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Alt link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19vPRGtKbKPOLDPfIa8EgadOtyJmJBHCxPznqakxrksE/edit?usp=sharing

Chapter 106

The drakeling knight went beet red when their lips parted. Her stoic demeanor clashed with the bashfulness of this vulnerable moment. Although Kanae was a good two heads shorter than Estaline, it was clear who was in control. This brave knight practically melted under the succubus' obscene gaze.

"Did you enjoy that?" Kanae asked.

"I didn't… dislike it. It's strange. I feel like I'm suffocating, but it's pleasant. I want… more," Esta said while avoiding eye contact.

Kanae threw her arms around Esta's neck. Their lips locked together again. Deeper their tongues explored in the other's mouths, but Kanae took advantage of her experience to shove a throat down her throat. The drakeling choked at first, then grew accustomed to suckling on it.

They thrashed around in the pool, kicking water over one edge and the next. Beating hearts knocked against their bare chests and filled with the desire to be closer to each other. Esta was by no means small. No one could have known underneath all the armor that her breasts, though not as large as Arenade's, were quite hefty. It was the tail that gave away how excited she was, swishing up water as it wagged.

Esta suddenly fell backwards out of the pool. She was about to sit up until Kanae placed a hand on her chest and urged her back down. The drakeling did so obediently, and Kanae rewarded that submission by kneeling between her thighs. Although she was of red dragon ancestry, her pussy was still very much pink.

Kanae tenderly kissed Esta's clit.

"Nngh!" Esta swallowed her moan and bit down on one of her scaled fingers.

"We're out here alone. You don't have to hide your voice. I actually want to hear it," Kanae said.

"Asking that of me us unfair— aahhh!"

Kanae licked the little nub, sending the inexperienced Esta howling with pleasure. Her pussy quivered and looked a little lonely, so she plunged the spade tip inside. Esta arched her back violently but settled down just as fast. A trickle of blood stuck to the tail, but Kanae cupped a handful of water to wash it away.

Two worried eyes snapped to Kanae.

"You're inside me?" Esta asked.

"That's right. We're connected now, but there's one more step before we can be together in the truest sense. I hope you're ready for this pleasure. Because it's the pleasure that your order tried to get rid of from this world for good."

Slowly, Kanae thrusted her tail into Estaline's pussy. She licked the lips and outer folds, paying special attention to her clit. The drakeling clawed at the rocky ground. Her toes stretched and curled. Her chest heaved with every breath.

"I'm so… lightheaded… Kanae… why does this… feel so good?" Esta panted between each word.

"Shllrrp… If you become mine… chuu… shllrp… If you swear to serve me… shllrp… shllrpphhh… I'll show you this pleasure for as long and as often as you want." Kanae drove her tail deeper and harder from seeing Esta's hips buck to the rhythm of her thrusts.

"Grand Eye… Mother… I can't. Only my Loyalty Fixation dictates who I serve," she said, squeezing her eyes shut and arching her back again.

"They aren't here. Not the Grand Eye or your mother. Just you and me, Esta. This is me showing you how much I want you. Do you want me back?"

Kanae thought Esta opened her mouth to answer, but her body shuddered intensely and an echoing moan escaped her lips instead.

"I… I… want to— aahh!"

A convulsing orgasm robbed Kanae of Esta's answer. Her climax wouldn't stop. She was twitching so much Kanae thought the drakeling was having a seizure. Glazed draconic eyes rolled to the back of her head. Long, fiery locks clung to her drenched muscular body and breasts. Kanae loved that disheveled look, knowing that she was the one who left the Knight of Silver in such a state.

[Congratulations! You are now level 104!]

Kanae pulled her tail out of Esta's pussy and licked the juices dripping down from it. Now, there was one last thing to do. She climbed out of the pool and sat behind Esta, pulling the drakeling's head onto her lap.

With both hands cupping Esta's cheeks, Kanae cast the spell, "Bond."

Their eyes snapped open as a tether to their hearts and mind formed. A lust so deep, a desire to corrupt, and a deeply-buried urge to shatter the shackles. Shared emotions and memories mixed together to the point where neither knew which belonged to whom.

Esta broke away from Kanae's grasp and sat straight up. Her eyes were watery but seemingly filled with purpose and elation.

"I can't believe it…" Esta stood to her full height, then knelt down. "Kanae Toyomi. My queen and my master, I beg you to allow this servant to devote her life you."

"Did it work?" Kanae asked.

"Yes, Master. My Loyalty Fixation triggered!" She brushed the sigil on her wrist to bring up her character sheet.

Etsaline von Cleisseldor

Lvl. 154













[Loyalty Fixation: Dragon Ancestry compels you to search for a master to serve with undying faith, devotion, and love.

You have gained a new skill relating to Loyalty Fixation!

Master's Bulwark: You take significantly less damage when blocking damage for your master.]

Kanae's own sigil began to glow, so she brought it up to check if it was a new skill from leveling up. Something else came up instead.

[You are a recepient of a drakeling's Loyalty Fixation and have gained a passive skill.

Dragon's Devotion: Your drakeling is madly in love with and obsessed with you. You are their treasure.]

"This isn't a skill… Why does this significant milestone feel so insignificant?" Kanae sighed.

"Master…" Esta started tearing up. "I'm so glad I finally have a master to serve…"

Kanae swallowed hard. Well, this wasn't so insignificant for Esta and that was all that mattered.

They tackled each other, entwining their fingers and tongue. Kanae cradled her new servant and stroked the back of her head. The two made out until they tired out and settled into the pools again, but this time with Kanae sitting on Esta's lap.

"So, does this mean you're going to be stuck with me forever?" Kanae asked.

"Yes, Master. Though if you grow tired of me, I shall gladly kill myself by your order," Esta said.

"Wha—?! Please, treasure your own life!"

"I cannot. My only purpose from now on is to serve you. I do treasure my life insofar as it is to do your bidding," she insisted.

Kanae put a hand to her face and groaned. Not even a day in, and Loyalty Fixation has already proven itself to be a problem.

"Look at me, Esta." Kanae rested a hand on the drakeling's crimson-scaled cheek. "This is your master's order, treasure your life as much as you treasure mine. S-Sure I helped trigger your Loyalty Fixation because I wanted you for myself, but… I need you to understand that you're just as important."

The seriousness that first drew Kanae to Esta returned to the knight.

"Of course, Master. I will endeavor to value our lives as equal. However, you will always come first for me," Esta said.

"That's good enough for me." Kanae stretched her arms and snuggled deeper into Esta's embrace. "I wonder if this is the closest a succubus ever got to the order without getting killed?"

"It may just be, Master. From what I understand during my studies at the Academy, succubi were extraordinarily powerful and feared. It was way before I was born, but the Grand Eye allegedly worked together with Demon Lord Charron to drive them to extinction."

"Wow… That bad?"

Though, it might not be so far-fetched. Kanae served as existing proof of how powerful one succubus could be. Then just what was Charron thinking when he turned her into a succubus?

They would have to be thoughts for another time.

Kanae climbed out of the pool, feeling wrinkly and pruny from bathing too long. But it was worth it. She extended a hand to Esta.

"Shall we go home?"

"Yes, Master." Esta smiled.

They got dressed and returned to Jareth's village with good news.

"You're back! How'd it go? Those damn apes gone for good?" Jareth asked.

"They won't be troubling the village anymore," Kanae assured him. "There's one thing I wanted to talk to you about. Those springs are an untapped resource. I want to develop your village and land into a hot spring resort."

"A what? Well… If your majesty wills it, there's little we can say or do. But melons have been our way of life for decades," he said, sounding almost sad to give it up.

"Don't worry. You can continue farming your melons. However, managing a hot spring here will earn you more money than you know what to do with. What do you say? Want to make a fortune?" She rubbed her index finger and thumb together.

"My queen, I'm not sure what this means." He mimicked the hand gesture poorly in return. "But I do like the sound of melons and money, so it's a deal! I'll convince the rest of the villagers!"

With the rudura ape affair taken care of, Kanae and Esta journeyed back Ehmvier. Manabe was there, along with several lycanbold guards, to greet them at the gate. He rushed past the doors, barely avoiding a wagon rolling into the city.

"I'm back!" Kanae beamed.

"Kanae, thank goodness! It's Arenade. She went into labor this morning!" Manabe exclaimed.

Blinded with worry and excitement, Kanae took flight ahead them. A group of people, citizens and Eminence of Sin disciples alike, crowded the wooden fence around her home. They made room when Kanae landed on the other side of the fence. Edina and her skeletal army was standing guard outside the house. She lit up upon seeing her.

"Talk about timing! Maybe you got better luck than me." Edina smirked.

"What's with everyone?" Kanae asked about the peanut gallery.

"Arenade's a high priestess of the Eminence of Sin after all. Guess this is a big deal for them. Anyway, come on! Let's go see Arenade give birth!"

Manabe and Esta caught up as they were heading, with the former taking Edina's place to guard the entrance. Past the foyer and living room, in a bedroom on the far end of the house, fewer people were around than when Kanae had given birth. Mitty stood off to the side, holding an excited Teana who was eager to be a big sister. Nelly was knelt down by the bedside, one hand clenched tightly by his adoptive mother's grasp. Zadris stood at the foot of the bed and between Arenade's raised legs.

"By the Supreme One's hairy backside…" Arenade groaned. "You said childbirth is pleasurable for you? Well, it's a gods damn mission directly from the three hells for me."

"You're taking it well." Kanae chuckled, coming around to the other side of the bed to take Arenade's hand.

"Ah, you should've seen her throwing a tantrum yesterday." Edina giggled under her breath.

Arenade was covered in sweat. The sheets were soaked, and a neatly-folded pile sat in the corner waiting to be changed. If they hadn't changed the sheets yet, then it must mean she was close.

"Just one more push, High Priestess! You're crowning!" Zadris exclaimed from the back.

Kanae tightened her grip, and Arenade likewise did the same. Her brows knitted together, then in one final push— all the tension released at last.

Unlike Teana's birth, there was no crying. Zadris carried the baby, wrapped in a blanket, into Arenade's arms. Everyone gathered closer to the bed, especially Teana, who Kanae lifted up to get a closer look.

"She's… our baby." Arenade gasped, in tears and cradling the baby to her chest.

The infant had similarly long, pointed ears like Kanae and Arenade. She had a small tuft of hair on her head. Guess she inherited Arenade's golden locks and light blue eyes. Again, like that feeling Kanae had with Teana, she was overwhelmed with warm love for this tiny being.

"Guys, your baby is kind of weird," Edina suddenly said.

"Don't call our baby weird!" Kanae and Arenade retorted.

"I'm just trying to say, most babies are born crying and yours didn't!"

They had to hand Edina that one. The baby did come out quiet. She was sucking on her thumb right out of the womb, too.

"What are we going to name her?" Kanae asked.

"You seem to be good with names. Why don't you name our child?" Arenade suggested.

"In that case… Kanade." She wagged a finger in the baby's face, only for her to snatch and start nibbling on it.

Arenade smiled softly. "Kanade… I like it."

"Can I hold her? Please, Mama, Auntie?" Teana asked pleadingly.

When Arenade passed Kanade off to Teana, she started sniffing the baby. The two sisters regarded each other playfully. It was almost like they knew they were sisters. Well, half-sisters. Teana waved her tail in Kanade's face, who caught it and nursed on it linky a binky.

The blanket around Kanade loosened as they played. As it slipped off, a black tail sprung out and dangled between her legs.

"Eh?" Everyone stared blankly at it, because that tail could only mean one thing.

"Th-That wasn't there when she came out!" Zadris said.

"Kanade's a succubus?!" Kanae and Arenade exclaimed.

"Kanae!" Arenade grabbed Kanae by the horns and pulled her down to eye-level. " I want to be angry at you, but…"

"I-I'm sorry! I thought birthing a succubus was supposed to be rare! How was I supposed to know?" Kanae stammered.

"Forget it," she said as her shoulders began to shudder. "It doesn't change that I'll love this child no matter what. But… it's hard to believe… I have a family again… sniffle… I… have a family— waahhh!"

A family that Arenade Ehmvier never got to have in her past life. Arenade Brightwind, however, was crying in joy as she squeezed both Teana and Kanade. Maybe the Supreme One did work in mysterious ways and this was what he was hoping for. They started off as bitter party members, and now they were one happy family.

As the sun began to set, Arenade and Kanade were brought to the Church of Eminence to be looked after for a few days. Zadris, who served as a midwife for many childbirths back in Ortesia, insisted that the birth mother and infant spend the next few days together as much as possible, and with as few distractions as possible. Only because Teana refused to be away from her baby sister, she was the only other one permitted to visit. Although Kanae also wanted to bond with Kanade, her turn would have to wait.

As Kanae headed home with Esta for the early evening, she ran into Nelly in the market square with a small pull cart bargaining with a trinkets merchant.

"Nelly? What are you doing?" Kanae asked.

"Oh, I was just asking the merchant how much this cost." Nelly pointed to a pearl necklace being displayed on a cushion. "This guy won't tell me even though I have money!"

"It's too expensive for ya, kid. Ain't no way you got enough in there. Beat it." The merchant shooed Nelly with two meaty hands.

"Not too expensive for me, is it?" When Kanae stepped into view, the merchant choked on his spit.

"Y-Your majesty! I didn't see you! Of course, I'm sure you're more than capable of affording this. For someone like you, how about a discount?" he offered.

"It's not me you should be offering the discount to," she said.

The merchant gulped hard and turned to Nelly, who planted a pouch of gold into his fat hand. After a minute of sweating and counting, he returned half the gold with the pearl necklace.

"P-Pleasure doing business with ya!" He tipped his hat.

Kanae and Nelly walked away with the latter humming happily to himself.

"I'm surprised you earned that much gold to spend," Kanae said.

"Mister Ichi, Miss Rosaline, Sister Lilith and the church… They let me help around for some change. I've been busting my back for weeks to save up for this." Nelly smiled at the beautiful pearls.

Kanae already had a feeling who it was for.

"The one you're giving it to must be someone special."

"It's for Aren… my mom. I wanted to give her a present since she gave birth. Eventually, I want to get something for Kanade, too, but I still need to keep working. Anyway, I'm going to go visit the church. Hopefully, Zadris lets me inside. Thank you, Kanae! I can't remember the last time I was this happy. You guys coming to no man's land was the best thing to ever happen!"

"I'm glad to hear it." Kanae patted his head. "From now on, I'm counting on you to look after Teana and Kanade."

"Leave it to me! I'll be the best big brother to them ever!" Nelly declared, then took running towards the church.

Nelly and thousands more, too. As Kanae gazed at the lamp-lit streets of Ehmvier City, she wondered if she was capable of being a good queen to the citizens of this nation. In order to protect them, to protect her growing family, becoming stronger was necessary. Becoming a member of the Knight of Colors was a means to ensure this peace.

"Esta, it's not safe for a kid to run around at night. Can you look after Nelly? Afterwards, why don't you help some adventurers complete some quests. I think Edina was planning on taking on wrym by herself." Kanae sighed.

"As you wish. Good night, Master. I shall see you in the morning." Esta bowed her head, but she hesitated to leave. "If it isn't too much to ask… Will you…?"

Kanae reached up to pat the drakeling on the head. Her thick tail wagged left and right like a puppy. The simple act didn't faze her at all. She enjoyed it thoroughly. They both did. But Kanae couldn't help but feel weird about petting the Knight of Silver in public.

Satisfied, Esta headed off to do as she was asked to. Kanae clutched her cloak tightly as a chill blew in. She hurried home with a skip in her gait, ignoring the well wishes and greetings from people she passed. When Kanae opened the door to the upstairs bedroom, Mitty and Noah were sitting side by side at the foot of the bed, their heads down and faces deeply red. The room was lit by candlelight on the nightstands. An alluring flora scent wafted to her nose.

"Did I keep you waiting?" Kanae asked, closing the door behind her.

Both of them shook their heads frantically.

Kanae slowly walked up to them and let the cloak slip from her shoulders, revealing a black lace lingerie imported all the way from Ortesia. The two of them gulped, their lustful eyes scanning every inch of her body tempered from sin itself. She placed a hand above each of their erections and savored the unique shape, thickness, and warmth from them.

"Teana said she wanted more siblings," Kanae purred, gripping their dicks and activating Versatile Womb. "Who wants to impregnate this slutty succubus first?"


Chapter 106 - Bond is Just Loyalty Fixation with Extra Steps


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Here comes the kids