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Chapter 137

When Kanae and her party returned to Ehmvier, their five incubi captives lured the Sisters of Sin like bait in a pond full of fish. While still in their young defensive forms, they huddled together and trembled under the hungry gaze of succubi.

"Mistress, are they what I think they are?" Lilith asked, swallowing hard and barely holding back her desires.

"Break them," Kanae said and shoved one of them into Lilith's arms. "As long as incubi are in this form, they won't think about betraying us."

"Of course, Mistress. We shall be very thorough." She beckoned to the other Sisters to apprehend the remaining incubi and led them back to the church.

Edina shot Kanae a look, and they nodded to each other before the squirreling took off flying. Their foray into Necro Lord Cantu's tomb didn't yield good loot for any of them, but they came away with worrying news.

You're not the only succubus queen around, Necro Lord Cantu had said.

Those words rang like thundering church bells in Kanae's head. In the back of her mind, she had suspected they hadn't all perished. After all, the final piece of Thistle, the Matron's Regalia, was still missing. The crown. A succubus likely still had it. If that was true, then she must be a succubus from the era of their culling.

"Master, are you alright?" Esta's words cut through Kanae's thoughts and snapped her back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry. Let's keep this information to ourselves. Until Edina gets back with word from Aidenhall, I don't think we should needlessly worry anyone," Kanae said.

"I hope you're taking this seriously. Succubi are a big reason why the high elves packed their bags and sailed across the sea! If those sex demons are still around, they aren't going to be as agreeable as you or the Sisters of Sin," Arenade explained.

Kanae understood as much. She was living proof how powerful a succubus could be. If there was a faction of them out there biding their time, was the Commonwealth prepared to fight succubi?

"I need some peace and quiet to think this out." Kanae frowned.

"I'll leave you to it then. I shall be at the barracks if you need me." Esta nodded.

Arenade and Kanae headed home to their castle. As promised, Kanae gave her high elven concubine some much needed pampering, beginning with a massage. She laid face down, dressed in a light robe. Kanae kneaded her knuckles and elbows into the knotted muscles. There was a lot to work out.

"Wow. You weren't kidding. You're just tense all over," Kanae said.

"And it's only going to get worse unless I give myself some rest and relaxation… Aaahhh~ There. Right there… Mmm…" Arenade sighed in satisfaction.

Seeing the pleasure in Arenade's face was getting Kanae in the mood for something more. She massaged along the obliques and abdominal muscles, working slowly up to her bountiful chest.

"What do you think you're doing?" Arenade glanced over her shoulder with a pout. "I believe this is supposed to be my pleasure. Not yours."

"What do you mean? I'm obviously doing it for your pleasure." Kanae played coy, but Arenade didn't resist even when she was obviously tweaking her hard nipples.

The high and mighty elf's breathing grew shallow. Kanae brushed her golden locks away and kissed the nape of her neck. Doing so drew a deep, pleasurable sigh. Arenade turned around to face her, and soon, they were tongue-deep in each other's throats. Kanae pressed her tail into Arenade's pussy. Arenade fingered Kanae in return.

"I hate you for making me like this…" Arenade grumbled while on the verge of climaxing.

"Even after all these years, you still can't be honest with yourself. Even though your body is a whole lot sluttier than mine." Kanae teased and leaned down to kiss her some more.

While staring deeply into each other's eyes, they neared climax until the door swung open.

"Amethyst, I heard you were back!" Ulric skipped into the room and came to a screeching stop on his heels. "Oops. Am I interrupting?"

"W-What are you doing here? Where are the guards?" Arenade kicked Kanae off the bed and threw the covers over herself.

"Ugh… Did you need something, Ulric?" Kanae asked, rubbing her aching nose after falling face-first into the floor.

He hopped onto the bed to sit next to the glaring Arenade. "I was thinking we should go check on one of your settlements. The one called Talahurah. It's among the few places in the Commonwealth closest to the demon domains, isn't it?"

"But I just got back from a necro lord's tomb…"

"Actually, Talahurah's been having some problems. Sheeba keeps sending letters about strange attacks on their city and troubles setting up working brothels there," Arenade said.

Really? They had five years to raise brothels. What's with the hold up?

"The brothel I might be able to do something about, but what's this about attacks?" Kanae asked.

"You tell me." Arenade got out of bed and fetched a few letters from her desk to hand over to her.

As Kanae went over them, Ulric leaned in to read, too. They were mostly details about normally solitary dire beasts and other monsters banding together to attack Talahurah. Strange was right.

"No one gets seriously hurt from any of the attacks, so I didn't think much of it. If this perverted, crossdressing Saint Priest wants to go to Talahurah, you might as well investigate for anything out of the ordinary," Arenade suggested.

Kanae continued to stare at the letters with unease welling in her chest. "In that case… It looks like we're taking a trip to Talahurah, Ulric."

"Yay!" Ulric cheered.

"Hey, this isn't some vacation. You better take this seriously like your bosses sent you here to be!" Arenade scolded him.

"Tch… You sound a lot like Delayn, and she's no fun at all." He pouted.

Kanae packed some things and threw on a cloak for her journey to Talahurah. Ulric went to do the same back at the barracks. Meanwhile, Kanae said goodbye to her children and Mitty, then visited the church until Ulric was ready.

In the sleeping quarters, the Sisters of Sin and incubi were engaged in an orgy with no signs of stopping. Succubi's ravenous appetites had their younger, male counterparts pinned to the bed and in a state of delirious pleasure. They might be immune to succubus magic, but the same couldn't be said of physical touch.

"Oh, Mistress? Have you come to join us?" Lilith asked while riding an incubus to climax.

"Going to have to take a rain check on that. I'm looking for Taileen and Erin. I want to bring them with me to Talahurah," Kanae said.

"The twins? They should be… in the Absolution Chamber— Forgive me, Mistress… I'm about to— aaahh!" The First Sister convulsed and fell limp atop her incubus mate, smothering his head between her breasts.

Kanae left them to it and traveled down the church corridors to the Absolution Chamber. There was a group of people inside the ankle-deep pool of water. The beastmen hare twins, dressed in the Eminence of Sin's sheer vestments, were surrounded by men in the middle of jerking off. They blew their load over Taileen and Erin, whose mouths were wide open to accept their spunk. After the last man ejaculated, the two were drenched in cum that slid down their bodies and into the waters.

"And with that, you have purged your sins onto us. We carry those burdens in your place, soaked in guilt and lust. Blessed is the Eminence of Sin, for the carnal and chaste cannot exist without the other." Taileen and Erin chanted these words in unison with their hands pressed together in prayer.

Kanae knew for sure she didn't teach them this. Religion really did have a way of becoming its own beast. The worshippers offered their gratitude to the twins and regarded Kanae with reverence on their way out.

"Hello, High Priestess!" Taileen saw Kanae first and bowed.

"Is there anything we can do for you, High Priestess?" Erin asked as she poured a bucket of water over herself.

"Pack your bags, you two. You're coming with me to Talahurah to establish a brothel," Kanae said.

The journey to Talahurah this time around was made with a lot less people and under much more different circumstances. Accompanying Kanae north were Taileen and Erin, Esta, and Ulric. What used to belong to Talon, the Black Harpy of Talahurah, was now territory united under the banner of the Commonwealth of Sin. Kanae hadn't actually visited the beastmen settlement since subjugating it.

Surprisingly, aside from some significant expansions to the city, not much has changed. The giant tree was still quite the sight. They hardly modernized despite the abundance of stone and metal, staying to their roots with tree houses and wooden buildings.

A contingent of honor guards rode out from Talahurah and across the plains on dire beasts led by Sheeba.

"Queen Kanae, you grace Talahurah with your presence!" Sheeba dismounted and dropped to one knee.

"Heard Talahurah was having troubles, so we'll be staying for a little while. Catch me up to speed?" Kanae smiled at her thrall.

As they rode into the beastmen city, Ulric beamed at everything he saw like a kid at a toy store. Kanae couldn't blame him. Talahurah was vastly different from Ehmvier. Harpies soared above, weaving through the branches of trees that towered over them. A herd of moose beastmen carried woven baskets, filled with fruits, on their heads. Feline and squirreling youngsters playfully antagonized each other in tribal-like conflict.

The ground was not paved in cobblestone. Instead, the main roads were wherever the dirt had seen the most travel and packed tightly from use. Homes were burrows in the earth, cabins built along tree trunks, and tents raised where convenient.

"We're not even too sure ourselves why they attack. Only that it happens every so often. If you stay long enough, you're bound to encounter them," Sheeba explained.

"Have you noticed anything weird with them? Maybe there's magic or something controlling them?" Kanae offered.

The lioness shook her head. "Our shamans couldn't detect anything concrete from the monsters. They say they sensed magic, but it would vanish rather quickly."

Like it was dispelled? Or maybe, because whatever magical effect was on them ended prematurely.

"I guess we won't find out more until an attack happens." Kanae sighed.

"In the meantime, we can get you and your guests situated—"

"Actually, Sheeba. That's not the only thing I'm here about, and I think you know exactly what I mean," she said, causing the chieftain to tense up.

They took a detour to the Eminence of Sin church in Talahurah. It was among the few stone and concrete-built structures, making the building appear very out of place. Inside, a canine beastman sister with short brown hair was humming to herself as she swept between the empty pews.

"H-High Priestess? I wasn't expecting you! I'm terribly sorry about the poor state of your church!" The sister almost tripped trying to shuffle out from the seats.

"I can hear the echoes of my own footsteps. Is it normally this empty?" Kanae asked.

"You may have declared the Eminence of Sin as the Commonwealth's primary religion, but the people of Talahurah aren't very religious to begin with. It's been this way since before you named me the city's new chieftain," Sheeba said.

In the very same vein, encouraging beastmen who already regularly had sex to pay for sex probably didn't make brothels very enticing. That idea was doomed from the start.

"What's your name?" Kanae asked the sister.

"Daya! I've been faithfully serving this church for three years now, and… uhm…" Daya fidgeted shyly in place.

"You can speak your mind, Daya. I might be a high priestess and queen, but I'm also just another member of the church like you," she told the restless woman.

"Then… would it be alright to… hug you?"

Kanae couldn't help but chuckle at how cute Daya was and opened her arms. She entered Kanae's embrace, tail wagging back and forth in apparent bliss.

"Ahhh… I've always dreamed of being enveloped in the high priestess' warmth," Daya mumbled.

Sheeba cleared her throat jealously from behind, and Daya snapped back in an apologetic manner.

"Sorry, Daya. We're actually here to check on the brothel. Can you show us there?" Kanae asked.

"Yes, of course!" Daya led them to the adjacent building connected to the church via an outdoor walkway around front.

The two-story brothel was supposed to be managed by the church and Sheeba, but upon entering the empty premises, it was clear neither of them did. Every surface including the floor, tables, and counters were covered in a layer of dust. Wax candles were pristine, having not seen a flicker of flame's worth of use. The most damning problem of all? There wasn't a single prostitute or sex slave in sight.

Sheeba tried to sneak away until Esta snatched her by the scruff of her neck.

"Mind explaining to me why this brothel looks like we're the first to ever step foot in it?" Kanae asked.

"Uh… Management issue?" Sheeba quipped.

"I can see that. If there was any management to begin with!" she fired back.

They spent the rest of the day cleaning up the brothel until it was spotless. Ulric and Esta lent a hand even though they didn't need to. Candles were replaced with illuminating magic crystals. Rotting food in the pantry was replaced with fresh ingredients and crates enchanted with ice magic to keep them from spoiling.

Leaning against the banister on the second floor, Kanae admired how much nicer the brothel looked now. The next step was to get it staffed.

"Alright, everyone." Kanae waited until an audience gathered around. "Starting tomorrow, Taileen, Erin, and I will begin working as prostitutes."

"As you wish, High Priestess!" the twins exclaimed together.

They were going to need more prostitutes if this place was going to succeed… Kanae's eyes wandered across the room.

"Don't tell me you're going to make a holy Saint Priest such as myself into a prostitute~" Ulric squealed from below.

"The last thing I need is for that to somehow get back to Aidenhall!" Kanae protested.

"Oh, come on! This sounds like fun. No one has to know but us. Besides, maybe you'll find some customers who are into this sort of thing." He winked.

"I'll… think about it…"

"Master, what would you have me do?" Esta asked. "I may be a stalwart and respectable knight, but if you would order me to debase myself, then I shall not hesitate to lay with a thousand vermin."

"Sometimes I wonder if you would be happier if I did order you to do things like that… but no. You're mine and mine alone. While I don't think it's going to happen, you'll be the brothel's security. Since we'll be serving alcohol and potentially get unruly patrons, there's no telling if something might happen. In which case, we're going to need your muscle," Kanae explained.

"Very well. Nothing shall disturb this establishment while I stand guard," she declared.

Everything was in order. They would just have to recruit more prostitutes or subjugate some sex slaves along the way. Kanae had made a success out of Sexy Slime Goods before. How hard could running a brothel business be?

The very next day, however, Kanae and the twins were starved of sex. They sat together at a small, round table, waiting for someone— anyone to come in all morning. It was already afternoon and nothing but dust came through the door.

"No one's coming…" Taileen muttered, face buried in her arms on the table.

"I'm so hungry, I didn't even know my stomach could complain so much until today!" Erin cried.

"I don't get it… Shouldn't people be jumping at the chance to have sex with us?" Kanae asked herself.

No signs of an attack on the city either. At this rate, if something did come, they wouldn't have any energy to fight it.

Kanae stormed out of the brothel, startling Esta when she kicked the door open. Anyone would do. Anyone. She singled out an elderly beastman walking by with a cane.

"You!" Kanae pointed to the beastman, making him glance up and down the road to make sure it was he she was talking to. "I'm the queen of the Commonwealth, working at the brothel right now. Don't you want to have sex with royalty? I'll even give you a discount. Haven't you ever fantasized about fucking someone as young as your grandchildren?"

"I don't care if you're the Supreme One. If my dick don't work no more, then I got no use for it! Stupid, sexy whippersnappers…" he grumbled and continued on.

This obviously wasn't working. Something needed to change.

"Hey, where's Ulric? I haven't seen him all day," Kanae said.

"I recall him leaving for Dreizel's around noon. He hasn't returned yet. Shall I go fetch him?" Esta asked.

"There's a Bath House Wonderland here, too? That gives me an idea. Show me!" she exclaimed, pulling Esta along.

Sure enough, Dreizel had a signature illusory bath house in Talahurah. It wasn't as grandiose as the one in Lograin or Ehmvier, but there were enough patrons to put Kanae's brothel to shame.

As soon as Esta drew open the curtains for Kanae to enter, a burst of hot steam assailed her face on the way in.

"It's stifling…" Esta squinted.

"God… What is this? It feels like a sauna." Kanae tugged off her cloak because of how hot it was.

"That's because, my friend from Orturic, it is a sauna!" From behind the counter, Dreizel whirled around on his spinning chair to face them in all his bombastic glory. "Welcome to Dreizel's Sauna House Wonderland!"

"Is this a joke, or are you rebranding?"

"I could ask you the same thing. You were human when we first met! Ha-ha! Seriously though, neither! Wood and dirt make for terrible bathtubs. I've decided to experiment. Saunas are quite popular up in the chilly north. Would you like to partake? First time is on the house. You can experience the warm, enveloping comforts of steam and all my mastery in illusory magic has to offer!"

"If you put it that way, there's no way I can say no— but, I'm here for something else right now. I was thinking we can merge our entrepreneurial endeavors together," Kanae said.

"Oh?" Dreizel's sharp ears perked up. "You have my attention. Do tell."

"Your illusion magic. I want to combine it with my brothel and offer you a cut of the profit. Install your magic in my establishment, perform maintenance when needed, and we split it 70-30. What do you say?" she asked, extending a hand to him.

"To engineer and repair the illusory magic crystals, that's all? What do I say, you ask? I say you could give Renya Rown a run for her money as a businesswoman. You have yourself a deal!" He clasped her hand and smiled.


Chapter 137 - To Talahurah!


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