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Chapter 150

On the way to school, Kanae couldn't shake the feeling of why she needed to go to school. However, walking with Arenade felt right. She glanced down at her friend's lithe hand and wanted to hold it. Were they dating? Only one way to find out.

Kanae drew closer to Arenade until their fingers brushed against each other. Arenade jerked her hand but not too far, so she seized the chance to hold it. As their fingers intertwined, both of them turned red and glanced away from each other. There was definitely something between them, and her throbbing chest was as much proof as Arenade not pulling away.

"What do you say we skip school today?" Kanae asked.

"And… go where?" Arenade absentmindedly twirled her hair with her free hand.

The two took another path away from school and entered the city park instead. Kanae had other plans. She brought Arenade behind the cover of trees and bushes where they began making out under the shade. The taste of her lips, saliva running down their chins, and chests rubbing against the fabric of their uniform… Kanae realized right away that they must be lovers of some kind.

Arenade didn't resist and resigned herself to Kanae's ravenous appetite. She reached underneath her skirt, brushing against the little nub and wet slit. Her panties were quickly getting soaked. Kanae kneeled between Arenade's legs and tugged her underwear down to her ankles.

The delicious entrance glistened with dew, and seeing it stirred a hunger that Kanae couldn't quite comprehend. She did know one thing. She wanted to taste more of Arenade, and so dragged her tongue across the folds up to the clit.

"Mmmpphh!" Arenade covered her mouth as she moaned aloud, fearful that people passing through the park would hear.

A shame. Kanae wanted to hear more. As she licked and teased Arenade's clit, her breathing grew more hoarse and raspy.

"If you're enjoying it, then show me how loud you can get," Kanae urged sweetly.

"You horny… bitch… I'm not going to— nngh?!" Arenade bit her finger to endure the pleasure.

Kanae pressed two fingers into Arenade's pussy and proceeded to fingerbang her so fast, she was dripping like a leaky faucet. Her knees buckled, and she needed to brace her back against the tree to stay standing.

"I'm going to cum… Are you happy now? I'm cumming— aaaahhhh!" Arenade cried out as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, whole body twitching, and squirting a fountain of love nectar that watered the grass. Her messed-up appearance was the greatest treat. The golden locks of hair were disheveled and a sweat-drenched uniform clung to her skin.

When Kanae cupped Arenade's face to give her a taste of her own juices, someone poked their head through the bushes.

"What the fuck are you two doing at a time like this?" Edina glared.

The two of them shrieked like dying dire beasts. Arenade shoved Kanae's face away and pulled her underwear up in panic.

"Edina, what are you doing here?" Kanae asked while rubbing her head.

"This is where I hang out. You guys are the unusual sight for skipping school," Edina fired back.

Well… she wasn't wrong.

This was Edina Hackett, their friend and school delinquent who often played hooky. Instead of the usual uniform, she dressed in a tracksuit over her gym shirt and sweatpants in place of the skirt. She was also an eccentric…

An eccentric… what?

"Maybe we should head to school after all. Last thing I want to become is a bum who hangs out in parks like Edina over," Arenade sneered.

"Hahh? Who're you calling a bum, cowtits?" Edina growled and was ready to throw hands, but Arenade kept her at an arm's length away.

Something at school was important, but Kanae couldn't make out what was.

"Alright, what say we all head to school together? Edina, I know you don't like going, but you should at least show up once in a while," Kanae said.

Edina sighed and relented.

They popped out of the bushes, and Kanae bumped into a short, gray-haired girl. She staggered back, rubbing her nose.

"Sorry!" Kanae apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't watching where I was going," she said, then cocked her head a little sideways with a curious look. "Wait a minute, are you a…"

"Saeko, what'cha hanging back for? If the new karaage place runs out of spicy wings, I'm taking out my frustration on you!" another girl hollered much farther ahead.

"I'm coming, Mio!" the one named Saeko said while rolling her eyes before hurrying to catch up.

"Who was that? Someone you know?" Arenade asked on the way out with a head full of twigs and leaves.

Kanae shrugged and shook her head.

They headed to school together. Classes were already in session. The teacher shot them a shaming look as they slinked to their seats in the back of the room. Today's lessons were like a fever dream. Kanae zoned out for most of them, and she was sure Arenade and Edina did the same.

It was like watching television and hearing people talk, but never once registering what was actually said or done. By the time school ended, Edina had gotten her full eight hours of sleep and Arenade had finished painting her nails.

"Heeeey. It's time to wake up!" Kanae poked Edina's cheek until she groggily sat up.

A couple of students suddenly raced past the classroom in a hurry, some looking a little panicked.

"What's going on?" Arenade asked.

"Not sure, but we should check it out." Kanae grabbed Edina and dashed out of the room with Arenade.

They followed the students to the window, overlooking the front courtyard. A gang of rough, unsavory students surrounded another who was lying on the ground in the fetal position. Kanae wasn't sure what went over her. She passed the sleepy Edina off to Arenade, opened the window, and jumped off the second floor.

"Kanae, wait!" Arenade yelled to her back.

"What are you doing? Leave that kid alone!" Kanae shouted, landing only a couple of meters away from them.

The delinquents stopped beating on the other student and turned to her.

"You talking to us, bitch?"

"Stay outta this!"

"You guys get off on hurting someone who can't fight back? How about you get off on me instead?" Kanae asked and turned bright red as soon as those words left her mouth.

They glanced awkwardly at each other, trying to decipher if Kanae had indeed said what she just said.

"You… want us to get off on you?" one of them asked.

"Th-That's not what I meant! Or maybe it is… I don't know anymore!" Kanae clutched her head in frustration.

"Well, if a cute girl like you is offering…" The leader of the pack flashed a lecherous smile and sauntered forward. He reached out to Kanae only for another student to grab his wrist and twist him into the ground.

A tall girl with red scales on her arms and legs, reptilian tail whipping about, and horns on her head, stared at the delinquents with violence in her eyes. She wielded a wooden bokken, too large to be suitable for kendo.

"Esta!" Kanae breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you want to lay a hand on my master, then you will have to go through me first." Esta growled.

That threat made them tuck tail and run.

"Thanks." Kanae smiled at her friend, who nodded in return.

Arenade and Edina came out to join them a second after the conflict was over. They went to check on the beaten student together.

"Are you okay?" Kanae asked.

"Yeah… thanks…" he said as both hands brushed across the ground in search of something.

It wasn't until a bright light blinded Kanae did she notice the monocle. She snatched it up and handed it over to him. He flinched upon touching her hand, but recomposed himself to take the monocle and fixed it over his left eye. The right was covered by a cloth that wrapped around his head. Although a little bruised, he didn't look too worse for wear.

When they looked each other in the eyes, the messy blonde-haired boy blushed and glanced away.

"I-I better get going! Thanks for helping me!" he said, picking up his stuff and sprinting off past the school gate.

"Was that someone you know?" Arenade asked.

"I feel like I vaguely know him…" Kanae wracked her head over it but couldn't come up with anything, but she wanted to find out. "You guys head home without me!"

"Where in the three hells are you going?" Edina shouted.

Kanae didn't answer. Instead, she raced down the sidewalk to catch up with the boy.

"What's the matter? Too shy around girls?" Kanae teased.

"Eh? Ah…" He shrunk and avoided eye-contact. "Don't you have friends back there to hang out with? I'm just a nobody."

"You don't have to be a nobody. We can be friends, too. I'm Kanae. You?"

"Milton…" he mumbled.

Milton… That name sounded familiar, too. Following him was the right choice after all.

"Those guys that were beating you up. Has this been happening for a while?" Kanae asked.

"I transferred here not too long ago. Those bullies have been targeting me ever since. They call me cyclops, nerd… Feels like my life has always been like this." Milton frowned.

Poor guy. Kanae remembered having her own bullying problems back then, too.

"I used to be bullied like you," Kanae said.

"You, too?" Milton finally looked at her with disbelieving eyes.

She nodded. "My friends, Takumi, Manabe, and Ichi… we were geeks, at least that's what people called us. It didn't help that I have a very feminine appearance. Boys and girls teased me about that. Kind of gave me a complex about it, too."

"Feminine? But aren't you a girl?" he asked.

Kanae winced from a prick at the back of her head. She was a girl, so why did she just say that?

"My bad, I think I meant something else but it's not coming to me right now. But, hey! You want to come over to my place? I have a lot of manga and anime you might like," Kanae suggested.

"T-T-To… your place?" Milton stammered.

"Yeah, let's go!" She grabbed Milton's hand and tugged him along against his protests.

Once they got to Kanae's apartment, Milton couldn't stop fidgeting. In fact, he had been fidgeting the whole way here.

"I've reread some of my favorite manga over ten times by now. Maybe you'll like them, too?" Kanae pulled a few from the shelves and gestured for him to sit down.

After each successive book, Milton gradually became less awkward. He particularly got into a series about a bullied protagonist getting superpowers. It was getting late, and he had only gotten through half the series.

"Thanks… for inviting me, Kanae. I feel a lot better, but… You could've just ignored me like everyone else. Why didn't you?" Milton asked, face still buried in the manga.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. Guess I was drawn to you from the moment I saw you," Kanae answered honestly.

"You're just saying that…"

Kanae was about to offer some encouragement until she saw that Milton was stuck on a page of the female heroine cosplaying a cat girl. He followed her eyes and quickly slammed the book shut.

"Do you want to know how the series ends? It has something to do with that costume," Kanae teased, crawling closer to him on all fours.

"N-No, it's okay!" Milton answered hastily.

"You sure?" She grinned. "I have that exact costume in my closet. You can be the main character, and I can put it on for you."

He gulped hard. Kanae didn't wait for an answer and went to fetch the skimpy cat girl outfit. She changed in the bathroom, then came back out to put on a show. The cat-eared band fit snugly on her head, the tiny bra only had enough surface area to cover the nipples, and the thong might as well be just strings.

Kanae paraded around the room for her new friend, who covered his crotch with both hands and was as red as a tomato. Milton watched intently with his one eye, mostly at her chest. When she approached him, he crawled away until his back was against the wall.

"Do you like what you see?" Kanae asked and sat down on his lap, rubbing her soaking pussy against his throbbing bulge. "How about you stay here, and we can play out the rest of the manga?"

Without waiting for an answer, Kanae pulled Milton's dick out of his pants. He threw his head back and squeaked. She tugged her thong aside and lowered herself onto his dick, sighing as it entered deep into her pussy.

"Nnh! My dick is melting… it's so hot…" Milton squirmed.

"Ahhh… Your dick feels so good inside me… Hey, kiss me~" Kanae planted her lips on him and shoved her tongue into his mouth.

They traded spit while Kanae bounced eagerly on Milton's dick. His face contorted with pleasure. He wasn't sure what to do with his hands. They pinched the seams of his pants. Kanae guided his hands onto her breasts and made him squeeze.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Kanae moaned with every thrust. She possessed an indescribable hunger that needed to be slaked. A voice in the back of her mind told her that it could only be sated through Milton.

"Something is… coming!" Milton cried.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

"Give it to me! Pour it into my pussy!" Kanae wrapped her arms around his neck as he pumped hot cum into her pussy. Shot after shot, he continued to ejaculate until the thick batter gushed out of her and down his balls.

Just a bit, Kanae felt her hunger subside.

"I've never had sex before… That was incredible," Milton said.

Kanae leaned back until Milton's dick slipped out with a wet pop. She laid down on the floor and spread her pussy open with two fingers, letting the cum dribble out.

"Do you want to do more? I have other costumes~" Kanae offered coyly.

Milton's ejaculate-lathered dick rose to an erection again.

They proceeded to have sex for the entire night. In bed, in the shower, against the window and door… nowhere was too sacred. Milton's cock brought Kanae to climax over and over again, and she provided him the same pleasure. The two stayed connected at the hips for hours, sometimes from lips to cock to polish it squeaky clean for the next round.

When the morning light of the following day peered past the blinds, Kanae and Milton laid side by side in bed, holding each other's hand and catching their breaths.

"Feeling better?" Kanae asked.

"Thanks to you." Milton smiled, his confidence at a new plateau compared to yesterday. "Say, uhm… After all that we did, will you… be my… g-girlfriend?"

"Sorry," she apologized. "I don't think I can be with anyone exclusively. I already have multiple concubines."

His dejected demeanor was instantly replaced by confusion. "Concubines?"

"Er… I'm not sure why I said that! It feels like I'm forgetting something very important…"

"You're not the only one. I have weird gaps in my memories… Well, I had a feeling you would reject me. It's just when I'm with you, it feels right," Milton whispered sadly.

Kanae climbed on top of Milton. She straddled his waist while humping him with her breasts. His dick was quick to get hard again and bumped against the entrance to her pussy.

"You mentioned earlier that your 'life has always been like this'. Were you always bullied?" Kanae asked.

"Yeah… the other lieutenants find every opportunity to tease me. Lord Charron does nothing about it. He says it builds characters, but I'm—" Milton stopped talking immediately.

Like someone had set dynamite to a dam, the memories came flooding back to Kanae all at once. This was a Rift. They were at the final part of the trial. She stared down at Milton and saw the recognition in his eyes, too.

"You succubus bitch! What did you do to me?" Milton snapped.

"More like what did you do to me?" Kanae returned just as angrily.

"Get off of me! I shouldn't even have a dick. Inspectators reproduce asexually!" He struggled to push Kanae off, but that only succeeded in making her fight back.

"You're not escaping that easily!" She dropped her hips, enveloping his dick in her pussy again.

The sudden impact left Milton shuddering in pleasure.

"I'm not sure what Glentir expected us to do or why you're in human form, but one thing's for sure— you're weak to sex now, and I'm going to fuck you into submission!" Kanae exclaimed, pounding their hips together and causing the bed to creak loudly.

This went on for hours and Milton came repeatedly under Kanae's relentless assault.

A knock came to the door.

"Kanae, you awake? Don't make me come in there!" Arenade shouted from the other side.

"Arenade?" Kanae gasped.

"Hey, the door's unlocked," Edina said.

The door swung open before Kanae could tell them not to. Arenade, Edina, and Esta walked in with their jaws dropping to the floor.

"What the… are you screwing the new kid?!" Arenade exclaimed in horror.

"It's not what it looks like! We're in a Rift, and Milton's our enemy! Tell them!" Kanae patted the inspectator-turned human's cheek, but he had long passed out.

The world began to splinter into pieces and crumble around them. Everyone fell through the floor, but a strange magic held them aloft. The next thing Kanae knew, she and her friends were sitting in a classroom. They were back in their usual equipment and weapons. Milton was gone.

Glentir, still dressed in his shamanistic robes, entered the room as casually as a teacher when class was in session. He had to duck coming through the door.

"Ugh…" Groaning, Arenade pressed a hand to her head. "That was quite the ride you put us on, Glentir…"

The demigod bellowed with jovial laughter.

"Rejoice, for you have completed the trial!" Glentir declared.

"I don't even know what we did or what we were supposed to do!" Kanae retorted.

"I placed blocks in your memories and sealed your magic. You were to overcome them and defeat your opponent. I simply did not expect you to exhaust the inspectator through intercourse alone. Bravo!" His hands came together in thunderous applause.

"Then… we succeeded, right? The Rift's treasures are ours?" Edina asked excitedly.

Glentir nodded and waved an arm across his chest. Magical energies seeped from his fingers and traveled to each of their desks. Before Kanae's desk were a pair of piercings with a heart on them. Arenade picked up silver and drew a sharp, emotional gasp. Esta held a greatshield with the head of a dragon on it.

However, the one who was excited the most…

"Finally! It's about damn time!" Edina cackled, holding an unassuming horned skull with jagged spikes along the length of the cheek bones.

The Lich Lord's Skull. Now they were one step closer to Edina wielding the Pillar of the Damned.


Chapter 150 - Glentir's Rift (Part 3)


Skyler Flores

Is it possible that you're going to do a full crossover because I'm pretty sure sakeo could use help from another succubus Queen


If a crossover happens, it would most likely occur on an IaS chapter and not during either of the series current arcs