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Chapter 157

Lilith and twenty new members of the Sisters of Sin kneeled before Kanae, who sat on the Rattling Tribe's throne. She rose from her seat, pulling the defeated Lady Farhan along by a leash. Some of these succubi weren't crowned, but the nature of their new race was plenty enough advantage over an average person.

"Sisters," Kanae began, drawing their eyes to her. "It's time to get ourselves some fresh sex slaves. I hear snake meat is pretty gamey and rubbery in texture, but…" She stroked Farhan's head and made the lamia leader shudder. "They make for a very sweet snack."

Many of the succubi swallowed hard, and others wiped the drool from their lips seeing the lamia quiver in pleasure by Kanae's touch. Together with the Sisters of Sin, they marched towards Lake Hollow with Lady Farhan and a few tribesmen leading the way.

"You're looking more and more like a leader with each passing day, Amethyst." Eliza levitated down next to Kanae on her broom and smiled

"What are you talking about? I am a leader!" Kanae rolled her eyes.

"Before you came to Aidenhall, few considered you and your Commonwealth an actual threat. You were merely a succubus indiscriminately subjugating the denizens of No Man's Land for no other purpose than because you can. Ortesia and Charron were much greater threats. However, I see your purpose clearly now. The lives of your family and loved ones, preserving this sanctuary for your fellow succubi… I'm impressed by you."

Kanae blushed under the praise of the sorceress who was supposed to have been her mentor. Circumstances of Gretchen's rebellion robbed that from her. If Kanae's stay with Master Marwin was any indication, maybe she and Eliza would have grown much closer had they had that chance.

"If only everyone thought the same way as you, then I wouldn't have to be going to war all the time." Kanae sighed.

"Perhaps." Eliza drew a little closer and lowered her voice to a seductive, breathy whisper. "When peace befalls the Commonwealth, you and I may have the time for a mentorship. There is… much we can teach each other."

Before Kanae could give an answer, one of Farhan's lamias shrieked and slipped into the creek. Another fell clawed at the dirt as something dragged her to the water.

"It's the Lakessstalker Tribe! Stay away from the waters!" Farhan warned.

A hand snatched Kanae's ankle and yanked her in.

"Master!" Esta dove to catch her, but she plunged into the creek.

When Kanae tried to get her bearings in the murky depths, a male lamia coiled around her body. To her side, the Rattling tribesman who had been pulled was struggling to break free of another. Seeming all but assured of victory, the one constricting Kanae laughed in her face. In doing so, however, revealed air bubbles escaping from a little opening behind his tongue.

Kanae kissed the lamia, sucking up a mouthful of oxygen. She wormed her tail along the length of the lamia's long, serpentine body until she found a dick, clamped onto it, and forced her assailant to let go to try and escape for air.

Freed now, Kanae swam to the other Lakestalker Tribesman who was too distracted with the Rattling Tribe lamia. She embraced her from behind, pushing all three of them back to the surface where another battle was taking place on land. Well, calling it a battle might be a mistake.

The Sisters of Sin outnumbered their ambushers two to one. They were ravenous. A succubus had a lamia pinned to the ground, eating out her pussy. Another sat on the lamia's face to be eaten out. Others were entangled in one another's arms, deeply making out and sucking their tongues.

"Queen Kanae was right… Lamia do taste good! Mmm!"

"I want to keep this one as my pet~"

As they feasted, the Lakestalker ambushers gradually became more docile and obedient. Meanwhile, Esta fished Kanae along with the other two lamia out of the waters.

"This is going as expected," Kanae said, knocking water out the side of her ears.

"After the initial surprise attack, the Lakestalkers had nothing with which to combat the Sisters of Sin. It was a total victory for us," Esta explained.

"Hm. Which is odd," Eliza interjected with a hand underneath her chin. "Farhan described the Lakestalkers as mystical. Do they not possess magic?"

Farhan scoffed at their misunderstanding. "Katia is the Lakestalker chief. She is a Witch Doctor, and her inner circle is full of Ssssoothsayers, Shamans, and Mystics. I would not treat these meager grunts as an indication of the Lakestalkers true sssstrength. Lake Hollow isn't very far away now, but they likely already know we're coming."

In that case, Kanae didn't want to keep them waiting. Those crowned classes seemed interesting, too. It would be nice to add them to the Commonwealth's armies.

They finally reached a break in the forest, giving way to an incredibly large, shimmering lake. All along the coastlines and extending into the waters were elevated huts, interconnected by bamboo and plank walkways. Lamias emerged from their homes and lake with arrows drawn, fishing spears ready, and large nets with which to capture them by.

"Is that Farhan? Haha! How pathetic of you to be captured by a succubus. It must suck to be among the weakest in Hollow Glades." A green-haired lamia slithered out of the water, wearing a gleaming robe made of shining fish scales and pearls. She wielded a magic staff in one hand and a crystal ball in the other.

"Ha! You've met your match, Katia. This succubus isn't someone to be trifled with.Though, I do encourage you to resist so that I can watch you ssssuffer my same fate!" Farhan exclaimed.

"Hey… Don't go encouraging someone to fight me when peace is an option..." Kanae inflicted Turn Horny on Farhan, causing her to keel over on the edge of climaxing.

"Nnggh… My… apologiesss…" she squeaked.

Katia cackled quietly before going into a full blown guffaw. Her lack of apprehension made Esta shift closer to Kanae with the greatshield between them.

"Farhan, you fell because you do not possess the magic to face a succubus. I do. We do! That demon's boon will be mine after I defeat you and that muscle-brained Garuda. With it, all of Hollowglades shall be mine. Come, my Lakestalkers. Teach these fools a lesson!" Katia bellowed.

Bursts of magic erupted from the lake alongside violent ripples. Lakestalker lamias arranged in a circle within the water chanted in cohesion, stirring something below to bubble and seethe.

"Sisters, with me!" Lilith ordered, charging head-long into battle against non-spellcasting lamias that jumped onto land to intercept them.

Eliza sniffed the air, then shuffled up next to Kanae behind the safety of Esta's greatshield. A geyser of water shot out of the lake. A massive wave of energy bursted outwards, knocking everyone to the ground. Esta soaked the impact on her shield, keeping Kanae and Eliza standing.

The lake seemed to drop in level as a humongous entity made of water stomped onto shore.

"Behold, the Lakestalker Tribes' secret weapon. We have tamed the very elements. Now they heed our words!" Katia smirked.

"Allow me," Esta insisted, taking a step forward until Eliza placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No, no, dear Silver. You stay with your master. Please, let me handle this." Eliza tipped the wide-brimmed hat.

The Lakestalker chief sneered. "What can you possibly—"

Riding forth upon her broom, Eliza buzzed around the water elemental like an annoying fly. It tried to swat her away and shot spouts of water strong enough to cut through branches. Eliza pulled a wand out from her sleeve, firing icicles that plunged into the elemental until it was frozen solid.

"Katia is your name?" Eliza asked, flying up to the elemental's head. "You possess powerful magic, but it is unrefined and crude. Lessons are in order to fine tune your craft. Here is your first: elementals are certainly strong, but they are easily countered by another element. Second: elementals are summoned from another plane of existence and tamed temporarily. Third: they can fall under the control of a more powerful spellcaster."

"W-What?" Katia backed away.

When Eliza flourished her wand, fire began to rage within the water elemental's chest. Steam billowed out of cracks in the eyes. The pressure became too much to bear and exploded, leaving behind a sweltering elemental made of hot steam that turned its attention to Katia.

Kanae wiped the sweat beading down her face and watched in awe at how easily Eliza controlled magic.

Although the temperature was bearable to Lilith and the Sisters of Sin, the lamias dropped to the ground while gasping to breathe. They abandoned Katia, slithering into the lake to escape the heat.

"Ah, and as a supplementary lesson, lamias are ectothermic. That means your kind cannot regulate their own body temperature. You rely on your surroundings. Too hot or too cold is torture for you, isn't it?" Eliza erected a wall of fire to block Katia from diving into the water.

"I… I give up…" Katia said defeatedly.

The Lakestalker Tribe threw down their arms, and Kanae sicced her succubi on the captives to replenish their energy. Cabins were shaking and creaking as they sated their appetites on the lamias.

"Two down. One to go. The last tribe is the Emeraldscale? What kind of lamias are they?" Kanae asked Katia and Farhan.

"Barbarians," Katia answered curtly.

"Emeraldscales are the largest, most brutish in these parts. They were my main headache for kidnapping my tribe's males. Garuda leads them. It was her idea to expand by producing as many offssspring as possible. If anyone can defeat them, I believe it is you," Farhan said.

Rattlers were assassins. The Lakestalkers wielded wild magic. Lastly, Emeraldscales had all the muscle. They could have been a well-rounded and united force to be reckoned with if they weren't fighting each other so much. No wonder Minestra wanted them.

Once the Sisters of Sin had their fill, Kanae gathered them up along with both Rattler and Lakestalker tribes to march to their final quarry. Garuda and the Emeraldscales lived in a ravine with a large, rocky overpass that arched over the village. Dense vegetation made it difficult to traverse, perfect to be ambushed.

However, nothing of such happened unlike with the other two tribes. When they finally emerged onto more even terrain, Kanae came face to face with a tall totem pole. There were many leading up to the stone arch, including giant lamia women.

Kanae knew anacondas were a large species to begin with, but she didn't expect them to be that big. They were so big that the drakeling knight Esta was dwarfed in comparison. Several, who wielded stone axes and mallets, stared them down but didn't attack them right away. Bones of fallen dire beasts adorned their muscular bodies.

"H… Hubba… hubba." Kanae drooled at the sight of these Amazonian lamias, whose breasts were larger than her head.

"Get a hold of yourself." Eliza snapped her fingers in Kanae's face.

Kanae cleared her throat awkwardly and stepped forward to meet them.

"Emeraldscales, we're here to accept your surrender," Kanae said.

They traded amused glances, and one of them scoffed.

"Follow me. Garuda expects you." The axe-wielding lamia turned her back to them and headed inside.

"Mistress, I'm worried. You should just send us in to attack and stay here where it's safe," Lilith insisted.

"What kind of leader would I be if I didn't face their leader myself? We're all going in. If things get hairy, I expect everyone to stand their grounds," Kanae told her people and captives.

Together, the group entered Emeraldscale territory. The circular ravine was much larger from the inside. Burrows were carved into the rocky walls that served as their homes. A single ramp went around the cliffside all the way to the bottom.

It seemed the size of the lamias standing guard outside wasn't just for show. All of the females were practically giants. On the other hand, their males were only a third of the size of their female counterparts. Their bodies were slender and petite, even almost effeminate. The females were the ones who carried weapons, brought back large animals, and excavated tunnels. Their males took care of the infants and cooked safely inside.

At the bottom of the pit-like arena sat another giant female lamia. The numerous scars all over the length of her once brilliant, green-scaled body were like marks of honor. She wore her red hair in a single, thick braid. A large warhammer with the skull of a mammoth currently rested on the ground beside her. Half a dozen male Emeraldscales surrounded her… or more like they were all over her. She was large enough to accommodate her harem. One male was panting heavily, in the middle of mating with his chief who laid there to let him do all the work.

"Great, isn't it?" Chief Garuda of the Emeraldscales asked. "To be strong enough to have anything you want. You should know, don't you, Queen Kanae? And I'll have your kingdom next once I earn Minestra's boon."

"You're awfully calm given that I'm standing in front of you with two of your tribe's enemy leaders," Kanae remarked casually.

The male thrusting into Garuda tensed up and ejaculated into her. She shook him off, brushing the cum from her tarnished scales.

"I'm calm because I'm glad! I don't have to deal with the Rattler's paralyzing venom and Lakestalkers drowning my tribesmen anymore. My conquest of the Hollow Glades is assured now thanks to you." Garuda grinned, lifting another male up to nuzzle their noses together.

"I, uh… I've been wondering for a while now. Are all your males like that?" Kanae gulped.

"Oh, are you interested? The appearance of our males remains young throughout their lifetimes. Aren't they just the cutest? Ahhh… I love them so much," she cooed and tightly embraced the three in her arms.

The massive size difference made them look like an immoral pairing. Watching them canoodle made Kanae want a male Emeraldscale lamia for herself. Or several. In fact, she was hankering to get it on with the big lamia women, too. This whole tribe was a fetish come true!

"If you like your malesss so much, then keep your filthy tail off mine!" Farhan hissed.

"A leashed serpent has no place telling me what to do. Here, only strength shall speak." Garuda rose to a massive ten-feet in height, not accounting for the rest of her tail's length. She picked up the warhammer and pointed it at them. "No tricks. We see who shall rule Hollowglade in single combat!"

All around the ravine, Emeraldscale lamias raised their weapons and fists. They howled into the sky like wolves.

In a fight, Kanae could get a taste of being manhandled by Garuda while Masochism was active.

"Don't mind if I do—"

"Master, let me be your champion," Esta said. "The way you gaze at Garuda… it makes me envious. I shall face her to earn that same look from you!"

"That's your reason for challenging her? Well, I wouldn't mind seeing two big women square off. Go get her and make me proud." Kanae nodded.

The female Emeraldscales formed an arena using their own bodies, butting Kanae and her people out of the way. She had to fly up to watch the fight unfold.

"We may have come from the same ancestor, but my race has evolved to take on prey larger than even you!" Garuda surged ahead and raised her hammer.

Esta easily blocked the powerful blow with the Dragonhead Greatshield.

"What is a snake to a dragon?" she asked, shoving the lamia back.

The long tail coiled around Esta's ankles and yanked her feet out from under her. She hit the ground hard, followed by the hammer crashing down on her head right after.

"Silver!" Eliza cried.

"Put a little more trust in Esta. After all, she's fighting for me." Kanae winked.

"I am… my master's bulwark. This is nothing!" Esta clamped her talons around the mammoth skull and crushed it into bonedust.

Garuda pulled away, but the weapon's wooden shaft was all that remained. She tossed it away and hissed. When Esta got to her feet, she set aside both her greatsword and greatshield.

"You're underestimating my strength!" Garuda growled.

"And underestimate mine— that is, my loyalty to Kanae!" Esta seized the initiative to body slam into the lamia chief.

They rolled across the ground, wrestling to gain a foothold over the other. Garuda managed to constrict Esta firmly in her serpentine body.

"That's all she wrote of the drakeling." Katia shrugged.

"Oh, no. It's over… Once an Emeraldscale captures a prey like that, they won't stop until their life is ssssqueezed out of them!" Farhan exclaimed.

Kanae chuckled quietly, drawing confusion to Farhan and Katia's faces.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you suffocate." Garuda loomed over Esta with a smirk.

However, Esta returned a fanged grin of her own. She grabbed Garuda by the head and brought their faces within inches of each other.

"You didn't answer me before. What is a snake to a dragon? I'll answer for you: prey." Esta breathed fire into Garuda's face, causing the lamia to release her hold and shriek.

The Emeraldscale chief fell to the ground a charred mess, twitching and writhing in pain. Esta was left standing amidst the stunned tribe. Kanae, thrilled to see her devoted knight emerge victorious, flew into the ring and cupped the drakeling's cheeks.

"Good work. I think a reward is in order when we get back home?" Kanae asked.

"My reward is in serving you, Master!" Esta smiled.

With Garuda defeated, the Emeraldscale tribe looked like they were at a loss. Their people, who ruled by strength alone, was just shown that Esta was the stronger of the two… and Esta demonstrated subservience to Kanae.

"Lakestalkers, come forth and heal Garuda!" Kanae ordered, whipping up Katia and her mystics into the ring. "As for the Emeraldscales, you now serve me and the Commonwealth. I'm putting an end to your tribal conflicts once and for all. From now on, you're all united under my banner. The chief of each tribe shall remain as leaders. That's my gift to you. But one thing can't stand. Minestra Val'doun. Minestra pitted you against each other because she knew that fractured lamia tribes would be easier to control. We're going to show her that together, you're stronger than even demons."

The Emeraldscales erupted into cheers first, then the Lakestalkers, and finally the Rattlers. When Garuda recovered, she and the other two chiefs gathered in front of Kanae. Their spite for one another was still very apparent.

"Fine." Garuda huffed. "An alliance doesn't sound so bad, but I won't like it."

Kanae flew up to Garuda and used her tail to stroke the Emeraldscale's cheek.

"I'll make you like it alright," she said.


Chapter 157 - Subjugating the Serpents


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