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Chapter 90

The sleeping quarters in the back of the church where the Sisters of Sin and regular priests lived smelled heavily of sex. The thick scent of goblin musk, their cum, and their sweat permeated the air like a skunk's foul spray. Anyone else would pinch their nose and steer clear, but not succubi.

Kanae led her most fervent and loyal disciples to the largest bed, a wooden rectangular box stacked with leather pelts and linen sheets. Her wriggling tail lured them in like fish to a fishing rod hooked with an irresistible bait. That bait being the urge to lay with their maker and queen.

By the time they reached the bed, each girl's hearts were pounding like percussion in an orchestra. Kanae took a seat on the edge and spread her legs open. She beckoned who would come, and of course, it was Lilith the first and most eager.

"A feast is a two-way street after all." Kanae flashed a toothy smile.

"Thank you for this meal, Mistress… " Lilith's hot breath filled Kanae with shivers, but it was her tongue brushing against the outer lips that the pleasure began.

Kanae let herself fall into the bed, bare breasts heaving from every breath and hands braced on her servant's head. Lilith kissed and licked enthusiastically, lapping up the juices like it was sweet nectar.

"How am I doing, Mistress? Am I pleasuring you well?" Lilith asked.

"Yes," Kanae moaned aloud to assure her. "Your tongue is amazing…"

"I'm glad… I can be of… service to you…" she said between pants.

The other four were having a hard time containing themselves. A pair was tongue-deep in each other's throats. The remaining two had their legs squeezed together, one hand playing with their clit and the other tweaking their nipples. Moans and squelches joined the chorus in this night of carnal desires.

These adorable succubi, whose wings fluttered with anticipation and tails whipping eagerly, all belonged to Kanae. That thought alone made her wetter than before, and Lilith, who was partaking in Kanae's honeypot, was more than happy for seconds.

"High Priestess… can we join, too?" one of the masturbating girls asked.

This Sister of Sin was an elven lass of light complexion with dark brown hair and small, glossy emerald eyes. Eldora was her name. She wasn't as gifted as Arenade, but her modest breasts were crowned with puffy pink peaks.

Kanae beckoned Eldora closer. The elf's lips creased into a wide, grateful smile. Those same lips pressed to Kanae's. They sucked hungrily on each other's tongues, but Eldora wanted something else. She wanted to be kissed elsewhere, and so climbed onto bed and positioned her hips over Kanae's face.

The soaking and quivering cunt lowered slowly until Kanae was able to lick the pink slit, drawing a cute cry from Eldora.

"Chuu… shllrrp… shllrp… mmm— shllrrp…" Kanae kissed and teased the swollen clitoris, but it wasn't until she plunged her tongue into Eldora's pussy that the elf doubled over from climaxing.


"Don't forget about us!"

"I want you, too…"

Kanae beckoned them closer with her finger. The beastman hare twins, Taileen and Erin, climbed onto bed next and parked their crotches on each of her hands. She welcomed them by fingering their pussies which readily accepted her from how lubricated they were already.

"Mmm… Taileen, you look like you're about to cum. Is the High Priestess' technique too much for you to handle?" Erin, whose fur coat and bob cut was a rich tan in color, teased her white-haired counterpart.

"Hush, Erin… I'm not going to cum so eas— aaahhh!" Erin shuddered to an orgasm.

"Ahhh~ You're so cute, Taileen… Your face when you climax makes me so horny… Come here, sister… I want to taste you again."

The twins began to make out again. Their hot saliva dripped down on Kanae's abdomen, scalding her with succubus juices that would make anyone keel over from just the sensation.

One more Sister of Sin remained. Zadris. A human who was formerly a trader from Ortesia before. The great volume of her obsidian black hair was tied into two long and thick braids behind her back. The foreign woman searched for any way to join in and was saddened when there was none.

At least until Kanae sprung her tail out to wave Zadris closer.

"Mistress, your love and kindness knows no bounds," Zadris spoke in an accent that flowed effortlessly from one word to the next without the harsh consonants of common tongue.

"Ortesia is an empire of prudes, isn't it? You won't find pleasure like this anywhere in your home country," Kanae said.

"It's true… but now that I've found you, I know where my heart belongs. You are my true queen— aaahhh!" Zadris jolted as Kanae pressed her tail, slickened with lubricating secretions, into the Ortesian woman's pussy. It squeezed her tightly in a vise, but the spade-tipped tail penetrated Zadris with ease.

Their orgy continued through the night. When some of the girls needed rest, the others took their place.

"High Priestess Kanae… mmm… chuu… chuu… I've always… wanted to kiss you with my sister," Erin whimpered, eyes teary and face flushed with pleasure.

"Your saliva… it's like an aphrodisiac…" Taileen gulped.

Their tongues wrestled, jousted, and caressed each other. Drool and spit dribbled down their bodies like a viscous waterfall.

When the twins passed out, Kanae and Eldora scissored with their legs entwined tightly together. They put their tails to work, drilling into the other's pussy like in a competition of who would fall to climax first.


"I'm cumming, Mistress! I'm cumming so hard— aaaahhh!" Eldora screamed in ecstasy, then collapsed onto the bed.

"Eldora, your tail tastes like our High Priestess~" Erin awakened from the fellow Sister's cry of pleasure and grabbed Eldora's tail to nibble on.

"Mmm… Erin, wait… I'm, oh— mmmrph!" The elven woman's lips were sealed by Taileen, the other twin, as they engaged in their own threesome.

As Kanae laid back to watch the show, Lilith snuggled up under her right arm and Zadris to her left. She gave them each a tender kiss and settled into the bed to cuddle with her girls.

"Look what you have done to us, Mistress." Lilith giggled at the sight of the three Sisters of Sin getting heated.

"Well, all of you did want it. I only gave you what you wanted," Kanae said.

[Congratulations! You are now level 86!]

[Feed the Queen has granted you new skills from your succubi!

Titanic Blow: Using your bare fists or weapon that deals blunt physical force, crush a target with incredible strength.

Heightened Haste: Raise ally DEX up to A-rank for a short period of time. Cannot be raised any higher.

Restore Mana: Transfer mana from your own mana pool to another.

Sleep: Place a target under magical sleep for a short period of time.]

Four new skills? Kanae was stunned beyond belief. Considering she already obtained a skill from Lilith, it made sense that the others provided her a skill each.

Feed the Queen. What a skill to have. At this rate, Kanae was going to build an arsenal of skills and abilities equivalent to an entire spell tome. The wish to be an actual combatant class was coming true, albeit in a roundabout way.

"Mistress?" Eldora, as well as the twins, crawled up the bed at Kanae's legs. "It's not enough… we want more."

"Is that so? Then I have no choice but to spoil you all. I'm expecting you to make me proud tomorrow." Kanae grinned, caressing her succubi servant's rosey cheeks.

As morning arrived and Talon's forces rumbled in the distance, the villagers of Ehmvier were right to be scared. They had never fought nor were ever threatened like this before. However, it wasn't a direct siege. The beastmen tribes made camp far from the village. A large number of airborne enemies made it difficult to get too close by flight, so Kanae made due by hiding scouts in the trees.

Takumi and Ingrid ordered the goblin miners to take the day off and arm themselves. Manabe recalled every lycanbold hunter back to the village to add numbers to their defenses.

"Mistress!" Lilith entered the church, panting to catch her breath. "They have taken the bait! A swarm of seven harpies are on route to the ruined caravan."

Kanae pumped her fists. Good.

"Did you find anything else out? Is Talon herself here?" Kanae asked.

She shook her head. "Unfortunately not. Thanks to Mitty, we've gotten extremely close to the village without being detected. Not close enough to find Talon. He did, however, find that our enemies are reporting to another leader— Seren. A fearsome warg. It is likely this Seren leads in Talon's place."

"A warg?"

"Subspecies of lupine beastman," Arenade said from the pew. She was bouncing a giggling Teana on her knees. "They're more beast than man though."

"Whoever or whatever he is, we're going to make an example out of him and send him back to Talon with his tucked between his legs. Sisters of Sin, let's go intercept those harpies," Kanae ordered.

"Yes, Mistress!" they exclaimed.

On the way out, Manabe came running up to them in a haste.

"What do you want us to do while you're gone?" Manabe asked.

"Prepare two forces: one that stays and defends the village in case of an attack, and a larger one that will assault the enemy before noon," Kanae said.

"W-Wait, you want to attack them outright? Isn't it a really big army? I won't know how to lead them!"

"Not exactly." She smirked. "They're going to expect us to hole up like scared animals. I'm going to give them a different kind of surprise."

As Manabe left, Kanae and her Sisters of Sin flew in the direction of the harpies. The flock of airborne beastman were investigating the caravan, turning over the wagons and searching for clues as to who or what caused this.

"Hey! Something don't look right!" a male harpy hollered to his companions.

"You think they were taken prisoners?"

"No. But the damage is too clean. Looks intentional like…"

"A trap?" Kanae asked, emerging from the foliage.

The harpies tensed up. They brandished their talons and weapons.

"Shit— It was a fucking ruse! We gotta tell Seren!" the leader of them warned, kicking everyone into full gear.

"You aren't going anywhere." Kanae imbued her succubi with Heightened Haste. The boost in speed allowed them to catch up to the harpies far easier than expected, like witnessing an eagle swoop down on a critter.

Although the Sisters of Sin wrestled five to the ground, that left another two harpies. Kanae gave chase, the growth of her new pair of wings granted even greater flight than before. She soared with the cool winds caressing both pairs and caught up to them in an instant.

Now was a good time to try out the other skills.

"Titanic Blow!" Kanae sucker punched one harpy from behind, sending her crashing into the forest below and leaving her in a crater.

Their leader was the male harpy who, in seeing his squad brought down like nothing, abandoned flight and stood his ground to fight.

"Okay, bring it!" he growled.

"How would you like to Sleep instead?" Kanae asked.

The harpy's eyelids grew heavy. He jerked awake like one did when nodding off, but the spell proved too much for him to resist.

"What did you… I…"

When his wings stopped flapping and he began to plummet, Kanae swooped in to catch him. They brought their prey back to Ehmvier village and fucked each of them to submission. With all seven scouts firmly under Kanae's control, she was ready to begin the next phase of their plan.

"Return to Seren and tell him you met with Bardell and the Protectorates. They're laying siege from the southern edge of the village and need reinforcements, but will need provision because the succubi ambushed them the other night. Is that understood?" Kanae asked them.

"Understood!" the swarm of harpies exclaimed and took flight back to their encampment.

"Kanae!" Manabe shouted from afar. "I have your attack force ready. Will and Tess will lead an army of sixty lycanbold warriors, ten goblins, and seven dark elves. Is that enough?"

"Lilith, you and the Sisters of Sin will go with them. Your task will be to raid Seren's encampment for weapons and armaments once he's taken his forces to siege our village, then set fire to everything," Kanae ordered.

Lilith knelt. "Your wish is my command."

As everyone departed to make their own preparations, Arenade emerged from the church with Noah.

"I dread to think how you would have fought Highgreen had we declined an alliance. What would you have me do? I'd like to be helpful," Noah said.

"You're staying within the village. I don't want to risk you getting hurt and jeopardizing the alliance with Highgreen. That goes doubly for you, too, Arenade." Kanae glared at the priest who was eager to fight since getting pregnant.

"It's my village, too! You think I'm letting my namesake get burned a second time?" Arenade fired back.

"Ehmvier is your namesake?" The dark elf raised a brow at her.

"S-She's a descendant of the Ehmvier line!" Kanae hastily answered to divert suspicion. "Alright, Arenade. If you want to help, we might need to reinforce the walls."

"That's more like it! Leave it to me," she happily declared.

The former demigoddess assumed dryadic form with the Forest Nymph staff, and Kanae casted Bond to empower her. She did not see it coming. Arenade's knees buckled. Kanae felt her on the verge of climax.

"A little warning… would have been nice…"

"Just thought I'd give you a boost," Kanae teased.

The only one who didn't understand what happened was Noah, who stood there with his head cocked to one side.

Arenade's combined magical prowess reinforced the palisade walls with stronger wood, strengthening them to the point of being as tough as steel. It was going to take a siege weapon to bring it down.

As noon approached, so did Seren's army. The horde of beastmen came in a variety of races. Lupine, feline, some drakelings among them, minotaurs, and more that Kanae couldn't name. They were all united under the banner of their chieftain, Talon. It went to show how much influence and strength she had.

However, seeing them so confused brought a smile to Kanae's face. A hulking wolverine-like humanoid emerged from the vanguard of his forces.

"What is this trick?" Seren snarled. "Don't tell me the Protectorates' ran away scared?"

Kanae flew just above the front gates to greet them. Many backed away instinctively at the demon that casted a giant shadow over their massive forces. With a form like this, she probably looked like a demon lieutenant under Charron's army to them.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but Bardell and the Protectorates aren't coming. I'll be more than happy to invite you in and accept terms to your surrender. You won't have a place to retreat back to anyway," Kanae sneered, pointing across the horizon in the direction of their encampment.

Seren and his forces followed Kanae's gaze to the smoke billowing into the sky. The assault was successful. With the bulk of the enemy here, that left their camp sparsely defended. Soon, the others would return armed to the teeth to face Seren with his own equipment and supplies.

"Succubus bitch… we underestimated you, huh? Well, you underestimated us, too! Two can play that game!" Seren howled.

"What do you… " Kanae's train of thought was interrupted by a lot more smoke in the skies than there should be. She spun around to find the forest in the outskirts around Ehmvier going up in flames. An explosion from the mine's direction knocked the less prepared off their feet.

"Talon had a back up plan. If we don't win, then we're to sabotage your mines and burn your forests. Let's see how you survive on nothing but ashes and charcoal," the warg taunted.

"Mama, auntie!" Teana called from below.

Kanae landed within the confines of the village to hold her daughter, who appeared shaken and disturbed.

"What's wrong?" Arenade asked, also rushing to check on Teana.

"Nelly… Nelly's gone!" the child cried.

Arenade gasped. They knew exactly where Nelly had gone. Their eyes turned to the growing sea of flames where his parents were buried.


Chapter 90 - Feeding the Queen



Reads like Seren is still right there next to their village with the demonic support force intact. (just on the other side of it). I don't get how Kanae has the leasure to fly down to her daughter.