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Chapter 95

In the morning, Kanae, Noah, and Edina mulled over the next phase of their plans. That being to create a large enough commotion in the city to buy Thedia time, granting the followers of the Eminence of Sin a chance to escape. Seeing the dungeons filled last night hammered in how her people were being treated. Many were likely innocent, having done no wrong other than appearing suspicious.

"Whatever we do, the Protectorates for sure know our faces now. Not gonna be able to sneak around as easily," Edina said, sitting up straight as Headmistress Marnie applied ointment to her back.

"Luckily for us, we don't need to be sneaky anymore. What we need is for you to let loose with Legion of the Dead empowered by my Bond," Kanae explained.

"I'm not sure how I should feel about listening to you plot an attack on Lograin…" Marnie cleared her throat and tightened the last bandages around Edina's body.

Since they didn't have a healer, this was about the most that could be done for her.

"Don't worry, we won't be hurting anyone or attacking anything that doesn't deserve it. Our real enemies are the Protectorates and Bardell," Kanae assured the headmistress.

A heavy but distant knock startled everyone in the room. It came from the front of the schoolhouse.

"Headmistress, there are Protectorates outside. What should I tell them?" a teacher asked.

"I shall be out in a second," Marnie called back, then turned to Kanae and her party. "The three of you best leave. I have no doubt they will ask to search the premises. If you're found here, I dread to think what will happen to my children."

"Thank you for letting us stay last night— and in case you're wondering, Arenade is doing fine." Kanae smiled.

The headmistress' weary demeanor brightened a little. She ushered them out back through a window.

As they left, Edina moved with a limp and had trouble walking on her own. Noah and Kanae had to give her a hand. They stopped in front of an abandoned well. The few people trudging around paid them little mind.

"We shouldn't stay put. They might come through here and find us," Noah warned.

"Sorry… They did me in good. Don't even have a drop of magic in me since those bastards put me in anti-magic shackles," Edina said, wincing from each word.

"Wait, I might be able to help!" Kanae recalled another one of her skills gained through Feed the Queen.

It was the Restore Mana skill, which grants the ability to transfer one's own mana to another.

Kanae and Edina clasped hands. When she uttered the skill, a glow of gentle blue light enveloped her. Mana seeped out of Kanae's body like a wet sponge being wrung out. That very mana began to seep into the necromancer. Seeing Edina again in the necromantic robes and wielding the necromantic staff, Kanae felt like everything was right in the world again.

"Oh! I'm feeling stronger already!" Edina exclaimed.

"Huh… Does this mean I can drain back my own mana by having sex with you?" Kanae asked.

"Why's that the first thing you think of?" The squirreling snapped her hand away. "Anyway, don't you dare. I'm gonna need as much mana as I can get for Legion of the Dead!"

Numerous footfalls alerted them from around the corner.

"Hey, check down that way. I heard something," a gruff voice said.

"Tch. The Protectorates are really just turning over every stone." Kanae cursed under her breath.

"What do we do? Getting in from the gates is too risky!" Edina whispered in panic.

"Fellas lookin' fer a way into the city?"

They whipped around to a shirtless beastman, dressed only in a pair of pants full of holes. Well, with all the coarse brown fur on his body, he could have been mistaken for wearing a shirt.

"I'd be willing to show you a way in, and it's lookin' you need to move without being seen," he said.

"Please, show us!" Kanae pleaded.

The beastman opened the door to one of the ramshackled sheds. They didn't hesitate to scurry inside, and their unlikely savior closed the door on the way in. A stank of poor hygiene made them pinch their nose shut.

Guards flooded into the area. There had to be twelve of them, fanning out in search of anyone suspicious. Some started questioning the poor folks minding their own business.

"Quit dawdling! Through here," the beastman urged, quietly opening a wooden hatch in the ground.

The four of them descended by ladder into a man-made underground cave, only high enough for them to crawl through on their hands and knees. Flickering torches lit the way every few meters, staked to wooden posts that barely looked stable enough to hold all the earth.

"What is this? Your prison escape project?" Edina asked from the front.

"Folks like me ain't getting inside the city no matter how much we beg. Gotta get creative," he said.

"Why did you help us anyway? You're putting your own life at risk by doing this." Kanae kept her guarded, suspicious of the beastman's intention.

He growled quietly. Not as a sign of aggression, but to tell Noah and Edina who were at the front to get a move on.

"It's 'cos I recognize ya. The High Priestess of that Whatever of Sin, right? I seen you in those vestments… shaking your tush and knockers around…" The beastman, who crawled behind Kanae, breathed heavily.

"Oh? I'm guessing you want a little favor from me in return?" Kanae asked, feeling his hot breath against her ass.

Something like a wet snout pressed against Kanae's crotch, sending shivers of pleasure skittering up her spine. She arched her back and swallowed the urge to moan when a tongue brushed the fabric, behind which her soaking cunt hid.

"Whaddya say about letting yer friends go ahead first? C'mon. Lemme fuck ya. I'll make ya feel real good!" he begged under his breath so the others wouldn't hear.

Kanae watched as Noah and Edina crawled ahead, unaware that they had stopped. The beastman grew braver having noticed it. He reached forward to grab a pawful of her breasts and pinch her nipples. A throbbing cock, fuzzy with fur at the base of the shaft, poked at her pussy.

"How badly do you want to fuck me?" Kanae asked, biting down on her lower lip.

"Bad enough that I want you for myself," the beastman said.

"Mm… Is that so?" She squeezed his dick between her thighs. "I do think it's a little strange that you recognized me right away. Which means you know my name and that there's a bounty on me."

The guy's dick throbbed again, but for a very different reason.

"W-Well, a bounty that big isn't gonna get me another chance with a woman like you—"

"Tell me the truth." Kanae placed a charm on him. "Are you leading us into a trap?"

"Yes… I saw you… flying in last night…" he answered stiffly.

"How many are waiting for us on the other side of this tunnel?"

"Maybe… Gotta be at least… 50 bronze guards."

That was a lot of Protectorates to deal with. They were going to have to fight them sooner or later.

"It's a trap! We're going to need to rethink this!" Kanae shouted to her friends.

"Aw, man. I knew it was too good to be true," Edina groaned.

"What's the plan? At this rate, we should just go back the way we came and head home. After all, we've already saved your friend," Noah said.

"You might be right, but a lot of people in the city stood up for me. Some of them put their lives on the line to save me when the Protectorates came for us. What kind of high priestess would I be if I left them?"

The three of them fell silent. At least until the beastman started humping Kanae like a mutt in heat. She kicked him off and continued down the tunnel.

"Wait, you're just going to confront them?" Noah asked.

"Fuck yeah! Count me in!" Edina exclaimed excitedly.

"No more running. Time to give Bardell a piece of my mind." Kanae crawled until she reached another ladder.

They climbed up to another dilapidated shack filled with more dust than furniture. Streaks of light peered through the holes in the door, and through them Kanae could make out the many that awaited them outside.

Noah nodded anxiously.

"I'm ready," Edina said, clutching her staff with both hands.

Kanae placed a hand on Edina's shoulder, casting Bond on the necromancer to empower her to class to greater heights. She shuddered in ecstasy as they connected again after so long. Together, the three pushed open the stuck door and stepped into daylight.

City guards and an army of Protectorates, dressed in their bronze regalia, greeted Kanae and her group with weapons drawn. Many looked worse for wear after last night's attack on their headquarters.

The tunnel hadn't led them very far into the city. The walls were right before their eyes, towering over and casting a shadow on them. Buildings and houses here were built at a modest distance from the wall, but for Kanae at the moment, all that space served to show how many enemies they were facing. A whole lot more than 50.

"Well, well. We meet at last, succubus." Bardell, the centaur beastman, Knight of Emerald and kingpin of the Outriders, slowly marched to the front of his army. He let the giant, double-sided axe plunge to the ground next to his forehooves. His body didn't need to flex for rippling muscles to pull taut against his tanned skin and stocky limbs.

Estaline was also with them, but she didn't appear particularly glad about the circumstances.

"For how much the Outriders talk you up, I expected you to be a lot bigger." Kanae smirked.

"You won't be so disappointed with my size when I wear you as my cocksleeve!" Bardell bellowed jovially in return.

"Flattered, but I'm not interested in guys who hurt my friends. But I guess you're used to rejection. You can't get laid without putting a girl in chains," she taunted.

The Protectorate guards erupted with sustained laughter. Even Estaline flashed a grin. Bardell shot a glare to shut them right up.

"Savor that joke. It's the end of the line for you, succubus. Your friends, too. Was that your plan all along? To let yourselves be caught? What a riot! When I'm done with you, it's off to Radevic you go. That dark elf, I know some people who are into that sort of thing. And Edina… I'm just going to have to break you in so you can't betray me next time!" Bardell guffawed.

"Not gonna happen. It's high time I wreak some havoc on your ass— Legion of the Dead!" Edina raised her staff to the sun, summoning an army of high level undeads.

The monsters' sudden appearance terrified the city guards and Protectorates, especially the lumbering bone brute that caused the earth to quake with each step.

"Don't just gawk. Get them!" Bardell ordered.

"Noah, now!" Kanae shouted.

Noah casted a fireball into the sky which exploded like a flare. The whole city should have seen that. There was no way Thedia could mistake it for anything else.

"Succubus bitch!"

Bardell galloped forth, knocking away and shattering undeads much weaker than him. He raised the giant axe, poised to bring it down on Noah—

"Titanic Blow!" Kanae drew her sword to meet the axe head on.

Both weapons recoiled. The impact deflected Bardell's strike, but left Kanae's hands numb.

"Sleep!" She incanted the spell in his direction, but the centaur staggered back and shook off the drowsiness. "Shit… So much for that."

More guards poured into the area from the gates, drawn in by the commotion and battle. Good. The more the better.

"Silver, quit holding back!" Bardell shouted to Estaline.

With one wide-sweeping slash, the drakeling knight ripped through dozens of undeads. Kanae met Estaline's gaze and saw her hesitation. As she approached, a bolt of magic smashed into her and fizzled out. The silver armor she wore was hardly tarnished.

Everyone turned to the one who casted the spell. Noah fired volley after volley, but Estaline stormed ahead undeterred until an empowered bone brute slammed into her. When Bardell recovered, he returned to the fray only to meet the colossal shield of another bone brute.

However, the battle wasn't favoring Kanae and them at all. Undeads were being beaten back, overwhelmed by the sheer number of guards. Even Estaline and Bardell were shaving off the bone brutes, armor by armor. They needed to do something fast.

"Say, Edina. What's the DEX on your undead minions?" Kanae asked.

"Huh? It's C for all undeads. That's the upper limit unless I raise freshly dead monsters," Edina explained.

"I got an idea… Heightened Haste!"

The buff spell drained Kanae's mana close to dry, but doing so increased the DEX of Edina's undeads up by two ranks. Ideally, this should—

"Why in the three hells are they so fast now?"

"Help! Aaaahhh!"

Protectorates were being chased down, piled on top of, and backed into a corner. The undeads of Legion of the Dead were running on crack, like someone had pressed the fast forward button on their remote.


The horde of undead stampeded as a single entity, leaving behind them a wake of dust and dirt, as well as trampled guards.

"Tch. Damn you, Edina!" Bardell growled, being beaten back by the bone brute's blurred flurry of attacks.

"Kanae, this is amazing! We're running them down like nothing!" Edina whooped.

"I'm glad… you're enjoying it… but I'm going to run dry at this rate," Kanae said, then locked eyes with Noah.

"Uhm… I-I know that look," Noah stammered. "I don't think now is a good time to—"

Kanae knocked her dark elven husband to the ground and flashed a starved smile.

"What are you saying, hubby? Now is as good a time as any… Turn Horny!" She pinned him down, pulled off his pants, and stuffed the erect dick into her pussy.

The pleasure caused them both to throw their heads back in ecstasy. Kanae was so aroused, she couldn't think straight. Hunger deprived her of all reasoning. All she knew to do was ride Noah to an orgasm for all his mana.

"Kanae… I can't…" Noah dug his fingers into Kanae's thighs as he climaxed, filling her with much-needed loads cum.

"You fuckers are fucking in the middle of our battle? How dare you take me lightly!" Bardell roared, shoving the bone brute aside to charge right for them.

"Wait!" Estaline tried to stop him, but the centaur barreled past her.

Kanae ripped her cloak and clothes off, letting her demonic visage show for all to see. As Exhibitionist Spellcaster activated from her nudity, she raised a hand between herself and Bardell.

"Don't interrupt a succubus when she's having sex!" Kanae raised a hand between herself and Bardell. "Turn Horny!"

The centaur's rampage skidded to a halt as her signature spell, made stronger by Exhibitionist Spellcaster, took hold of him. Something like a little prick poked out of the furry sheath between his hind legs and didn't emerge farther than maybe two inches. A very small… dick?

Everyone grinded to a stop on their heels, even Edina's minions of Legion of the Dead.

"What have you done? And you lot, stop staring!" Bardell yelled at his people.

"Is that how it is, Bardell? Come to think of it. I've never seen you fuck anyone before!" Edina cackled.

"Awww. Look at that cute thing." Kanae giggled into the back of her hand. "That explains everything. You're trying to overcompensate for a small—"

"I've had enough! After I'm done with you, I'm coming for the rest of your people. Your little village in no man's land is done for!" he huffed.

She grinned. "You might get the drop on us. We probably won't even see you coming because it's so tiny."

A magical fire exploded in the distance quite the ways from Lograin. That must be Thedia's signal.

Bardell, Estaline, and the Protectorates followed the sound to the explosion behind them.

Kanae seized the opportunity to pick up Noah's limp body and grab Edina's hand, then flew high into the sky. Spellcasters among the Protectorates fired spells at them, but they were quickly pounced upon by the undeads left behind.

"As much as I'd like to stay and bully you, it looks like I'm done here. If you're coming to no man's land, you better be prepared."

They departed to catch up to Thedia's caravan under a volley of magic spells and Bardell cursing at their backs. The convoy was made up of almost twenty wagons of varying sizes. There had to be hundreds of people in them.

Kanae landed on the backmost wagon, which seemed to only be carrying cargo of belongings. Likely from the people leaving the city. A single rider galloped down the congo line of wagons to greet them.

"I caught a glimpse of your battle on the way out," Thedia began with a sigh. "I swear, you must have inherited some of Renya's lunacy."

"You needed a crazy distraction, so we gave ya one!" Edina beamed.

"Oh, god… my legs are shaking." Kanae groaned, brushing a hand between her thighs to wipe away a goop of cum. She stumbled back when Edina tackled her and buried a teary face into her chest.

"Seriously… Thanks for coming back for me."

Kanae stroked the back of Edina's head and said, "Always."


Chapter 95 - Escaping Lograin


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