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Chapter 163

It was like the devil herself had jumped out of hell to make a deal.

Hilde, the Mistress of Subjugation, wore her emotions on her face. She knew what she wanted and didn't hesitate to say it. Or take it, for that matter. Labelle, the Mistress of Debauchery, was completely different. That rockstar-like attitude and posture made her hard to read. Worse, Labelle had that same look as Hilde when they first met like she already won. So why try and talk?

Worried, Kanae gazed past Labelle at her loved ones trapped to their seats. Glancing behind herself, the others had been rendered unable to fight.

Kanae clasped Labelle's hand and was immediately yanked to her feet.

"Cool! Let's chit-chat over there, yeah?" Labelle thumbed over to the table.

"Wait…" Daya crawled up to Kanae's feet, twitching uncontrollably.

"Don't worry," Kanae assured her. "Just leave this to me."

Labelle smirked derisively at Daya. "That's right, little sis. The adult succubi are talking now."

They walked to the end of the table. This close, Kanae could see that Mikki, Noah, and Mitty were all unresponsive. They appeared to be in a trance, similar to the dancing demons in the chamber. Labelle pulled out a seat and kicked it skidding to a stop in front of Kanae, then she spun another seat around to sit on, resting her arms and chin on the backrest.

"What did you do to them?" Kanae asked about her entranced family.

"It's not obvious? They three of 'em are charmed. I overpowered yours. As a Bard, my magic comes from this beautiful baby. It's my focusing element." Labelle lifted her lute, dragging a finger affectionately down one string. "You got nothing to worry about though. I'll hand these three back to you once we're done talking. Provided it ends fruitfully."

Which meant Labelle intended to take them if things went awry. Kanae quietly clicked her tongue. Without any idea how strong the Mistress of Debauchery was, she couldn't afford to make any rash decisions. No, that wasn't quite true. She did have an inkling. Labelle, the Mistress of Debauchery, single-handedly infiltrated and incapacitated a keep full of demons, including the demon lieutenant inspectator Milton.

"Alright, I'm listening. What do you want?" Kanae eyed the other succubus.

"It's not just what I want, it's what we want. By we, I don't mean just me, my sisters, and the Queen-Mother. I mean, you and me, we. Both of us want this world to dance and fuck to the tune of our music, to hear them moan along to the chorus and thrash around in an orgy of a mosh pit! Right? You feel me? Isn't that what the Eminence of Sin is all about? By the way, I'm a huuuuuge fan!" Labelle exclaimed excitedly, scooting her chair closer to Kanae.

"I… I'm not sure I follow. I also think you're misunderstanding the Eminence of Sin. You force all these demons into screwing each other, but what if it's not what they want? I'm only interested in letting everyone get it on with whoever they want, as long as it's by choice."

"Tch. Don't give me that holier than thou bullshit. We're succubus. Choice? How many people have you forced to fuck with your magic? How many have you forced yourself onto by now?" she asked.

"Th-That's only when I'm up against my enemies—"

"Ahhh! Excuses, excuses. You can't squish a bug and say you'd never hurt a fly. That makes you a hypocrite. Me, I squish them all equally!" The succubus playfully teetered on the chair's hind legs.

What kind of talk was this? Kanae was getting no closer to finding anything out or saving the others. Was Labelle stalling? She couldn't be. Right now, Edina was wreaking havoc outside with an army of undead. At some point, that crazy necromancer might break inside and turn this 'talk' upside down.

"How about you get to the point. You're not really here to debate the philosophy of smushing insects with me, are you? Or could it be you just like the sound of your own voice?" Kanae asked.

Labelle erupted into boisterous laughter. "I do! I do! I fucking love the way I sound. But, okay. I'll get on with it. You see, I wanna put on the biggest concert ever known to this world with the biggest orgy ever. What better stage and audience than the Empire of Ortesia and the high elves? Mmmm! Imagine it, those porcelain stuck-ups humping each other in the streets, mating like wild animals. Fuuuuuck. I want to see it so baaaaaaad!"

"Kanae, this chick is insane! Everyone knows going up against Ortesia is suicide. Knock some sense into her already!" Arenade shouted from behind.

"Oh, you're a high elf! Shit, girl. Just thinking about you getting gangbanged by your own kin makes me so wet!" She rose from her seat, eyes dilated with hunger.

However, Kanae stood up and put herself between them.

"Her name is Arenade, and she belongs to me and me only." Kanae growled.

"W-What are you saying so s-s-suddenly?! N-Not that it… makes me happy or… anything…" Arenade turned beet red.

"Fierce. Like a true rocker." Labelle put a fist over her chest and returned to her seat, appearing thoroughly amused. "You defeated Hilde, but don't let that get to your head. She was a little runt. Still, that earned our respect, and out of respect, the Queen-Mother asked me to deliver a message: don't fuck with us, and we won't fuck with you. I'm paraphrasing, obviously. Though it comes with a few conditions. First, stay out of Artaggon. We're going to take our revenge directly on Lord Charron. Second, we want Hilde and Daya back. You can give me Daya now, and we'll work out a trade with Hilde later. Queen-Mother doesn't like runaways, you see."

When Kanae glanced back at Daya, her eyes were wide with terror.

"Not happening," Kanae said.

"Hahh?" Labelle's eyes twitched with anger.

"I promised to reunite Daya with Mikki. Those two are in love, and I'm not going to let you rip them away from each other," she declared.

"Oh. Well, shit. That complicates the 'provided it ends fruitfully' part of what I meant earlier."

Kanae and Labelle, the Mistress of Debauchery, stared each other down. The demons stopped dancing, and the room fell quiet. Only the dull sound of chaos reached their sears.

After swallowing her hesitation, Kanae went for Lust at her waist. However, Labelle was quicker on the draw. She picked up the lute and strummed it. Glasses and wine bottles on the table shattered. Rippling soundwaves reached Kanae first, freezing her in place. Pleasure assaulted her from all sides.

Labelle's fingers flew across the strings like performing a riff. Each note left Kanae trembling in ecstasy. She dropped to the floor, climaxing repeatedly. It was like someone was rubbing her clit, tugging on her nipples, and caressing her entire body.

"H-How are you… doing tha— aaahhh!" Kanae orgasmed again, but this time feeling her magic sapped away.

"Cum for me, you rockstar of a slut! Show me that O-face and scream!" Labelle howled.

"Alright, enough of that! Kanae's only enjoying it," Arenade said.

A beam of light blasted Labelle across the room. The music and pleasure stopped at once. For a moment, Kanae was slightly disappointed. She looked behind herself to find Arenade, Eliza, and Daya standing, empty vials of anti-succubus magic at their feet.

"Eugh… Note to self: add a sweetening agent to mask the potion's bitter taste." Eliza wiped her chin and gagged.

"How the fuck?" Labelle gaped in surprise.

"What are you waiting for, Kanae? Drink your potion, too!" Arenade yelled.

Kanae shot a hand to her belt, but it was wet. There were glass shards in the pouch.

"M-My potions must've broken when I fell!" Kanae exclaimed.

"Seriously? Fine, take this!" Arenade tossed one of her own.

"No sobering up allowed!" Labelle rocked the room with a discordant tune.

The potion shattered in Kanae's face, raining pieces of glass onto her.

"Damn it," Kanae muttered, staring down at the broken and spilled liquid. She cast a sidelong glance down the table where the glassware had all met the same fate. "Labelle's magic is causing vibrations in the air. That's how it affects us!"

"Doesn't matter if you know how my magic works. You're all in for a treat!" Labelle grinned, playing her lute again and sending wave after waves at them.

"Holy Armament: Tuning Fork!" Arenade manifested a giant, golden tuning fork and smashed it into the ground to create its own soundwaves.

They canceled each other out, leaving no effect on anyone.

"Quick thinking, Arenade!" Kanae cheered.

"Damn, that's not very metal at all!" Labelle blinked in disbelief.

"How about this?" Eliza transformed into a flock of ravens, pecking at Labelle and trying to wrest the lute away with their talons.

"Ow! This is, but it hurts— fuck!" She started swinging madly to swat them away.

Daya seized the chance to pull Mikki away from all the fighting, and Kanae did the same with Noah and Mitty. They laid the three down together. She pulled a wand out and cast Dispel. Whatever magical enchantment was on them cracked.

"Mikki!" Daya cried tearfully.

Mikki's eyelids fluttered a little, then shut right back.

"Kanae…" Mitty mumbled weakly.

"I'm here! What happened to you? What are you doing here?" Kanae asked.

"It's… my fault. I'm sorry… I didn't mean to drag Mikki into this… Noah and I… we were trying to chart the mountains when demons attacked us… I've been stuck here ever since," he whispered before passing out.

Kanae placed a hand over Mitty and Noah's chests, then got up with her whip drawn.

"Daya, stay here. I'm not handing you over," Kanae said before returning to the fight.

Everytime Labelle played music, Arenade countered with the tuning fork. Powerful vines broke through the stone floor and snatched Labelle's arms and legs. Meanwhile, Eliza continued to swarm her. Their many beaks pecked at the strings until one snapped, then went for the others.

"Looks like you can't play. Let's keep you from singing, too." Kanae cracked her whip and grabbed Labelle by the throat with it.

However, despite seemingly on the edge of losing, Labelle flashed a smile. She raised the lute high above her head and smashed it down on the ground. A surge of energy burst outwards. Arenade tapped her golden tuning fork to try and deflect it, but both prongs shattered. The flock of ravens dropped by the dozens and disappeared, returning back to the sorceress back to her human form. Kanae, too, was brought to the floor.

"She… destroyed her own lute…?" Eliza gasped.

"I'm the fucking Mistress of Debauchery, bitch! No one rocks out harder than me!" Labelle cackled.

Kanae, Arenade, and Eliza were on the verge of climaxing again. The ringing in their ears, the vibrations on their skin… it made them so sensitive that the cool floor was pleasurable.

"Why isn't… the potion working?" Arenade asked, trembling as her crotch was getting wet.

"Hahaha! I ain't telling you shiiiiit!" Labelle pulled her lower eyelid down with a middle finger and stuck out her tongue.

A set of doors from across the room groaned open. A demon entered with another lute to hand over to Labelle. She strummed and tuned it until the sound was satisfactory, then turned to them with an impish smile.

One pluck of the string, and the demons became animated again. Instead of dancing, they surrounded Kanae and her companions. She was helpless and orgasming too constantly to fight back. The males whipped out their dicks, all dripping with precum. The females fingered themselves as their nectar dripped out like a leaky faucet. One demon stuck his dick between her breasts. Another plunged into her pussy. She wanted to protest, but a female demon sat on her face. Others used her hands and fingers to play with themselves.

"Mmph… shllrp… shlluurrp… mmm… hhaummphh!"

In spite of them taking advantage of her and the constant mana drain from her Cursemark victims, Kanae's mana continued to leave her. At this rate…

Everything went silent, but just as quickly the sound returned with greater furor. It was like someone was mashing the mute button on a television remote.

"Not this time, Daya. My magic is too strong for you to just put on earplugs for," Labelle taunted.

"Labelle, please stop!" Daya cried, grabbing onto the Bard's arms. "I'll go with you… so don't hurt them anymore!"

The music stopped, but the demons didn't. Kanae wanted to tell Daya not to give up. It wasn't happening with someone's pussy on her mouth.

"You will? Let me think about that for a second. Hmm… nah!" Labelle played another riff, intensifying the vigor of the demons fucking Kanae.

Arenade and Eliza were being made cumdumpsters out of, too. A giant demon had Arenade face down, hand to the back of her head as he pounded into her ass. Two more demons were spitroasting Eliza while a third laid below, biting her nipples together.

Kanae thought this was the end until a strange magical force enveloped her.

"Labelle, what's taking so long?" a calming, melodic voice asked from above.

Gazing up, Kanae saw an angel descending that stared back with deep purple eyes. That angel had two pairs of wings like herself, sharp ears like Arenade, but the horns curved around the head like Labelle, Hilde, and Daya. She wore a long, white lace robe similar to a wedding dress. Curly golden hair draped down to her bare shoulders and thin braids coiled around her horns, giving the impression of a crown.

A high elf? Not quite. A succubus. She was extraordinarily elegant and beautiful beyond words.

"Yo, sis! I'm just having a little hee haw, you know?" Labelle cackled and played much more loudly.

"Stop that racket at once," the high elven succubus demanded.

Labelle stopped right away. The music ceased, and the demons halted their assault.

"Am… Ambrosia," Daya uttered the name in both awe and fear.

The Mistress of Desire was here, too? If Kanae remembered correctly, Ambrosia was the Queen-Mother's favored daughter. This was just getting worse and worse.

However, even in the face of a greater enemy, Kanae was queen of the Commonwealth and Knight of Amethyst. She couldn't back down. She shoved the demons off her and climbed unsteadily to her feet, pussy still dripping with cum and bite marks all over her breasts.

"You're not… taking Daya," Kanae said, lightheaded from being on the other end of being drained for once.

"Hahh? You still got shit to say?" Labelle snarled.

"Wait." Ambrosia motioned Labelle to stand down, then walked over to Daya who flinched when she lifted a hand to her cheek.

"Don't hurt her, or so help me I'll flash you with my tits!"

Labelle and Ambrosia exchanged unfazed glances with each other. Now Kanae was reconsidering if that was the best threat to throw out at a time like this.

"Daya, are you in love?" Ambrosia asked her half-sister.

With eyes closed, Daya nodded slowly.

She continued, "Love and desire walk hand in hand. There cannot be desire without love, and there cannot be love without desire. I'll not be party to tearing two lovers apart. As such, we won't take you from her."

Daya's eyes snapped open. "You… won't?"

"Oi, oi. Queen-Mother isn't gonna be happy about that," Labelle said.

"You leave that matter to me. I'll take the brunt of Mother's wrath. Let us be on our way, Labelle. Our quarrel is with Artaggon and not with the Commonwealth. At least not yet." Ambrosia's soft eyes fell curiously on Kanae, exuding with a hint of her namesake.

The two spread their wings and ascended high above them.

"If you were looking for Milton, give up. We're taking him. Can't very well return to the Queen-Mother without a gift. See ya, rocker!" Labelle grinned at Kanae.

"Wait… I'm not done with you yet… What are you doing in Artaggon?" Kanae panted wearily.

"We leave our sisters Daya and Hilde in your care as a sign of good faith. Do not presume that to mean we are friends because of it. Leave Artaggon at once, or we will not be so kind in our next meeting." Ambrosia flew off with Labelle following close behind.

All the demons in the room who were previously under Labelle's control fell unconscious as soon as they were gone. That strange magical aura was also gone.

Kanae dragged herself over to Arenade, who was lathered in demon cum and lying in a puddle of it.

"I'm going to spend… the next month in a hot spring in Rudura, and you're not going to stop me," Arenade groaned.

"Daya…" Mikki's quiet voice came clear as day to Kanae.

"Mikki!" Daya raced over to cradle Mikki, who buried her face into the other succubus' stomach.

"I had the worst nightmare… you were about to leave… I thought I wouldn't ever see you again," she mumbled.

Kanae breathed a sigh of relief, seeing them together and safe. She stared into her two hands, dejected from not being able to do anything. Only by the fickle mercy of the Queen-Mother's two Mistress daughters did they come out of this in one piece.

"I think… we're going to need an emergency meeting in Aidenhall," Eliza said, using her staff like a cane to help herself walk upon shaky cum-drenched legs.

"The others!" Kanae exclaimed worriedly.

"You guys go ahead first," Arenade grumbled, still lying face down. "I'll pick up Mitty and Noah once I can feel my legs again…"

Kanae, Eliza, and Daya with Mikki in her arms, flew out of the keep in search of their companions. All of them gaped at the destruction before them left behind by the undead army. Defeated garrison forces laid strewn all over the ground. Fires raged on at every watchtower and tent.

"Did… Did that necromancer's army truly defeat a garrison of thousands?" Eliza stammered.

"Mama, help! Auntie is… She's acting weird!" Teana cried.

They followed the voice to Teana, where she and Pan were pulling Edina by the tail. She didn't seem to notice them and continued walking forward like a robot.

"Edina!" Kanae flew in front of her friend, whose eyes and the empty sockets of the staff's many skulls were glowing a slight purple.

"I have to go north. I have to go north," Edina muttered repeatedly.

"North? What's north? We have to get out of Artaggon," she exclaimed, but her words went through one ear and out the other. The only response she received was the same sentence over and over again.

"I'm willing to bet the staff is controlling her!" Eliza reached out to wrench it from Edina's grasp, but a dozen skeletal warriors pointed their swords at her. "Okay, then…"

They sheathed their weapons as soon as Eliza retracted her hands.

Teana and Pan, however, didn't give in. No matter how much they tried to stop Edina, none of the undead reacted with the same aggression.

"Auntie, snap out of it!" Pan ran around front to push against Edina from walking forward.

"It's us! Remember when you used to let us ride on your death knights? Or… Or when I was little, and you always had those cute undead pets play with me? I don't want you to go! Auntie!" Teana pulled Edina's tail harder until she came to an abrupt stop.

The lights went out for the skulls on the Pillar of the Damned. Like someone flipped their switch off.

"Crap… Sorry. Think my brain started to ferment or something, it feels so mushy." Edina knocked her noggin a few times.

"Are you okay? You kept saying something about going north. What's up with that?" Kanae asked.

"North? The hells you talking about? There ain't nothing north except more demons," she said.

"Auntie!" Teana and Pan dogpiled her into the ground.

"I'm fine, you little tykes! Really!"

Eliza grabbed Kanae's arm, pulling her to the side and out of earshot.

"It's imperative we go back to Aidenhall now. I'm not sure why Edina wants to go north, but something tells me we should keep her as far away from there as possible. Maybe the old coot might know a thing or two about what's going on," Eliza suggested.

"You're right." Kanae nodded in agreement. "Whatever's afflicting Edina isn't something we can ignore anymore. It also sounds like the Queen-Mother's succubi and Lord Charron are about to duke it out. I don't want to be here when it happens."


Chapter 163 - Labelle, the Mistress of Debauchery


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