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Chapter 153

Kanae held between her two fingers the very potion that plunged Radevic into a brief civil war and split Aidenhall down the middle. Now, however, it would give the Commonwealth forces a fighting chance against succubi and their magic.

"We're sure these potions will work?" Kanae asked.

"Of course!" Rosaline exclaimed excitedly. "Who do you think created its recipe? Our one and only Madam Elizabeth Bedlam!"

"You flatter me, Rosaline. It was you and your new apprentice who did most of the legwork. I only supplied my knowledge." Eliza smiled from a seat from across the atelier, filling her chest with as much pride as the smoke from her pipe.

Mikki did? That girl came a long way for being uncrowned. As a mother, Kanae couldn't be more proud of her.

"At any rate, thanks to the sassy fairy, we have a slow but steady supply of fairy moss to produce such potions. However! I would like to inform you that we can produce ten times the volume if we confine them," Rosaline suggested to their horror.

"No! That won't be necessary!" Kanae shot down the idea immediately.

They could be making a lot more, but only at the cost of losing Cylia's trust. For now, the potions should be handed out sparingly and to those the Commonwealth couldn't afford to lose.

"Your scouts from Highgreen report demons amassing at the borders again. From across the Commonwealth, the Queen-Mother's succubi are taking over small villages and townships. Do you suppose we're strong enough to face them now?" Eliza asked as Kanae headed for the door.

"Almost. I actually have two more cards up my sleeve. Once I get that sorted out, we're going to hit them back where it hurts," Kanae assured them.

A massive rain cloud was passing over Ehmvier, but the showers were light and surprisingly warm. Clenching the anti-succubus magic potion in her hand, she set off to the grand cathedral of the Eminence of Sin. The gothic spires which housed their many disciples were a testament to the religion's growing influence, and hopefully soon, Kanae's deification. Instead of gargoyles, statues of succubi stood vigil along the rooftops and rainwater ejected from between their legs.

Lilith was inside the cathedral, leading a morning prayer at the pulpit for citizens and adventurers alike. Her eyes flicked to Zadris, who quickly rushed around the worship hall to meet Kanae at the entrance.

"High Priestess, how may I serve?" Zadris bowed reverently.

"Take me to our prospective sisters," Kanae ordered.

"Of course. Will he be coming along as well?" she asked.


Kanae followed Zadris' gaze to find Master Marwin standing behind her, bouncing with excitement.

"I'm here to see the transformation process!" Marwin exclaimed.

"What? No! This is a private ceremony. I can't just let you in!" Kanae put a hand to her face and sighed.

"You will deny this ailing old man a chance to witness a woman becoming a succubus?" he asked, doing his best to feign feebleness.

"Yes," she answered flatly.

The old wizard turned into a whimpering puppy.

"I'll be very quiet. You won't even notice me!" Marwin insisted.

Kanae returned a look to Zadris, who shrugged, and relented.

"Fine, but a peep out of you, and I'm throwing you out the highest point of the cathedral," Kanae said.

With one extra baggage coming along, Zadris led the way through the cathedral corridors. They stopped at an unassuming door like any other in the hallway, but from behind this one in particular, Kanae caught the scent of numerous women in heat. When Zadris pulled open the door, a steam of stuffy air blew past them.

Inside the hot chamber sat several dozen naked women on their knees, wearing only a white veil to cover their faces. They stared up at a statue of Kanae in the very back which held a basin of water. All of them breathed heavily. Their bodies were drenched in sweat.

"These are the Eminence of Sin's most devout followers. They withstood three grueling days of meditation while on the verge of climaxing. First Sister Lilith and I vouch for every single one of them," Zadris said.

"Sisters!" Kanae began as she walked past them to stand before the statue, drawing their eyes that regard her like an angel descending from heaven. "I'm not here to question your loyalty to me or your faith in the Eminence of Sin. All of you have proven that already. I won't ask if this is truly what you want. You wouldn't be here otherwise. So, I only have one solemn wish before we begin: love each and every one of yourselves, because from henceforth you are all Sisters."

Sweat soaked into the veils and tears streaked down their cheeks as they gazed at her. One by one, their lips creased into fervent and zealous smiles. Kanae let her saliva dribble into the statue's basin of water, and together with Zadris, they filled smaller bowls to hand out to everyone. The prospective succubi fought the urge to drink right then and there until the very last one received hers.

Then, everyone drank at the same time. As the liquid slid down their parched throats, they sighed in pleasure. That feeling only lasted for a moment. Bowls began to clatter on the ground, having slipped from their hands. They writhed on the ground and groaned in discomfort, clutching their heads, lower backs, and even scratching at their tailbone.

Marwin drew a sharp gasp as he watched them transforming in real time. Horns, wings, and tails sprouted from their bodies in unique shapes and sizes. Kanae helped up a red-headed elf woman, whose skin had taken on a shade of pink and with horns that curved behind her head.

"High Priestess… I vow to serve you dutifully," the elven succubus promised sweetly.

"Yes, you will." Kanae kissed the woman deeply to the envy of others.

"Succubus… everywhere… I'm in heaven!" Marwin cried, throwing his robes off and jumping into the crowd.

They backed away and let him fall hard to the ground. He laid there, twitching and groaning.

"Well, some things never change I guess." Kanae rolled her eyes, then turned her attention to the new Sisters. "Zadris will provide you with your vestments. Afterwards, go and sate your lust on our sex slaves. You'll need that energy for when we go to war. I'll also want a taste of that energy, too."

Fifty succubi obeyed as ordered and shuffled out of the room with Zadris at the head. Kanae hungrily bit down on her lips, watching the many shapely bodies of her new succubus kin leave.

However, once they were gone, it wasn't just her and Marwin left alone in the room. Someone else was in here, too. A petite, dark elf was sitting with his hands braced to the ground, also naked and with a veil to his face. An erect penis was throbbing between his legs.

"Ulric?!" Kanae and Marwin exclaimed in shock.

"Hey… I think my dick is about to explode…" Ulric ripped the veil away and grinned before face planting into the floor.

Kanae raced up to the Saint Priest and cradled his head. Marwin fished out a healing potion from his discarded robe, then plugged it into Ulric's mouth. Color returned to his face after a few seconds.

"Ulric, what are you doing here? Don't tell me Zadris actually picked you as a candidate?" Kanae frowned.

"It's not Zadris or Lilith's fault. I knew you wouldn't knowingly let me, so I snuck in. I really wanted to try and become a succubus. Guess I'm not cut out for it." Ulric sulked.

"You foolish boy." Marwin sighed as he was getting dressed. "What would the Grand Eye think? Your actions could have jeopardized Radevic's alliance with the Commonwealth!"

Ulric averted his gaze out of shame.

"We already went over this. You meet three of the four conditions, but you're still extremely loyal to the Grand Eye. It won't work. Why are you so desperate to become a succubus anyway?" Kanae asked.

"I understand I'm supposed to be among the Grand Eye's closest people, but I also want to be here. I don't know how to explain it, but it just feels right. Like it's what I should be! Sometimes I wake up and look at myself in the mirror, and I just… suffocate," he explained sadly, unlike how his usual upbeat self used to be.

"Come on." She got up, pulled Ulric to his feet, and gestured for the door.

Wordlessly, Ulric followed Kanae out and back down the corridor.

"Eh? Where are you two going? Hey!" Marwin hopped out in the middle of pulling his trousers up.

They caught up to Zadris and the other Sisters, who had entered the dormitory quarters to change into their new Eminence vestments.

"Not you." Kanae put a hand up to stop Marwin. "Only Sisters of Sin from here on out."

"Does that mean…?" Ulric gasped.

"I want to become a Sister of Sin, too!" Marwin shouted.

When Kanae entered with Ulric and slammed in Marwin's face, the Sisters of Sin all turned their way with confused expressions.

"Everyone, this is Ulric Boradin. He sat alongside you and endured the trial, and I believe that qualifies him despite not being a succubus. From this day forth, Ulric is an honorary Sister of Sin— if you should accept," Kanae said.

"Do you really mean it?" Ulric asked timidly.

Instead of answering, Kanae glanced over her shoulders to the succubus Sisters.

"It would be my pleasure to welcome a Saint Priest into the sisterhood," Zadris replied with a smile.

"He's so cute! Reminds me of my little sister!" a dark elven succubus cooed.

"Well?" Kanae gave Ulric a nudge forward.

"I… I'm not sure what to say… Thank you. I'll continue to fight for the Grand Eye, but I'll also fight for you." Ulric pumped a fist, filling with resolve.

The Sisters of Sin welcomed Ulric with open arms and, though he looked a little out of place, was fitting in just nicely. Fresh vestments awaited them all.

The new Eminence of Sin dress was an ivory outfit with gold trim in mockery of high elven clergy. They kept their white veils. White leggings went up to the thighs, and white arm sleeves went just past the elbows. A thin, revealing sash wrapped around their waist dangled down to their knees. The length of it was emblazoned with a two-horned cross. They wore a shoulder mantle from which two tassels draped over their chest.

Again, designed by none other than Renya Rown. Although Kanae quite liked the look, she was beginning to wonder if they should find someone more qualified to design the next.

Happy with the success of raising the Sisters of Sin's numbers by several folds, Kanae left the room to leave them to their orgy. Marwin fumbled, when the door opened, pretending not to have eavesdropped.

"Since you're here, you might as well follow me to my last stop." Kanae headed down with the wizard close behind.

"Where to?" Marwin asked.

Kanae dispelled the magical lock on a heavy ironbound door leading underneath the cathedral. They entered a bright, torchlit dungeon and stopped in front of a cell guarded by two Eminence Disciples. Five blindfolded and naked adult-form incubi were shackled behind them. Their wrists were bound by chains and staked to the wall above their heads. A slime monster between each of their legs suckled their dicks, making them climax constantly.

"During the purging when Radevic allied with Charron, you used incubi to sow chaos among the succubi, didn't you?" Kanae asked.

"We did!" Marwin nodded. "These five appear young and healthy— well… as healthy as they might be after whatever you've done to them. They may not be able to stand against a succubus of your or the Mistresses' caliber, but against any other succubus…" He proceeded to shake his head.

Kanae opened the cage and sauntered up to the blonde incubus. He sucked in a deep, quivering breath when she tapped his chest. Breeding them with Versatile Womb wouldn't provide her with adult incubus children fast enough. They were going to just have to just make do with five.

Sparingly. Just like with the anti-succubus magic potions.

"You… succubus bitch… we won't submit to you," the incubus in front of Kanae said.

That's right… They were loyal to Demon Lord Charron. In that case…

"You don't have to submit to anyone. Lieutenant Milton negotiated with me for your release," Kanae said.

All five of them gasped.

"R-Really?" he asked.

"Sort of." Kanae drew her whip and struck the chains, shattering them and releasing the succubus from their shackles. "Does the name Underqueen ring a bell?"

They fell to the ground, pulling their blindfolds off and backs pressed to the wall. The target of their aggression shifted upon hearing that name. It was almost like they had forgotten Kanae imprisoned and sexually tormented them for months.

She continued, "Sounds like it does. Your leadership and I came to a tentative ceasefire to deal with a greater threat. I've already defeated one of her daughters Hilde, the Mistress of Subjugation. I need your help to defeat the others. In exchange, you'll receive all the hospitality only the Commonwealth's queen can provide. Food, lodging, sex slaves. Afterwards, you're free to go to try and undermine me. What do you say?"

Confidence returned to the blonde incubus at once. He straightened out his back and brushed his messy hair as neatly as possible to be presentable. Every one of the incubus were heartthrobs. Had Kanae been any other race, she might have fallen head over heels for the hunks. But right now, they were unwitting pawns on her chessboard.

"My name is Vesh. As the eldest, I speak for my brothers. If it is Lord Charron's will that we aid the Demon Queen of the Commonwealth, then so be it. However, I must ask… does her majesty's hospitality also extends to her bedchamber?" Vesh asked, bravely lifting Kanae's hand to kiss the knuckles.

Kanae shuddered with ecstasy from being flirted with. She shoved Vesh against the wall and pinned him there, then licked the side of his cheek. He regressed into a younger form right away, shaking in fear.

"It does," Kanae purred into his ear before letting him down gently. "Disciples, see to Vesh and his brothers have all their needs met. Show them to the baths, a big enough meal to fill their bellies, and then send them to me at night."

"At once, High Priestess!" the two disciples exclaimed.

As they exited the dungeon, Marwin sidled up next to Kanae and chuckled.

"You made terms with that inspectator? I'm impressed!" Marwin beamed with amusement.

"I didn't. That just now was a lie, but they don't know that. Why would I ever consider letting delicious treats go?" Kanae smirked.

"W-Well… now I'm impressed for very different reasons," he said.


Chapter 153 - Demon Queen Rises


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