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Chapter 144

Hilde and Kanae took their fight to the sky, clashing over the battle taking place below them. The combined forces of Talahurah and the demon army were too much for dragons to withstand. They were felled one after another by Ulric, Taileen, and Erin's rain of arrows. Meanwhile, Edina's undead horde and Eliza's devastating magical prowess laid waste to countless dire beasts.

The demons were no slouches either. Minestra danced across the battlefield like a monster, cleaving enemies with a sword in each of her four hands. From what Kanae could remember, she was crowned as some sort of summoner. The earthen golems which fought by her side were proof of that, but the herzulith made use of her multiple limbs to be an even greater menace.

"Where are you looking, pretender? Your fight is with me!" Hilde fanned out a wave of flames.

"Dispel!" Kanae flicked the wand in her tail, dispersing the fire before they reached her.

"You're not the only one with spells from Feed the Queen!" She blinked behind Kanae and put her in a headlock. "So, those sweet words were all lies? You never cared for me?"

"It was a one night stand!" Kanae put the weight of Titanic Blow behind elbowing Hilde away.

The Mistress of Subjugation let go, wincing and clutching the side of her abdomen.

"I see. No love from my mother, not my sister, and not even from another succubus… As I thought, opening my heart to another was a mistake. The only true love I need is absolute domination! My children, obey me and devour this foolish succubus!" Hilde ordered.

When none of the dragons answered the call, her demeanor wrinkled with confusion.

"Hm? Children! Are those damn drakes being rebellious again? Where are you? Come to your mother's aid!" she growled.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but your dragons are mine now!" Edina cackled as five undead dragons, stuck with countless weapons and arrows in their bodies, roared together in unison. "Thanks for the dracoliches, lady. I'll take good care of 'em in your place."

Hilde's eyes twitched with fury. Kanae thought she was going to burst a vein on her forehead. However, all that energy left her shoulders at once as a look of deep sorrow fell over her.

"I surrender," Hilde, the Mistress of Subjugation, said aloud as her will to fight waned.

The remaining dire beasts under her control stopped fighting. Daya, who was beaten ragged and on her knees, stared up at her half-sister in shock.

"If you have it in your heart," she continued, "then please let the rest of my children go free."

Kanae nodded to her own people, and Lady did the same with hers. They stood aside as the dire beasts limped away into the forest and mountains, hopefully never to be seen again. Only two remained: Daya and Hilde. Defeated and alone, the two were brought before Kanae, Lady, and Minestra on their knees.

"Tch. Bolstering your numbers with an enemy's forces. You're a cunning one." Lady sneered at Kanae.

"Ahh~ I expected nothing less of my future bride!" Minestra gushed.

"This doesn't make us allies. You crept into my Commonwealth. Next time, I'll be coming back to reclaim this village. You better be prepared," Kanae warned.

The hell hound snarled at her threat and walked right up to the two bound succubus.

"Then as a one-time kind gesture, we'll pack our things and return this village to you. In exchange, we're taking these two." When Lady reached for the terrified Daya, a giant greatsword came between them and forced her away.

"You won't be taking them," Esta declared.

"Hahh? Gonna spit on our good will?" Lady turned on Kanae with a glare.

"The Commonwealth is a country of succubus. That makes them my subjects, willingly or not." Kanae walked past them and rejoined her companions on the opposite side.

The tension in the atmosphere grew thick. Both the Talahurah and demon army, who had just been fighting alongside each other moments ago, now regarded each other with blood in their eyes.

"Oi, oi! I wouldn't try anything funny now. We got five dragons. Do you have five dragons?" Edina smirked as the undead draconic monstrosities loomed over.

"Oh! Kanae, my love. How much you've grown! From a skulking succubus to a scheming seductress. Lady, perhaps we should call it our loss again today?" Minestra asked her fellow lieutenant.

Lady whirled around and buried a crushing fist into Minestra's gut. The herzulith keeled over, groaning in pain.

"You're taking the fall for this one!" she huffed.

"The way you show your affection… I like it this way, too…" Minestra squeaked.

They retreated from the village of Feras, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Chances were, Minestra and Lady would certainly have lost, but not without devastating both sides.

"We averted a crisis," Eliza said, side-eyeing the departing demon army. "But it may be best to keep what transpired here a secret. Don't you think so, Ulric?"

"What? The part where you and I were charmed to have sex all night, or the allying with demons part?" Ulric asked.

Eliza looked the dark elven Saint Priest in the eye with the heat of the sun.

He shrugged. "There's no lying to the Grand Eye. We make every report under the effects of Zone of Absolute Truth anyway."

"Well, hopefully the Grand Eye sees our way when we inevitably explain what happened." Kanae sighed.

"What are you going to do with us?" Daya asked. "You didn't give us to the demons… Who knows what they were planning, but I doubt you're going to be any less cruel after what we did."

"Oh, I have a few ideas…" She thought aloud with a mischievous grin.

A week after Hilde and Daya's defeat, Talahurah was slowly on the mend. The entire city pitched in, with neighboring villages sending help and construction material to repair the destruction that befell it. The brothel arm of the Horns and Tail reopened to wide reception, probably because half the city's population was charmed and so developed a taste for vices.

At the church, Kanae watched over Daya as she dispelled the Cursemark from the final afflicted resident.

"That should do it." Kanae smiled.

The beastman woman bowed. "Thank you so much!"

"I don't understand," Daya muttered as they watched her leave. "This is… all you wanted me to do? We tried to— we did conquer this city. There's no greater punishment waiting? For our failure, the Queen-Mother would have locked us in a cage and denied us sustenance for up to a month!"

"I'm not sure why the demons wanted you, but I'm not going to let Charron get his way. As for punishment… How can I punish you when you remind me of my daughter?" she asked.

Daya blushed and glanced down at her feet.

"You never wanted to be a succubus, Daya. I get it. A lot of people are born wanting to be something or someone different. Here in the Commonwealth, your mother isn't around to control you. How about giving it a chance?" Kanae walked in front of Daya and offered her a hand.

Before Daya could take it, Erin bursted through the church doors.

"It's… happening again…!" Erin panted.

"Again?" Kanae groaned.

The three raced back to the brothel in a hurry. A crowd of people were gathered at the bottom of the stairs, gazing up to the second floor. They flew up to the upper landing where Taileen, Esta, Eliza, and Ulric were frozen solid in front of an open door.

"Master… Forgive me, I couldn't stop her…" Esta managed through a stiff jaw.

"I'll deal with it." Kanae rolled her eyes and squeezed past them to enter the room.

Inside, a human man was deepthroating Hilde's tail while she rode him in the reverse cowgirl position. An enchanted chain of Eliza's making shackled the former Mistress of Subjugation by the neck, sealing her magic. Most of her magic at least. Her succubus spells couldn't be suppressed.

"Ohohoho! Is that all your little penis can muster, cattle? Is my pussy not good enough for you? When we're done, I'll be all you can ever think about. See if you can turn me down next time. Succumb!" Hilde howled.

"Oh, no you don't." Kanae dragged Hilde off just as the man ejaculated, shooting strings of cum across the room. "How many times do I have to tell you not to charm someone to have sex with you?"

Hilde expelled an exasperated sigh and released the man from her control, then did the same of the others outside the room. Kanae forced her to sit on her knees to reflect. She had recruited Hilde as a prostitute, but she proved a lot more troublesome than expected.

"I am simply fulfilling the quota you set forth. How I go about achieving that should be trivial," Hilde contested in defense of herself.

"Everyone, leave us. Hilde and Daya stays," Kanae said.

Esta nodded and shut the door for them.

"You had all week to try and escape. Since you haven't, am I to assume you're turning your backs on the Queen-Mother?" Kanae asked.

"Oh, I'm very grateful for your hospitality and sparing my remaining children, but don't get the wrong idea. While I have no intentions of returning to whatever punishment awaits me, I also have no intention to aid you against them," Hilde explained with a smile.

"Or I can control you." As Kanae tried to exert a charm on Hilde, she merely erupted into laughter.

The spell didn't take effect. Or more like it couldn't.

"You haven't noticed yet?" Hilde mocked. "Though I don't blame you, being up here on the surface without another succubus to give you a run for your horns. True succubi cannot control or drain another true succubi. It is why there can never be one succubus queen, but our Queen-Mother would have us believe otherwise."

"Aren't you two hybrid races? So, the Queen-Mother really is your mother and related to you by blood?" Kanae asked.

"Our fathers were breeding fodder. True succubi can only be birthed. The turned, like those three beastmen girls, aren't pure-blooded and makes them susceptible to being controlled," Daya explained.

The Queen-Mother must have been kidnapping and raping to build her army all these centuries. Neither Demon Lord Charron, the Grand Eye, nor Ortesia has any idea what's coming.

"If the other Mistresses are anything like you, Hilde, maybe I don't have anything to worry about," Kanae taunted.

"Hoh! As much as I resented it, they regarded me as the runt of the litter. You think my dragons were terrifying? My elder half-sisters do not need such paltry playthings to demonstrate their strength. The Mistress of Pain, the Mistress of Debauchery, and Queen-Mother's most beloved daughter, the Mistress of Desire may not be Seductresses, but they are magnitudes stronger than I," Hilde said and received an affirming nod from Daya.

Great. Four more powerful succubus to deal with and a couple of ticked-off demons on top of that.

As night fell, Kanae wandered out of Talahurah alone and came across Edina with the five risen dragons. She and her death knights were in the middle of shaving meat off their bones. Four had been reduced to bones and strips of flesh, and they were close to finishing the fifth.

"I'm afraid to ask, but… What are you doing?" Kanae grimaced at the gruesome butchering.

"Whaddya think? If I don't cut the flesh and organs out, they're gonna rot and people'll start giving me shit!" Edina exclaimed, then hopped off the dragon and flung the blood from her hands. "What about you? Doubt you're here for the show."

"I was thinking… we need to get you Pillar of the Damned," she said.

The squirreling's eyes lit up like the stars and dimmed just as quickly.

"Ain't happening unless we find the Lich Lord's Skull, remember? We haven't come across a Rift in ages either. I appreciate your gusto, but maybe it's something we gotta put aside." Edina sighed.

Equipping her with the legendary necromantic staff might give them the edge against the succubi Mistresses and demons. Too bad finding it was another matter entirely.

Kanae returned to the Horns and Tail, where the pleasant murmurs of tipsy patrons eased her troubled mind.

"Kanae?" Daya hesitantly pushed past a couple of patrons. "I know I'm not in any position to make requests, but… may I… meet your daughter, Mikki? The one I remind you of?"

"That is a pretty bold request for someone who was my enemy not too long ago, but sure. If you behave, why not? I think I've been away from Ehmvier for too long," Kanae said.

Not to mention, another war to prepare for.


Chapter 144 - Subjugating the Subjugator


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