined. I'm breathless. That body is so pristine! No scars or blemishes. A clean canvas ripe for my brushes. I'm going to cum just looking at you…" Claudia fanned herself while she hyperventilated.

"Before we fight, I have to know one thing… The orbal capacitor made with Yesenia's dark magic. Did you have anything to do with that?" Kanae asked, her jaws clenched tightly shut.

The Mistress of Pain frowned.

"What is this?" Claudia asked. "I suddenly feel insignificant. You're already hurting, and it wasn't by my hands. That's not fair—"

"Answer me!" Kanae shouted.

She rolled her eyes. "No, I had nothing to do with it. I will say it took a little bit of meisterium and clever tinkering by Seer Yesenia. All I did was suggest a lovely, dark minx to help."

Meisterium… made those things? Lapis… and by dark minx, she must be referring to Elizabeth Bedlam. Kanae was about to ask another question when Claudia strolled past her.

"You're leaving?" Kanae whipped around with both hands balled up.

"Demon Queen, please. Though I'd love to partake upon your canvas now, not everything revolves around you. I'll prepare my tools for when that time comes. Worry not! I won't speak a word about your identity to Yesenia. You're welcome to continue your ruse in upsetting Aberron's hierarchy, its survival is not my concern." Claudia went for the door, but Kanae, still fuming from Arenade's departure, charged the succubus.

Claudia sighed. She turned around and caught Kanae's fist, then pulled her into an embrace. Their lips connected. Kanae was taken back by the shoved down her throat. One hand braced the back of her head, and the other grabbed her ass, sinking its nails into the meat. No amount of struggling could budge against Claudia's strength.

"Mmm… chuu… God, you're so… fucking hot," Claudia whispered between breaths. When the Mistress of Pain had enough, their lips parted away slightly. "You would look even hotter with scars, bruises, and whip marks. Too bad with the tools I have on hand, I can't hurt you more than what's hurting you in here." She tapped Kanae on the chest. "Not yet anyway."

When Claudia opened the door to leave, Lenta and Uri rushed in.

"Baroness, are you hurt?" Lenta asked worriedly.

"I… might have bitten more than I can chew," Kanae said.

By the time they returned to Arnault's manor, Esta was up and walking. Everyone stayed put until nightfall and nothing came. It seemed Claudia stayed true to her words. Convinced of their safety, Kanae ventured out to Raksha's place again with Aisha and Esta. She explained to everyone what transpired earlier in the day.

"A fucking Underqueen's daughter is in Aberron? Fuck my ass with my own horn… Well, if you're on Sire Amerys' side, Claudia's on Yesenia, then who the fuck is with Warchief Gabrul?" Raksha was so perturbed that she didn't realize the clay pot was warping in her stiff hands.

"Doubt it. My old man would sooner fuck a succubus than side with her. In fact, that's exactly what happened." Aisha thumbed over to Kanae.

"The barony is already up in arms over Yesenia arresting their fellows," Kanae began. "Her allying with a succubus was supposed to be the last straw, but they're too afraid to do anything about it. I feel the same way. That succubus wasn't just strong, she felt durable. I think she might be some sort of class with a high constitution."

"A vanguard? It would explain how she stopped my attack so easily," Esta suggested.


"I've had just enough of this place. I want to get home already, but I can't leave without Lapis and Eliza. We're going to do something drastic tomorrow. Dissent in Aberron is already growing after the previous Aberron Brawl. I've got a plan. A crazy one," Kanae said.

Aisha made her disgust known. "Oh, great. Does it have anything to do with fucking? You fucked a bunch of bristle boars last time."

"We're going to have Esta participate in Aberron Brawl again, but it won't be her facing Claudia. When she appears, I'm going to reveal myself as a succubus and face her. So, instead of Esta getting fucked, she's going to have to fuck me."

Everyone leaped to their feet.

"I fucking knew it was going to involve you getting fucked!" Aisha threw her hands up.

"Hmm. Watching Master being dominated has its own charm." Esta nodded approvingly.

"Wait. Hold up, you stupid lot. What does having a succubus fuck another succubus achieve?" Raksha asked.

"You'll see. I have a part for you, Raksha. There are a lot of unhappy citizens in this city. I've charmed a few and had them gather any like-minded people. After my victory against Claudia and Yesenia invites us to her keep, I want you to launch a revolt. You leave the guards to me," Kanae said.

"Gods damn it all…" She pushed the clay mold back into a blob to start over. "It's a crazy plan alright, but if I can help Sire Amerys this way, count me in."


Chapter 195 - Claudia, the Mistress of Pain


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