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Chapter 80

With a sizable force in the form of lycanbolds, Kanae had put them to work on building a palisade fortification around the village, new huts and cabins, and serve as farm hands and hunters to provide food.

"S-So… You're absolutely sure that it's safe… ahh… to keep the lycanbolds… around— I'm… aahhh!" Parn, the elderly dark elf, couldn't finish his question as Kanae rode him to climax. He tapped out by patting her on the thigh, then reached up to fondle her breasts. She loomed over him, letting both mounds dangle above his face to be played with.

Kanae clenched harder to squeeze the rest of the cum out of Parn and into her. The erect rod, buried deep within her pussy, sputtered their last drops before going soft.

"I guarantee it. Not all of them need to be controlled. Just the leader and any disobedient ones. The rest obey me without question. Maybe I need to take you for another round to relieve any more doubts?"

"Well… I could use a little bit more convincing," Parn said as his dick went from flaccid to hard inside her in a matter of seconds.

"Hehe. You like how hot my pussy is? Bet you didn't think to ever have sex again at your age." She wriggled and squeezed again, sending him into a state of ecstasy.

"Ahh~ I'm both scared for my life and thankful…"

Kanae flashed a smile, more than happy to provide the village chief with pleasure. While riding him again, she pulled the curtain next to the bed aside to let in some fresh air. The wall nearly encompassed the entire village, and more lumber was being brought in by the wagon loads.

What the lycanbolds lacked in intelligence, they made up for in hardiness and constitution. Necessary traits for living in no-man's land, it seemed. The beasts were more animal than man, and taking control of them was a simple matter of subduing their leader, who was now Kanae's personal guard and sex slave.

She took to sleeping with the ones that were remotely high in level, reaching level 60 and upgrading the Bond skill to have a maximum of two people.

Brushing over the sigil brought up the character sheet. A still rather paltry level compared to the likes of Renya or Estaline.

Kanae Toyomi Lvl. 60
















Enchanted Bracelet


Turn Horny

Blowjob Proficiency

Human Form

Exhibitionist Spellcasting


Versatile Womb

Bond (2)

"Hm? Is that what I think it is?" Parn asked, grabbing Kanae's wrist and causing the character sheet to disappear. It wasn't the stats he was interested in, but the bracelet beads.

"Do you recognize it? I found it lying around in Turic. Gives me a boost in the INT stat," Kanae explained.

"I do, but only because it is of dark elven make. The ancient kind. Something like this must have been from a Rift," he said of the bracelet.

Then an adventurer really must have lost or misplaced it back in Turic. Was there someone or a party strong enough to take on a Rift around that time? Kanae couldn't remember.

It would be nice to find or craft enchanted gear. The equipment slots had been sitting empty for a long time now. They might help even the odds against someone like Bardell.

"Hey, one of the lizard hunting parties—" Arenade let herself into Parn's cabin and stopped cold for a second, then recoiled out of sheer disgust. "I did not need to see this first thing in the morning! This was your so-called important meeting?"

"W-Would you like to join?" Parn dared to ask.

"NO!" she screamed from outside.

Kanae cut short the meeting to get dressed and meet Arenade back outside, who had her arms folded and one foot tapping impatiently.

"Finally! As I was saying, a hunting party went missing. You don't think they started rebelling, do you?" Arenade asked.

"I doubt it. The others came back. Maybe they got held up by something?" Kanae wondered aloud.

"Like by Barkskin?" she suggested.

Possibly, but hopefully not.

"Just to be safe, let's check it out. I don't want something dangerous making it back to the village," Kanae said.

Arenade agreed.

They returned to their cabin first, which the lycanbolds had rebuilt from the ground up in a matter of days. The foundation was made of stone, and a small flight of steps up to the porch led into the cozy living room of the cabin. A fire was going on the hearth, smelling of savory stew being cooked for dinner.

"Mama!" Teana came flying into Kanae.

"Hey, Teana. I'm going to have Nelly look after you since I'm going out again. Did you eat yet?" Kanae asked, then glanced past her to the bowl of stew and bread left untouched.

"She didn't want to eat it." Arenade shrugged.

"Milk!" The baby succubus slapped Kanae's boobs.

Kanae frowned. "I'm not lactating anymore… Maybe we can check with the villagers on the way to Nelly's place."

One way would be to use the Versatile Womb skill to get pregnant, but having more children right now would be a bad idea…

There didn't seem to be many livestock around, especially not the kind that produced milk. A few chickens roam freely about, but no cow or goat.

They got to Nelly in time to find him shouting at a group of lycanbolds, standing outside his cabin.

"I'm telling you, don't come any closer!" Nelly yelled.

"Hey! You lizards get lost!" Arenade shooed them away to Nelly's relief.

"What happened?" Kanae asked.

"Nothing." He curtly brushed off their concern. "I just didn't want them getting inside is all…"

Kanae and Arenade immediately suspected something. It occurred to them that they hadn't seen Nelly's parents yet. Were they out, or were they just not around anymore?

"I'll make sure they don't touch a single wooden board on your house," Arenade assured him, placing a hand on his head only for him to shake her off.

"D-Don't treat me like a little kid, but… thanks. Uhm, so did you guys need something?" Nelly shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, almost as though to keep them from looking in.

"We were hoping you can look after Teana while we're away. Won't be for long. Do you also happen to have any milk or know where we can get some?" Kanae asked.

"Yeah, I can look after Teana. No milk though. We lost all our cows two winters ago," he said.

They returned home with Nelly, so that he could look after Teana at their place. As soon as Kanae opened the door, the boy brightened up and started sniffing the air like crazy.

"I forgot to mention, we have stew in the pot. Help yourself to as much of it as you want," Kanae offered.

"Is that really okay?" Nelly asked in a shaky voice, watery eyes gazing into the warm cabin.

Arenade pursed her lips and sighed out her nose.

"Nelly's an orphan for sure," she whispered.

"How do you know?" Kanae asked.

"Kid does what he wants under no curfew, caught a glimpse at how dirty his house was, and he's about to cry over a hot meal?"

Arenade walked forward and gave Nelly a nudge inside.

"H-Hey!" Nelly protested being pushed.

"You're welcome to come by anytime, kid. You and Teana are the only rugrats around, so you got to look after each other." Arenade grinned.

"I told you… I'm not a little kid…" he grumbled under his breath.

"Yeah, yeah." She ruffled his already messy hair.

"You two stay inside and be safe!" Kanae let Teana down to fly over to Nelly, at which point she latched onto his back and grabbed onto his pointy ears for steadiness.

Satisfied that Teana would be looked after, Kanae and Arenade set off into the forest with several lycanbold hunters. They rather err on the side of caution, so Kanae brought the leader, who she has affectionately named Alpha, to join them.

Alpha was a red lycanbold. There were scars on his body, evidenced to being a seasoned fighter. Under Kanae's control, he made for an even stronger one.

"I still don't like these lizards. They're weird and smell funny," Arenade groaned.

"You don't like anything unless they are clean elves and humans." Kanae rolled her eyes.

"I just think you trust them too much just because they're under your control. The one time we saw them fight, they didn't even fight. They submitted to you right away!"

"I'll give you that. They might not be as big as minotaurs, but these bad boys are equipped with two dicks," she said, fondly recalling being double-penetrated for the price of one.

"I'm not talking about dicks! Three hells… " Arenade pressed a hand to her face and groaned even louder.

Alpha hissed. They followed his reptilian eyes to several lycanbolds lying still on the ground. Four were slain by giant bite marks, and the other two to blunt force trauma. Likely from being hit against the tree they were slumped on.

The strangest thing here was how soft the dirt was, like it had been recently tilled or disturbed

"Could Barkskin have done this?" Kanae asked herself.

"Hey!" Arenade hollered from a little farther ahead, kneeling in front of a bulge in the earth. She brushed the dirt and pile of leaves away to reveal a heavy club, the head of which was a large rock. Lift as she might, it wouldn't budge. "Someone was packing. See how smooth the shaft is? That's steelwood—"

Kanae stifled a laugh.


"Alright, wise guy. You got a joke to crack, do you?" Arenade planted both hands on her hips and glared.

"I said, I'm sorry! Go ahead. What were you saying about the smooth shaft?" Kanae quivered from bouts of giggles.

"I'm saying this is an enchanted weapon… Maybe the lizards got into a scuffle with some adventurers?" she said.

"Adventurers out here? No way—"

Leaves showered them like a sudden downpour. One of the gnarled trees shuddered, but Kanae quickly discerned that it was no simple tree. It came to life, and at the base of the trunk, a pair of amber eyes snapped open to stare back at her.

The creature let loose a deep, bellowing roar that sent roosting birds flying away and goosebumps creeping across Kanae's skin. It uprooted from the ground, kicking up dirt and knocking over nearby trees. A wingless, serpentine dragon, with scales like mossy bark, circled them slowly as though sizing them up.


"Uh, Arenade? I think it's Bond time!" Kanae exclaimed.

"Then don't just stand there!" Arenade fired back, casting Plant Growth in Barkskin's way to buy them time.

Kanae activated Bond, creating a connection to Arenade and Alpha.

The wall of vegetative overgrowth thickened from Arenade being boosted in magical prowess, successfully stopping Barkskin in its tracks. Alpha's muscles pulled taut against his scales, and as he filled with strength and confidence, charged forth with the other lycanbolds to attack by stabbing through the opening in Arenade's wall.

However, their weapons snapped the moment they struck Barkskin's tough hide.

The giant wyrm bashed its head against the dome of entanglement, and each hit threatened to set itself free.

"The hells is this thing made of? Even bonded, I still can't hold it back… It has got to be way higher level than us…" Arenade winced from another hard bash.

"If you go dryad-mode, maybe you can turn it over for me to suck its dick like I did the dragon!" Kanae suggested.

"You just want to suck its dick!" she countered.

"No— Okay, yes. But what other plan do you have to keep us from becoming wyrm food?"

Barkskin slammed its entire body against the barrier, shattering it completely. Arenade flourished the forest-nymph staff and empowered herself to take on the form of a dryad. Thick vines sprouted from her back to hold it off, but one swipe of its powerful tail pounded her into a tree.

"Arenade!" Kanae cried, racing to her side.

"Ow… Greater Heal…" Arenade casted healing magic on herself to restore away the injuries. "I don't think it wants your blowjobs…"

The lycanbolds rushed to defend them as Barkskin lunged forward. Kanae braced for impact when a woman slammed the steelwood hammer into the side of the wrym's face. It skidded across the forest and came to a stop against the tree. Bits and pieces of the bark fell away, revealing a draconic face underneath.

Instead of taking the fight to them, Barkskin dove away and vanished into the forest.

Kanae got up to thank their savior, but as an imposing shadow engulfed them, the words lodged in her throat.

"Looks like I got back just in time." A bovine woman grinned, raising the hammer to rest upon her shoulder.

Behind the giantess were four more who were similar to her, making it a grand total of five. They were like minotaurs, but had faces closer to humans than the likes of Ichi and Renya's step-brother. The smallest among them was no less than six feet at least. Their legs were covered with fur up to the thighs and ended on cloven hooves that left deep prints on the ground. Thick horns like perfect crescent moons sprouted upwards from the side of their heads. It wasn't just their height that was large, but what they carried on their chest behind leather pelts that caught Kanae's attention.

"B-Big…" Kanae stammered.

"Aha! We get that a lot. Howdy. Name's Tess." The woman named Tess stuck out a hand.

Kanae grew nervous, shaking the hand of someone who could lift that monstrous weapon, but did so anyway out of politeness.

"Kanae… Erm… I meant to say thank you for saving us earlier. Don't tell me we were lucky enough that you were just passing by?" Kanae asked.

"Actually, that's about it. We're Gaurs. Wanderers just passing through when that big wyrm attacked us. Fought it earlier, but had to retreat on a count of one of the girls being with child," Tess said.

"Gaurs, huh. Their race are like nomads. Got to keep moving to find lands to graze on since they eat a lot. By the looks of it, they do eat a lot." Arenade marveled at the size of each of them.

Tess could easily be eight feet. Her skin was about as dark as Renya's, with curly brown hair that draped down her back. She had muscles that could give Estaline a run for her money.

"Tess, we better get going. Gotta find shelter a'fore the wyrm comes back," a red-headed gaur in the back said.

"Right. Well, it was nice meeting y'all. We're—"

"Wait!" Kanae flew in front of the ground as they were leaving. "Why don't you come back to the village? You're all clearly strong, and we could face the wyrm together if it attacks. Strength in numbers, right?"

"That's mighty nice of you to offer, but we'd chomp up all your fields 'fore next morning." Tess frowned.

Kanae threw a hand over Arenade's shoulder. "Lucky for you, this high elf has a skill to regrow grass in a blink of an eye."

"Hey… Why are you using me as a glorified sprinkler system?" Arenade squinted.

"Just one moment," she told the herd of gaurs, then pulled Arenade aside. "This is my first time seeing cow girls, and now that I've seen them, I want those giant milkers back in the village. And look at those muscles!"

They both turned to Tess, who was like a bodybuilder. The others weren't as muscular, some were thicker in other areas than on the muscles, but they each could no doubt turn a regular person into pretzels.

"Either you provide them grass to munch on, or I'll start milking you from now on," Kanae said.

"You really got a way with words when it comes to the mother of your future child… Fine, but we're going to need a more permanent solution than relying on my magic," Arenade relented.

Kanae and Arenade returned to the gaurs in smiles.

"No problem. We'll regrow all the grass you want during your stay." Kanae stuck out her hand first, and Tess shook on it.

They got back to the village, and with Parn's help, provided the gaurs a place to settle in and personal field to graze on in the time being. Arenade begrudgingly casted the Plant Growth spell to raise the grass up to her waist before their eyes.

"I'll be damned." Tess grabbed a handful of grass up to her nose to breathe in. "Y'all are giving us more hospitality than the places we passed by this last half year combined. We'll stay until Pam pops her baby. If y'all need anything from us, just holler, you hear?"

"There's actually one thing… I-I don't suppose… you can produce milk for us?" Kanae asked timidly, in disbelief that such a question would ever come out of her mouth.

"Sure," the gaur answered so casually that Kanae was left puzzled.

"Wait, really? Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Pam's already lactating. Gets backed up sometimes, too, and needs a little hand. It all goes to waste on a count of the baby ain't out yet. Better it goes down someone's gullet than the ground. Come on. Let's find a bucket and get you your milk."

Kanae came away with four buckets of milk. It was way more than she needed, so she flew around to offer the other villagers. Once only a single bucket remained, she went straight home, but stopped at the door to the sound of talking and peeked in through a crack.

"Teana, stop being picky. You gotta eat!" Nelly sighed, waving the spoonful of stew in her face.

"No! Milk!" Teana huffed and turned her head to avoid being fed.

"You know, you're really lucky to still have a mom. One day, she might not be here anymore to make you food like this. All you'll have to remember her by is the smell of her home cooked meals. She made this for you to begin with, didn't she?"

A brief pause of silence was followed by the sound of the spoon scraping against the earthenware bowl.

Kanae entered to find Nelly successfully feeding Teana.

"Oh, welcome back," Nelly greeted, busying himself wiping Teana's mouth with his sleeve.

"Thanks for looking after Teana. I brought fresh milk!" Kanae purposefully sloshed the milk inside the bucket.

"Mama, milk!" Teana cheered.

"Did you find a lost cow or something?" the boy joked.

"Something like that." She grinned, fetching two cups to scoop the milk out of for Teana and Nelly.

Unfortunately, Nelly declined. He got up and brushed his lap.

"Thanks, but I better get going—"

"What? Leaving already?" Arenade came home just in time, wiping the sweat from her brows.

"Yeah… You two are back now, and I don't wanna be a bother." He tried to shuffle past Arenade, but she flipped him by the shoulders back into the room.

Kanae traded glances with Arenade and nodded.

"It gets pretty cold at night. We got a fire going, so sleep over. I bet Teana doesn't want you to leave yet either," Arenade said.

Teana squealed excitedly from the table with her arms outstretched, but Nelly couldn't help but be stubborn.

"I really should get going— thanks for the food!" Nelly raced out of the house.

"Can't leave him alone?" Kanae asked the former demigoddess.

"I'm just a little worried, alright? I'll go check on him and be right back," Arenade said.

"Just keep him company for the rest of the night. I'm sure he won't say no if you bring him another bowl of stew."

Arenade did just that and headed right out.

It was getting late anyway. When Kanae turned to Teana, she wasn't at the table anymore.


Kanae followed the voice to the kitchen area, where Teana was flying above the bucket of milk and gazing hungrily into it.

"Teana, wait—"



Chapter 80 - Could This Be... The Succubus' Kingdom-Building Arc?


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