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Alt link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P0yO0_yM0oLsPg9KAJkwcoXWCgMxifh30uVUbsaYVBc/edit?usp=sharing

Chapter 47

Kanae awakened to the tickle of a thin layer of soot on his body and the feeling of fur on his back. The entire hovel smelled slightly of ash, but sweat and sex most of all filled his nose. Lying on top of him, another target of affection that had made Kanae climax countless times was Mitty, head sandwiched between his breasts, and now limp member still buried in his pussy. He pressed both hands to his hot face, recalling the events of last night. They really did end up going at it all night like a pair of lovers despite being recently acquainted.

Wait a minute. If they had sex all night—

The biting pain from the poison was absent, replaced with a tranquil sense of bliss from the afterglow of good sex. Since Kanae managed to survive the poison with the [Drain] skill, then…

"Oh, no. Mitty? Mitty!" Kanae grabbed Mitty by the shoulders and shook, but the goblin wouldn't stir. "D-Don't tell me I drained him to death… Mitty!"

Tears ran down Kanae's eyes. The goblin risked his life to help find the regnis mushroom, then came back to save him, and spent the entire night being drained to keep him alive. Mitty deserved more. Kanae never expected to meet someone so selfless, and when he did, they had their life cut short.

"Nnh…" Mitty's eyes slowly fluttered open and startled Kanae half to death.

"M-Mitty?" Kanae muttered the name in disbelief, wondering if this was a hallucination.

"Oh, that's right… we mated yesterday," the goblin whispered to himself, then climbed up to kiss Kanae on the lips.

"You're okay!" Overwhelmed with relief, Kanae wrapped his arms around Mitty's back and pulled him in for a deeper smooch.

They rolled around on the fur pelt, dry humping each other and making out until they were reminded of the need to breathe. An abrupt pressure came and went on Kanae's stomach, causing him to push Mitty away.

"Ugh… Hold on, I feel sick…" Kanae groaned, then they both looked down to see the womb sigil glowing brightly, as well as an ever-so-slight bump.

"You're pregnant!" Mitty exclaimed, the look on his face was one of elation that made him teary-eyed, and for Kanae it was utter bewilderment.


Kanae's eyes were spinning. The whole world must have been spinning, too. Pregnant? Again? When he checked his skills, sure enough [Versatile Womb] had been switched on.

He brought both clenched hands to the front of his chest and squeezed them together, unable to process that he was going to be a mother. This wasn't some monster egg. A sentient living being was inside his womb. A goblin baby!

Up until now, Kanae had been an adventurer and entrepreneur in this world. The whole being a girl and succubus was just a bonus. Motherhood hadn't crossed his mind. He didn't want to put down the mantle of adventuring yet, especially not so soon. Moreover, settling down with a goblin…

Mitty suddenly clasped two green hands over Kanae's own and gazed directly into his eyes. "I promise to be the best mate you ever had, and spend all my days making you and our baby happy!"

"Eh? W-What are you…" Kanae blushed so hard, he must have been steaming from the ears. "If-If you make a sincere confession like that… I won't know what to think…"

"Kanae, please be my lifelong mate! I'll always treat you well and pleasure you like last night! I-I think I love you, and I want to make a family with you!" he confessed.

The intense declaration caught Kanae off-guard. His heart was jumping all over the place within his chest and wouldn't calm down. Was this the result of being a girl? A maiden's heart was a lot more sensitive than he expected.

It was one thing to have sex with Mitty, but accepting his confession of love was a different matter entirely.

"I… urk—"

Before Kanae could give an answer, however, a wave of nausea, like someone was tying knots in his stomach, left him dry heaving. He turned away just in time to vomit.

"Morning sickness, huh… Guess there's no denying I really am pregnant." He sighed, wiping his mouth.

They cleaned up and figured heading back to the goblin village as soon as possible. Kanae was eager to find out if Edina was alright and the baby was due soon. He could feel it kicking.

As Mitty pushed open the wooden hatch, daylight beaming down from the canopy lit up the forest for a much more calm and serene sight. A flock of chirping birds sat atop the branches just above the hovel's tree. Small critters drank from the creek and skittered off.

Mitty stepped out first and extended a hand to Kanae, who was hesitant to go out.

"It's okay," the goblin said, snatching Kanae by the hand to pull him out. "The poison fang and most dire beasts around these parts are nocturnal. I won't let anything happen to you and our baby either."

Having a reliable man doesn't feel so bad at all, Kanae thought.

Squeezing Mitty's hand, Kanae followed him out, and they made their trek back to the village together.

Upon returning to the village, two goblin outlookers with spears and wooden bucklers in hand that guarded the gate waved at them from afar.

"Hey, look who's back from picking flowers!" one remarked with patronizing intent.

"Well, girly? Maybe you wanna spend the night out with a real goblin stud instead?" The other grinned.

Mitty shied away from the insults. When his grip on Kanae's hand loosened out of embarrassment, Kanae planted a kiss on the goblin to the other two's shock. Their jaws dropped. The spears slipped from their hands and clattered on the rocks and dirt at their feet.

"I'll have you jerks know that Mitty and I had so much sex last night that he got me pregnant," I said, pulling him past the speechless duo and into the village.

They walked to Grint's place under the scrutiny of many eyes, and the goblins who saw them drew even more attention. Meanwhile, Kanae and Mitty were both red in the face from the encounter at the gate.

It wasn't until they got to the cabin and were met by the more familiar stare of his friends, particularly Edina who was sitting up in bed. She looked a little worse for wear but alive and well nonetheless.

"Well, look who's back." Arenade grinned.

"Hey, Kanae… Looks like I got you to thank for saving me," Edina croaked, flashing a weak smile. Overjoyed, Kanae pushed past the others and threw his arms over the squirreling. "Aha— ow! I'm still sore from the poison!"

"Sorry, I'm just so glad you're okay. I was so worried you weren't going to make it." Kanae sighed with relief.

Leaning against the wall, Thedia chuckled. "You should have more faith. The agility of a feline is not to be underestimated."

"Tall, busty, and smokin' hot over there ran like the wind to bring back the regnis mushroom. We brewed the antidote, and the rest is history," Grint added.

"I helped, too!" Arenade pointed to herself. "Spent all night casting Detox on her so the poison wouldn't spread too far."

Kanae wouldn't have known what to do if Edina had died saving him. It was like the starting cave all over again. Now, however, it was more than just the two of them. This was proof that the friends he made were the right ones.

"Let's not do that again anytime soon though. That poison hurts like the three hells. We're buying poison resistance potions when we get to Lograin." Edina groaned, lying back down on the bed.

"Sounds like a plan," Kanae said, then chewed on his lower lip as he hesitated to reveal another pressing matter. "Guys, I need to tell you—"

Just then, Kanae felt a kick in his stomach and water. The pain in his face was immediately known to everyone.

"Kanae, are you okay?" Edina asked, and the others came closer thinking to help.

"I, uh… I got pregnant last night, and I think my water just broke," Kanae confessed, feeling the wetness of amniotic fluid on his thighs.

"PREGNANT?!" they all shouted at once.

Without wasting another second, everyone pitched in to help. Edina leapt off the bed to let Kanae lie down. Grint, Takumi, and Ingrid went to fetch fresh sheets and buckets of water. Thedia and Arenade served as the midwives, helping to clean and watch for the birth.

"Damn, Kanae. I get knocked out by poison, then I wake up to find you knocked up by a goblin? What else in the three hells happened while I was unconscious?" Edina asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"W-Well, Mitty and I—"

"We had sex, and I got her pregnant!" Mitty proudly exclaimed.

Everyone turned to Kanae for confirmation, and he nodded with his eyes shut so as to avoid their stares.

"Hey, that makes me and Mitty eskimo brothers!" Takumi threw an arm around the other goblin's shoulders.

"Don't bond over having sex with me!" Kanae cried.

"I don't believe it," Grint murmured. "That Mitty actually had the balls to land such a babe…"

Over the next few hours, Kanae was stuck doing breathing exercises as his muscles twisted and spasmed. The contractions were getting worse by the minute. It was different than birthing eggs, much more difficult and painful. A whole child was coming out of this body which left him shaking.

"Oh, god… Is this what giving birth to a real child is like? It hurts so much… like every muscle fiber in my body is being stretched," Kanae said, squeezing his eyes shut and pushing as hard as possible.

"Focus, Kanae! The baby's crowning!" Arenade shouted.

"Just a little more! The baby's almost out!" Thedia said.

"I am pushing— aarghhh!" Kanae put his all into one final push and instead of pain, he was suddenly wracked with pleasure that made his eyes roll back and toes curl.

A baby started crying. Relief washed over Kanae like a cold shower, and he was able to breathe easily again. The soreness was still there, but the cramps and tension were vanishing, replaced with a simmering sensation that skittered over the surface of his body from climaxing.

What Kanae didn't expect next, however, was a hoarse gasp from everyone in the room.

"I don't believe my eyes," Grint mumbled.

Kanae glanced at the many faces to try and make out what their expressions meant. The ladies in the room cooed at the baby in Thedia's arms, but he could only see their backs. She finally turned around to reveal an infant goblin whose facial features were softer in comparison to the other goblins, and with ears slightly more pointed, including…

"Congratulations, Kanae. It's a healthy baby goblin girl, and she also happens to be a succubus," Thedia said, gently handing Kanae the baby goblin, who stopped crying the instant he held her.

"A… goblin succubus?" Kanae choked. With both hands cradling the baby, he felt the leathery wings behind her back and saw the long, spade-tipped tail coiled around her right leg. Although her skin was green and nose round like goblins, she was undeniably a succubus.

A strange feeling welled up in Kanae's chest that he didn't feel after birthing the mana-vamp starfishes. It was a desire to protect, love, and nurture this baby. Kanae held her closer to his chest which elicited a cooing sound.

"I thought you would birth a normal goblin boy, but a goblin girl that's also a succubus? Stars must have aligned because if that's not a miracle from the Supreme One, then I don't know what is," Arenade said, kneeling down by the bedside and wagging a finger at the baby until she snatched it to nibble on.

"Uu… Giving birth to monsters was one thing, but to a living humanoid baby… I'm… I'm a real mother?" Kanae asked, taking one look at his adorable daughter and falling in love with her again.

Mitty was tearing up. "Our daughter… I'm a dad! I never thought I would ever have a mate and a baby!"

"That's right… You're the one who knocked me up!" Kanae sighed. "But I was the one that turned on Versatile Womb in the heat of the moment, so I'm to blame, too."

"Auuu… auuu!" The baby planted both hands on Kanae's breasts that seemed to have gotten larger.

"Uhehehe… Looks like your baby needs to be fed. Why don't you whip out those knockers?" Grint suggested, drooling from the corner of his lips.

Kanae glared at Grint, then charmed him to leave his own cabin. With the pervert gone, he shedded one side of the outfit to allow the baby to nurse. She quickly latched onto the nipple and sucked greedily for milk.

"I'm even lactating, too…" Kanae mumbled.

"Do you have a name for her?" Arenade asked.

Kanae and Mitty traded glances, but the father insisted that the mother give a name.

"How about… Teana? It takes a 't' from Mitty's name and the last four letters of my name backwards. Do you like that?" Kanae asked his daughter, who stopped nursing and giggled happily at the name.

Teana it was then.

They had decided to stay the night at the goblin village. Thedia assured them that Jarvy wouldn't depart without them. He was personally chartered by Renya Rown after all and didn't want to draw her ire by leaving her special guests behind.

Grint gave them each a place to stay. Since the village's birth rate was at a severe decline, and Teana was the first baby here in years, a lot of cabins were open to be occupied. Kanae spent the night in Mitty's home in the very back, and the papa goblin was doing everything to try and properly accommodate his new family.

"Is it comfortable enough for you? Should I go get more pillows?" Mitty asked, after having brought another fur pelt.

"It's fine, Mitty. Any more and you're just going to crowd the bed," Kanae said. He was surrounded by pillows and cushions, stuff that had likely been stolen or purchased from a human village like the nearby Bisk.

Because of Mitty's underground garden, the place smelled of flowers which had a calming effect on Teana. She hadn't stopped nursing since the afternoon, and maybe it was just Kanae's imagination, but the baby had grown noticeably bigger. Teana was like a little bean at first, the size of three palms side by side. Now she was what a normal-sized human baby would be right after birth.

"You know, my parents never really gave me a lot of attention when I was growing up. Sometimes I wondered if they really cared or were just waiting for me to be old enough to leave," Kanae mumbled to himself with no real intention for Mitty to hear, but he did.

"Are succubus families not normal?" Mitty asked, tilting his head.

Kanae cleared his throat. "O-Oh, well… I-I guess we're solitary races… I think?

"I don't know about your parents, but I think you're a good mom! You haven't let Teana go since she was born," the goblin said, his words tugging on Kanae's heartstrings.

Not yet, Kanae thought. Would it really be fine to bring Teana with them to Lograin? It was highly doubtful that people would welcome a succubus with open arms.

Mitty climbed onto bed, but to Kanae's surprise, the goblin positioned himself between his legs.

"Wait, what are you doing—"

"Since we're starting a family, let's have another baby! I want 10 with you!" Mitty exclaimed, rubbing an erect cock against Kanae's pussy.

"M-Mitty, hold on! At least let me finish nursing Teana— aahh!" Kanae twitched with pleasure as Mitty pressed his baby-making meat rod in.


Chapter 47 - The Hero Succubus Became a... Mom?!


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