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Chapter 91

That bastard Seren and Talon were just feathers of the same bird. When Kanae gazed back at the army just outside of Ehmvier, the warg beastman flashed a fanged smile.

Arenade activated her Halo of Holy Radiance and took flight, leaving behind a cloud of dust in her ascent.

"Arenade!" Kanae jerked forward thinking to follow her, but she would be abandoning the village by doing so.

Many of the villagers were in tears and comforting each other. Manabe was going around barking orders to get lycanbolds back in formation. Noah, who was holding Teana and keeping her from flying off into the fires with Arenade to find Nelly, searched Kanae's eyes for what to do.

With the fires raging around the village and an enemy force banging at gates, Kanae wasn't sure herself.

At least not until Noah drew closer with Teana. The child reached up and pinched Kanae on the cheek, snapping her back to her senses. They knew what was at stake. Arenade knew what was at stake. This home that they have built for themselves wouldn't fall today. As long as she breathed, their home would never fall.

"Stay here. I'm going to buy time," Kanae told everyone who was close enough to hear. She flew straight into the sky, then descended like a comet into the middle of Seren's army.

Beastmen of all races surrounded her, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. Seren watched safely from behind a meat wall of his forces. There had to be hundreds, way more than needed to siege a small village like Ehmvier. Talon wanted to send a message.

Kanae did, too.

"Well, well." Seren sneered. "The succubus dropped in herself. Make this easy on everyone. Surrender, and I won't rough up your villagers too much."

"Apparently, my race has been missing for years. I have to put the fear of a succubus back in you all." Kanae drew her crystalline sword and handed it to her tail.

"Tch. Clip that bitch's wings!" the beastman leader ordered.

The horde of beastmen pounced on Kanae, but she was faster in flying up and letting many crash head-first into each other. It wasn't all too safe in the sky either. Airborne beastmen swarmed her like flies and shamans chucked magic from below.

Kanae spun in place, deflected a spear by swinging her sword in a wide arc, and then parried a sword that went for her neck. There were plenty of things she liked being poked with, but steel wasn't one of them. With both hands free, she snatched their weapons to use, but her inexperience in combat was beginning to show. They easily disarmed the weapons from her untrained hands and struck back ferociously enough to make her flinch.

If that wasn't bad enough, volleys of fireballs and bolts of magic chased after her.


All at once, the spells vanished without a trace and left their casters shocked. Kanae dove towards the shamans formed up at the very back of the army's footsoldiers for protection, and singled out a male serpentfolk, who was adorned with a waistband of animal skulls and sash of clattering finger bones. She reached between his thighs, casted Turn Horny, and jerked him off to climax faster than he could blink.

"Do me a favor and wreak havoc," Kanae ordered, then kissed him on the cheek before moving onto the next spellcaster. "The rest of you, don't move unless I say so."

By the time Seren and the main army caught up, Kanae had forcibly brought the squad of six shamans under her control by bringing them to an orgasm. Now they lobbed spells into the skies, pelting flying beastmen and their former comrades in arms.

"You cunt!" Seren weaved through his forces and shoved aside those in the way. He leapt at Kanae with serrated claws.

"Titanic Blow!" Kanae met the attack head on with her fists, causing a shockwave to ripple out and knock down anyone who hadn't been prepared for it.

Both of her fists were clamped shut in each of Seren's claws hands.

"You're strong… I'll give ya that. But now all I gotta do is hold you here until my army catches up and slaughters you," he said.

"You think I'm stuck? Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.

Seren realized too late when Kanae whipped around her tail which wielded the crystalline sword. She slashed him diagonally across the chest in his retreat. He staggered back, pressing a hand to the wound, where his brilliant fur coat was stained a shade of crimson.

"Bestial Rage!" The beastman warg hunched over and began to shudder. He let loose a piercing howl that made those closest to him cover their ears. Muscles all over the werewolf-like body bulged and pulled taut against his skin. The claws and fangs grew larger, more deadly and sharpened like daggers.

Kanae tensed up. Of course, it wasn't going to be an easy win.

"I can't lose here… I have too much to lose! Talon, she… she promised to take me as a mate and bear my pups if I win!" Seren howled.

"Huh?" Kanae stood there stunned.

Even a bulk of Seren's forces stared at him with a look that questioned the time and place of such a proclamation.

"I was the runt of my litter. My parents and my tribe abandoned me—"

"Wait, I don't need a sad backstory from someone who's trying to burn down my village. Tell it to someone who cares!" Kanae exclaimed.

"No one else will listen!"

She rolled her eyes. "Gee, I wonder why?"

"Fine. If it's a fight you want, then a fight you get!" Seren pounced toward her on all fours, hind legs leaving fissures in his wake.

When Seren swiped in Kanae's direction, she had a very bad feeling as their battle slowed down before her eyes. He was tough during the standstill, but how much stronger was he now after that skill buff?

As Kanae planted her feet firmly on the ground and embraced for impact, Seren slammed into an invisible barrier nose-first in front of her. Although the impact left a web of cracks, he squeaked like wipers on a dry windshield on the way down.

"I'm not letting you fight alone," Noah said, hands raised from weaving a magical barrier.

"Worried you won't get to have sex with me if I lose prematurely?" Kanae teased.

The dark elf blushed. "I-If you're defeated, then Highgreen will be in danger next!"

"I've had enough!" Seren rubbed his nose and snarled. He backhanded the barrier, shattering it and knocking Noah into Kanae.

They backed away with each step that Seren took forward, eyes on the sharp fangs that threatened to rip their throats out. Worse yet were the beastmen, scaling the palisade walls and assaulting the gates with a siege ram. If this continued—


Lilith and the four other Sisters of Sin were flying in from a distance. Following close behind were Will and Tess, leading an army of lycanbolds, goblins, and dark elves all armed with the very equipment seized from Seren's camp. When the beastman leader saw that, his thin lips peeled to an enraged smile that showed the gums of his fangs.

A horn bellowed from within Ehmvier. Manabe opened the gates and charged out alongside numerous defenders with the devil mutt that Teana named Tiny, barreling through the beastmen army.

In the ensuing chaos, the tides of battle quickly turned in Kanae's favor. Tearal led the alraunes to entangle and root their enemies in place. The Sisters of Sin charmed a small chunk of Seren's army to fight amongst themselves. The goblins…

Well… the goblins were doing goblin things, harassing female beastmen and trying to get in their pants.

"Hey, hot stuff! How about we make peace, and I sheath my sword in your pussy?"

"You into small, green, and nasty, babe?"

"Ugh… Goblins? Here of all places? Get away from me, creeps!" a beastman woman cried as five rapey goblins surrounded her.

"This isn't over, damn it!" Seren growled. "Regroup and push them back!"

"Kanae, go help Arenade. We can handle the rest here!" Noah assured her.

Seren swiped at Kanae as she flew off, but another shield blocked the blow.

"Get back here, coward!"

Kanae ignored Seren's taunts and headed in the direction of where Nelly's parents were buried. The fires burned strongly, fueled by strong winds surging down the distant mountains. She leapt out of the way as fiery debris crashed around her, scorching her shoulders and wings. The pain barely registered. It was nothing compared to losing Arenade, who carried their child. Nelly, too, since Arenade and Teana would be devastated to lose him.

"Where are… you two?" she muttered.

The thick smoke burned her lungs with each gasp and stung her eyes like needles. Kanae was about to lose hope until an unnatural, oversized tangle of roots formed a dome at the foot of an enormous tree. She rushed over to it and found that it continued to grow over itself like a living thing.

Just barely visible between the small gaps, Arenade and Nelly were hunched over and holding each other.

"Over here!" Kanae shouted to them.

Only Nelly turned to face Kanae, his face stained with tears and soot.

"Kanae!" Nelly dragged the unconscious Arenade over, and Kanae used the crystalline sword to hack away at the tangle.

Once the hole was big enough, Kanae dragged Arenade out first. For some reason, Nelly retreated back inside.

"What do you think you're doing? We have to get out of here!" Kanae warned, pushing against the roots that were quickly regrowing.

Was Arenade using Plant Growth while unconscious?

"I'm not going! I'm staying with my mom and dad!" Nelly cried.

"Your parents are gone. I know you miss them and want to be with them again, but there are still people waiting for you back home like Teana! Arenade loves you, too! These damn roots… She's passed out and is still trying to protect your precious memory of them! Your parents would want you to continue living—"

"Charm me!" he pleaded.


"I can't… bring myself to leave. I want to stay with Arenade, who's like a mom to me. I want to grow up with Teana, who's like a little sister to me… I want to go, but I can't! So, please… force me to!"

Kanae took Nelly's pleas to heart and charmed him under her control. The dark elven boy choked up as he moved stiffly to the exit against his wishes. After pulling him out, she lessened the charm enough to let him gaze at his parents for a few seconds longer before the fiery tangle closed up completely.

With both of them in her arms, Kanae launched past the canopy to escape the burning forest. Her mind was getting hazy and vision began to blur. She held on for as long as possible until they landed in the village and gently let them down. Nelly had fallen unconscious atop Arenade, and Kanae caught sight of Teana flying toward her before passing out.

The cold was oddly comforting. Somewhere, not too far away, wood that hadn't been properly dried was crackling in a hearth. Kanae woke up sore from head to toe, but was nonetheless glad to be alive. When she tried to sit up, a weight on her chest gave her pause. It was Teana, fast asleep on top of her.

Arenade and Nelly laid together in the adjacent bed. She had him wrapped tightly in her arms. By his sweat-caked face, he was having a hard time being stifled by all that weight. Kanae got up and carried Teana into their bed so she wouldn't sleep alone, then quietly made her way out of the house.

The giant devil mutt huffed as Kanae exited the house. It looked like Tiny was keeping guard. She patted him on the head.

Celebrations seemed to be underway in the village, their raucous jubilations threatening to awaken the others inside the house.

"Mistress, you're awake? Thank the gods!" Lilith exclaimed, rushing up to her with a basket of towels.

"What happened? How long was I out?" Kanae asked.

"It has only been a few hours and as you can see, victory was ours! The enemy forces retreated, but we managed to take their leader and a great many captives. We've also stripped their encampment clean. Whatever resources they had belong to us now," she explained.

"Good. Bring me to the captives and have the Sisters of Sin join us."

Lilith led them behind the church where lycanbolds guarded numerous tied-up beastmen. There had to be at least two hundred of them in total at a glance. The brave fronts they had earlier today were replaced with looks of terror. To them, Kanae must be an evil force to be reckoned with. They fucked around. Now they were going to find out.

"We've put the more dangerous ones in cages. Seren being one of them," Lilith said, tapping the metal bars with the dragonscale tip of her whip.

"You won't hold us for long. When the others return and Talon catches wind, she will bear down on you with the might of a hundred tribes!" Seren snarled.

"I'd be happy to have them over for dinner, but you have more important things to worry about. I wonder how they will feel with potential traitors in their midst," Kanae teased.

"What… do you mean?" he reluctantly asked.

"Oh, Sisters~" she hollered to her succubi, unfurling both pairs of wings against the backdrop of the full moon and night. The other four flew in as summoned, using the moonlight at their backs to cast a demonic shadow over the captive beastmen. Their faces were flushed red with desire, drooling from the corners of their lips, and breathing heavily in anticipation.

A few of their captured foes swallowed hard, catching on faster than the rest.

"It's time for a feast." Kanae flashed a fearsome smirk.

The six succubi allowed themselves to drown in a sea of debauchery, dragging the captives writhing and moaning into the depths along with them. Some of the villagers might have joined in. Kanae couldn't be sure. She swore that Parn and a couple of opportunistic goblins snuck into the vekas-like orgy.

When morning came, most of the drained beastmen weren't able to lift a finger. Several of the Sisters were still riding men to an orgasm, sapping away whatever they had left. Others, who were more particular to women, forced the weak-willed to service them like Kanae had done of them.

As the rising sun breached the mountain peaks and casted its life-giving beam across no-man's land, Kanae basked in the warmth it provided her body, sticky with cum, dirt, and indiscernible juices.

"Kanae? A goblin told me I could find you back here—" Will turned the corner and panicked at the sight before him. "By the good graces of the Supreme One, what in three hells happened here?!"

"Perfect timing, Will. Can you heal these poor beastmen enough to walk? I think they would like to go home," Kanae said.

Due to the night-long fuckfest, some of the beastmen were seduced into staying on their own volition, betraying Talon and Seren entirely. The allure of succubi's touch was too strong to resist. Kanae welcomed them into the village, confident that they wouldn't risk going turncoat a second time.

The remaining beastmen were sent away with nothing but the fur on their backs.

"Mistress, why did we leave them with their minds intact?" Lilith asked.

"Now," Kanae devilishly began, "Talon has two choices: exile them, or live in constant fear that the beastmen we had sex with might turn on them at any moment. Either way, it's going to  lead to a rift between the leadership and army. If they face a succubus from now on, who's to say they won't come back charmed? Suffice to say, they are going to hesitate attacking us from now on."

Even Lilith shuddered at the thought. A worry from the remaining vestiges of her humanity.

"It is… certainly a terrifying prospect, Mistress."

"Terrifying for them, but good for us. Anyway, I look forward to being fed next month after last night. Until then, it's time to expand our village and gather some more… devout followers." Kanae stroked Lilith's cum-stained cheek with the back of her hand.

Lilith gasped. "Does that mean—"

"That's right. It's been a few months. I think it's high time I pay Lograin a visit and rally the followers of the Eminence of Sin," she said, walking towards home to begin preparations.

It was more than that. If yesterday's fight was any indication, it was that Kanae had grown strong. Maybe not strong enough to face Estaline or Bardell, but enough to hold her own. Regardless, she wasn't going to let Edina suffer another day under that bastard.

Lograin was currently under the control of the Protectorates. They wouldn't be expecting a succubus to show up at their doorstep. Now was as good a time as any to shake things up.


Chapter 91 - Kanae Strikes Back


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