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Directory: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ed9fm7ijiAbVlGiSklUYF5SgQ_hLo1GV?usp=share_link

Chapter 186

When Mio and I got back to the house, no one was in the backyard or preparing for a barbecue. Instead, our friends were lying in a heap around the living room with the news droning on the television.

"What gives? We having a barbecue or not?" Mio asked.

"Doesn't look like it." I sighed and pointed to what everyone was watching.

A pair of newscasters and the meteorologist warned of a tropical storm coming in during the early evening. It felt like last year all over again. However, they were sure that the strong storm was only going to last through the night. The forecast for the rest of the week was clear, so we were only really losing out on half a day.

Mine and Mio's shoulders slackened. We were looking forward to this vacation for so long only for it to get dashed by Mother Nature. Maybe I could owe Raijin a favor and tell him not to beat those drums in Takamagahara tonight.

"Who says we have to let the day go to waste?" Kana asked.

We spun around to find him setting up the table with plates and utensils. Situated at the center was a hot pot, split down the middle for two different broths. The six of us pitched in to help, and by the time everything was set up, a storm roared all around us and shook the house.

Mio and Kaede had their faces planted against the window, watching the trees blowing sideways on their trunks. A few unlucky beachgoers raced to get to their cars and home.

"There's something calming about how scary nature can be. I wonder if I can capture this feeling in my drawings," Kaede said wistfully.

"What's porn got to do with drawing dread?" Mio asked.

"P-Porn isn't the only thing I draw!" she protested.

"The hot pot is boiling, so come to the table already!" I hollered at both of them.

We picked our seats at the table. An array of mouthwatering meats and vegetables awaited to be thrown into the boiling broth. Mio dabbed a massive helping of chili into a sauce bowl, causing Kaede, who was sitting next to her, to gag.

"Easy. Like this!" Mio fished out a cluster of enoki mushrooms, smeared them into her chili sauce, and went to town on them.

My throat clenched up just watching her.

The lights flickered as we ate, but at least there weren't any blackouts.

"Hey, distract Hitomi for me," Mio leaned over to whisper.

"I'm not going to be an accomplice to this. You're on your own," I replied quietly.

Mio pouted.

"What are you scheming over there?" Hitomi narrowed her eyes on us.

"Nothing!" Mio and I hastily answered.

"Is there anymore tofu?" Rika asked, getting on her feet to stare into the pot.

"Looks like there's one last chunk, and it's mine. Hehe!" Mio reached in with her tongs and was intercepted by Hitomi doing the same.

"Let go of the tofu, Mio. I'll be taking it for Rika." Hitomi glared.

"You got guts to order a succubus around, Prez! You snooze, you lose!" she fired back, showing not an ounce of backing down.

Hitomi and Mio's fight for the last piece of tofu shredded the fragile morsel, all the while splashing broth off the edge of the pot.

"Uhm… On second thought… I don't need to have the last piece of tofu!" Rika chimed in worriedly.

The lights suddenly cut out. Everyone around me except Hitomi shrieked. Then someone switched on their phone's flashlight, and everyone shrieked again. With the light illuminating his face, Kana stared at us with a flat expression.

"Okay, guys. Calm down. Storm must have knocked out the power," Kana quickly deduced.

Since Mio and I had magic, we ignited our hands with a controlled fire enough to light up the kitchen.

"W-W-What do we do?" Kaede asked. "I can't draw in the dark like this."

"There's probably nothing we can do except wait until utility workers come by in the morning." Hitomi frowned.

Amidst the crack of thunder, someone knocked on our front door. Rika tensed up, and Hitomi wrapped a reassuring arm around her.

"Is… Is it a ghost?" Kaede shuddered.

"Don't be silly." I rolled my eyes and went to investigate.

The others followed close behind me. When I turned on the screen terminal, a person's face was a little too close up and personal with the camera. Kaede and Rika jumped back, clutching their chest. Whoever they were, a raincoat and hood covered most of their features.

I pressed the transceiver and asked, "Who is it?"

They finally backed away, revealing themself as the foreign-looking man from the store.

"Hey, my name's Trent! Saw your lights were knocked out. You guys need any help?" he asked.

"We're fine. Just going to weather out the storm. It's late anyway," I said into the box.

"Lightning probably tripped your breaker. It did for my place. I can go around back and switch it on for you real quick," Trent offered.

If it was going to be something that easy…

I ultimately gave permission to the guy named Trent to head into the backyard. We watched from the comforts of the house as he trudged through rain to get there. After a few seconds, the lights and television came back on.

"Saved us from bathing in the dark," Kana joked.

When I opened the sliding door to thank Trent, I was surprised to see that he was a lot taller when up and personal. He was soaking wet despite the raincoat. His clothes clung to a well-defined and muscular body. A strong jawline that could cut stone.

"Th-Thanks," I stammered, coming to my senses.

"Don't worry about it! Just wanted to help a neighbor out. A couple of my friends and I are at the other house. You guys need anything at all, just give us a holler." Trent smiled and took off back to his own place.

Kana cleared his throat in an exaggerated manner, and I quickly shut the door before we got any wetter.

"So, uh… Let's finish up dinner!" I exclaimed.

We returned to the table, and Hitomi wouldn't stop eyeballing her plate of briskets and mushrooms.

"Mio, is this supposed to be subtle?" Hitomi asked.

"Huh? I dunno what you're talking about." Mio played dumb.

We glanced over at Hitomi's food, which was very obviously coated bright red in chili sauce.

Much later at night after everyone had washed up and gone to bed, Kana and I were still lying awake and cuddling while Mio snoozed off to the side.

"That Trent guy… looks like you got your eye on him," Kana whispered.

"Is this you telling me that's who I should aim for?" I asked coquettishly.

"Hey, you can do whatever you want. I'm just along for the ride," he said.

I quietly climbed on top of Kana and squeezed his erection between my thighs.

"Whatever I want? You said it. Not me~" I kissed Kana deeply and humped him to climax.

The next morning, just like the weather forecast predicted, was clear and sunny. Although the streets were riddled with blown-off trees and branches, people were out in force to enjoy the beach like last night's storm didn't even happen.

Even though it was morning, Kana fired up the grill to get started.

"Huu… These pre-marinated skewers are so good!" Kaede squealed with one in each hand.

I noticed the guys from the other house checking this way. It wasn't very long before Trent came out and waved.

"Thanks for last night!" I waved back.

"Hey, no problem. Isn't it a little early to be having a barbecue?" Trent asked.

"Better now than risk any surprises later in the afternoon." I shrugged.

Part of me wanted to invite them, but the nerves were getting to me.

"We have a lot to go around. You guys want to join us?" Kana suddenly offered them.

"Really? Hell yeah! We'll bring some stuff over, too!" One of the guys went back into the house to call for the rest.

Soon, the backyard was bustling. A couple of guys were trying to flirt with Kaede to little success. Mio was chatting up another. Rika and Hitomi were speaking with one that was a Tokyo University alumni. Meanwhile, I kept throwing glances at Trent as he was hanging out with a few of his friends. They were all much older than us. That was especially obvious with the beers they drank like water.

Finally, Trent noticed I was staring and excused himself to join me at the table.

"Thanks for the barbecue. That Kana dude can make a mean burger." Trent patted his stomach and struck a six pack of visibly defined abs.

"We weren't going to eat all of it on our own anyway. Kana's my boyfriend. We're just here until Friday. You?" I asked.

When I mentioned Kana, Trent became moderately apprehensive. At least momentarily. He scooted his chair closer to me.

"Damn. I'd say he's a pretty lucky guy. Don't think we haven't noticed you and Mio are succubus. Can't imagine it being easy to control yourself," he said.

"Well, I don't always have to control myself." I smirked.

Trent raised a brow piqued with interest. I reached for my cup of water, but a tense jerk splashed it all over him instead. He jumped out of his seat, looking slightly confused. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! My arm just…" I trailed off after noticing Beatrice's reflection in the glass cup.

"Oh, no worries. I'm gonna go grab a paper towel." He got up and went to another table to wipe himself down.

I lifted the cup up to my face and glared while suppressing the urge to throw it in the trash.

"What's with that look?" Beatrice asked. "You're a succubus. Yet here you are playing games like a little school girl. Put them all under your control and drain them dry. I'm hungry, too!"

"I can't believe a war criminal like you is lecturing me." I sighed.

Mio tackled me from behind. "Beach time? I think it's beach time!"

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up," Kana said while picking up empty plates left behind.

We took Kana up on his offer and went to get changed. Hitomi, Rika, and Kaede weren't feeling the beach today and decided to stay in. On the other hand, Trent and a couple of his friends accompanied us into the sand-swept beach, freshened by the recent storm that blew past.

The air was crisp. Although the breeze was a little chilly, the beating sun warmed me up plenty. As I stretched my arms, I felt the gazes of many men burning into my body. Beatrice's words echoed in my mind. I couldn't tell if she was actually saying it, or I was just hearing things.

My stomach might be full of food, but my succubus hunger gnawed at me from the deepest pits.

"Last one in the water is a rotten bimbo!" Mio flew ahead for the ocean.

"Don't run on a full stomach!" I shouted vainly to her.

Mio flipped me off with the bird, diving backwards and disappearing under the waves.

"She's got a lot of energy, doesn't she?" Trent asked, walking with me to the water.

"Y-Yeah— ahh!"

A few kids running past bumped into me. I stumbled into Trent's arms with my breasts pressed against his. Unwittingly, my hands were braced against his broad, muscular chest. His own arms were holding my waist, sending tingles up my spine. Heat rose to my face, and I backed away out of embarrassment.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

"You know," he began and drew closer with his hands to my waist again. "I think I saw a secluded place behind those rocks."

Beatrice's face appeared in the waters next to me.

"Do it. Fuck this cattle dead and leave him behind as flotsam to be found later," she demanded.

"A-Actually, I'm going to go take a walk… over there instead!" I peeled away to his disappointment and headed down the beach to clear my thoughts.

Damn Beatrice, always messing with my head. If it wasn't for her, I could be having sex right now. She wouldn't really take over my body and drain someone to death, would she?

"Who knows? I might! During the war, I welcomed the light elves' attempts to send assassins after me. They made for quite the pleasant midnight snacks," Beatrice said.

"Hey, you're in the way!" someone shouted at me.

A group of cameras were pointed in my direction, but it wasn't me they were photographing. Behind me was a woman in a fashionable and risque swimsuit. This was a gravure photoshoot if I ever saw one.

I hurried out of their way.

"Director, I'm not feeling too good. Can we stop for the day?" the model asked.

"You're kidding me. We booked you until the afternoon, and you're just going to leave?" A man in sunglasses and polo shirt threw his hands up in frustration, but the woman ignored his complaints and walked off.

"I'm not letting you take pictures of me looking all constipated. I'll be in the shade," she said, brushing him off.

I was about to leave, too, until the director's eyes snapped to me.

"You! Your size is perfect. A succubus, too. Goddamn. How would you like to make some quick cash?" he asked.

"Me? Maybe you should find someone else…" I slinked away, recalling Hana's short stint as a photographer.

The director intercepted me from leaving and held up two fingers. "200,000 Yen. In Yukichis. How's that sound?"

"Sign me up." I shook his hand.

They had a little booth raised up for me to change into a swimsuit. All of them were, suffice to say, incredibly lewd. I put on a black micro bikini that was essentially thin, vertical straps over my breasts, only enough to barely cover my nipples. That was the least erotic one.

Sighing, and reminding myself that it was for the money, I emerged from the booth to the gasps and hard stares of the camera crew. Other beachgoers were beginning to gather, too.

"Oh! I knew they would look good on a succubus. Alright, miss. I need you to start giving us poses. Don't worry. I'll provide directions. All you have to do is follow what I say and let the cameras do their thing! First, try sitting on your knees and acting demure," the director explained.

"Okay…" I got down on my knees and looked directly at the camera. The slightest movement caused the swimsuit to slip, and I flashed the crowd with my breasts. I tried to push them back into place while people began to take pictures of me.

"Good! Good! That shy and flustered demeanor… Give the camera more by wrapping your arms around yourself. Look reserved!" he urged.

The directions were relentless. My mind was getting foggy trying to keep up. Some of them were getting hard. I could tell as much by the outlines of their dicks behind the swimming trunks.

One cameraman approached for a close up.

"You're doing great! Now, where's our male model? Get in here and give her a hand!" the director called out.

"Wait, male model?" I uttered in confusion.

A tall, buff man showed up behind me. He cupped my breasts in both hands. They were rough against my soft and supple skin, and I could feel his fingers brushing against my nipples and making them hard.

The face I made when he did that drove everyone wild. The sound of camera shutters came in rapid succession. They seemed to like every minute of it. However, the male model eventually stopped posing with me. No, he had other ideas in mind. He began to tweak my nipples and rubbed his erection between my ass.

Other cameramen swallowed hard, their erections throbbing for release. The director's instructions fell on my deaf ears. Before I realized it, I was pulling down the male model's pants and stroking his dick.

"Hey, hey, whoa, whoa! This isn't a porn shoot. Put that away!" the director cried.

"Sorry, director!" a cameraman said, shoving his equipment onto the director and tugging his pants off to put another dick in my face.

Their hard, shapely members felt good to the touch. My salivating mouth found purchase on one dick, sucking and licking it to climax. Hot cum poured down my throat, and I continued to milk it clean. The cameras started shuttering like crazy.

My apprehension washed away as a wall of people surrounded me to get in on the piece of the action. After blowing one off, another came to take its place. One by one, they drenched me in cum, and at some point, my swimsuit slipped down to my waist and exposed my breasts.

"Put these to good use," someone said, slapping his dick against my chest.

I squeezed them together and gave him a boobjob while licking the glans. He was quick to come, squirting onto my face.

"More… Shoot all your cum over me!" I begged as others who didn't get to use my hands or mouth stroked themselves to climax.

"That's right, you little whore." Beatrice smirked at me from a reflection in a man's glasses. "The more you drain, the more you feed me. Show everyone how pathetic you can be as just a filthy cumdump."

Right then, the countless dicks around me shot their loads and covered me in cum. The bukakke ended when Trent pushed through. His jaw dropped.

"What the hell is this?" Trent gaped.

"That's my girl," Kana said, having finally arrived and was linking arms with Mio, who was amused at my unsightly state.

"Well, stud. If you want to get in on it, you better go now before she goes into slut-mode," Mio joked.

"I'm… I'm out of here. This is too crazy for my tastes," he said, hurrying away from the crowds.

I wiped the cum from my eyes and face. "So, Kana. Do you want to take me like this for sloppy seconds?"


Chapter 186


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