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Chapter 34

Kanae and Arenade dropped by their store, which was named Sexy Slime Goods, to check in on how things were going. They were surprised to find Ingrid still around, ringing up a customer at the counter. The others three were going about stocking shelves, sweeping the floor, and helping people pick out a desired sex toy. It wasn't only just men who visited, women did as well. Dildos were among the easiest things to make, and Kanae was able to shape them into almost any size he wanted. Even more accurately with his friends being humanoid monsters to serve as a basis.

"Hey!" Ichi waved to them after putting something on a high shelf that the others couldn't. "Your business idea is insanely profitable. I can't believe how many women come in here asking for a minotaur and orc-shaped dildos. Makes us feel pretty good about ourselves!"

"Lucky you…" Takumi grumbled from the opposite side of the room.

"How's business going? And is Ingrid behaving?" Kanae squinted at her.

The former member of the Outriders avoided looking him in the eyes, but the fact that she was still here was evidence that she chose to be of her own volition. At any point, Ingrid could have escaped, and it would have been too late before they realized she was gone.

"Ingrid's been really helpful," Manabe said. "People don't really want to talk to a minotaur, orc, or goblin, so she's the one that makes sales. We just keep the place stocked."

"It's not like I can go back to working for Bardell," Ingrid mumbled.

"You better not think about taking off with our earnings or betraying us in the future! We're practically doing you a favor by sheltering you here," Arenade said.

"Ya don't have to remind me… Anyway, yer business is booming. Ya getting orders from other cities. Word travels fast it seems," she said, bringing up a ledger to show them their earnings.

Suffice to say, it was a lot of money. No where near the amount of slaying a dragon would earn, but enough to run the place, pay their four workers, and put a chunk of pocket change into the coffers. At this rate, they might want to look into expanding.

"Speaking of word traveling fast. Streaking Dragonslayer, huh?" Ichi poked fun at the title that's quickly spreading through the city.

"W-Where did you hear that?!" Kanae went bright red.

"People know you're the owner of this business! But forget that. We can't believe a dragon attacked yesterday, and we're even more surprised that you brought it down!" Takumi excitedly exclaimed.

"Aha… Well, Estaline dealt the final blow," he said, recalling the encounter.

"And you dealt the first blow," Arenade teased.

"S-Shut up! I had no other choice!"

Aside from the unfortunate way in which Kanae found fame, it made him uneasy to be so known around the city now. Trying to keep a low-profile was impossible now, and after reaching the low 30s in levels from fighting the dragon, he and his party were among the highest level adventurers.

The two said goodbye to the shop and headed over to the Orc's Hammer. Lina and Rog's establishment was the first place Kanae had in mind when thinking about acquiring a weapon for himself. One half of the store displayed full sets of gear on mannequins, and the other half had racks of weapons. Some were behind glass cases, but many were out in the open to be wielded as pleased. He wouldn't be buying any of them, because he previously commissioned them to forge a short-sword out of black dragon scales, and it was supposedly ready today.

"Welcome to the Orc's Hammer!" Lina smiled at them from the counter, then lit up with recognition. "Oh! Hello, you two!"

"I'm here to pick up the sword I ordered from you guys," Kanae said.

"Honey! Kanae is here to pick up her weapon!" The elven wife called into the back of the store where their forge was.

Kanae was brimming with excitement. Although his skills and class weren't combative in nature, he could at least actively help in fights with a weapon in hand. However, when Rog emerged from the back with the weapon, everyone just stared at it in disbelief.

"Uhm. Honey, is this the sword?" Lina asked her husband.

"Yes. That sword," Rog confirmed.

"That's a funny-looking sword you got there," Arenade said, struggling not to laugh.

Kanae picked up his 'sword' which was limp like a wet noodle. Nothing about this weapon was sharp, and it was only about as thick as his pinky finger.

"Isn't this just a whip?!" he cried.

"We're terribly sorry!" Lina was checking over a small stack of papers, trying to figure out where things went wrong. "My husband must have gotten the commission work mixed up. He ended up using your dragon scales and bone to craft a whip meant for someone else."

They found the sword that was supposed to be Kanae's new weapon, but it was made out of cow leather and quite obviously unuseable in a fight.

"That's quite the order to mix up…" Kanae sighed.

The long whip was crafted with leather from the dragon's hide, and a scale was used as the tip. Getting hit by something like this would hurt. A lot. With a whip as a weapon, Kanae was really beginning to look the part of a succubus.

"Me sorry…" Rog lowered his head apologetically.

"It's alright, Rog. If I had ordered this, I'd probably be very impressed," Kanae said.

Since the commission was an incredibly expensive one at a whopping 300 grand, Lina paid back half for the mistake. Either way, Kanae came away with what appeared to be a very strong whip. The silver lining was that, unlike a short sword, he had a much longer reach.

"Look at you with a new weapon." Arenade laughed as they exited the Orc's Hammer. "What are you going to do? Whip monsters to death?"

"Arenade, bend over." Kanae subtly charmed her to get down on all fours, then let the tip of the whip drop down next to her face.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm sorry! Don't whip me! I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it!" she cried.

Satisfied, Kanae released the charm, and Arenade got back to her feet breathing a sigh of relief that her ass wasn't in danger. He was never going to hurt her anyway. She might get annoying at times, but he had been slowly growing more fond of her.

"Guys!" Edina was coming up the street and bumped into a couple of people as she made her way to them.

"Where did you go all morning?" Kanae asked.

"I went to Necro Lord Zogoth's tomb to raise his pet again! They were really happy to be reunited. I'm also high enough level to do this now, watch— Arise!" Using her staff, the squirreling necromancer opened a black portal in the ground from which a giant bone brute crawled out of.

"Oh, no. Not the stupid bone brutes again!" Arenade backed away, clenching her fists that were sparking with holy energy.

"Don't hurt it!" Edina cried. "It's my personal summon now. We can use it to fight!"

That was great and all, but people around us were getting terrified of the monster in town. Many took off running, screaming in panic.

"Bone brute!"


Guards began pouring in from every avenue.

"Edina, put your bone brute away before we get arrested!" Kanae yelled.

Much later at night, Kanae snapped awake to his body on fire. He almost didn't recognize his own room. It was their first night in an upgraded suite because they struck a small fortune, and Arenade wanted to live in much more luxurious accommodations. As a result, they slept in separate rooms rather than in a single one. The consequence of that being he no longer had easy access to Arenade when he needed her.

Tonight, however, a different feeling was welling up within his succubus soul. The bedsheets, warmed from his own body heat, were brushing against his hard nipples and stimulating him to seek a more satisfying outlet.

When Kanae pressed a finger to his crotch, it came away soaking wet. He began to masturbate, rubbing the little bean and fingering himself, and using the other hand to knead his own breasts. But it wasn't enough.

"Damn it… I can't get off…" Kanae groaned in frustration.

A deep desire compelled him to get out of bed, and that's what he did. Still naked, Kanae tiptoed across the living room and opened the door to Arenade's room. She was sound asleep, sprawled out on the bed. He crawled underneath the sheets and slowly pulled her pajama pants down, then saw that she was also wet.

The scent of her juices was driving Kanae wild. He had learned early on that whenever he became too horny or went too long without sex, some innate succubus effect caused others around him to feel horny, too. It might be some defense mechanism so that succubi wouldn't be starved of sex.

Unable to contain himself, Kanae started licking Arenade's pussy. The demigoddess squirmed in her sleep.

"Mm… nnh… ahhh…" Arenade moaned quietly, her legs writhing and kicking the bedsheet away.

"Hahh… Arenade… Why do you have to taste so good?" Kanae ate her out with ravenous intent. The sweet juices she let out were like honey to his taste buds, and she was gushing so much that it was in no short supply.

"Uuh… aahhhnn!" Her body tensed up from an orgasm, but she still didn't stir awake.

Kanae got up and wiped the wetness from his chin. With the sheets gone, he saw how Arenade's shirt was on the brink of bursting at the buttons because of her bust size. She was lying in bed, looking so defenseless with that voluptuous body. Sweat dripped down her forehead and cheeks. The room had grown humid from their heavy breathing.

"Kanae…" Arenade suddenly whispered his name and sent shivers traveling up his spine.

For the first time since coaxing her to be his sex slave, Kanae felt guilty about taking advantage of Arenade in her sleep. He clapped his cheeks and shook it off. Not wanting to risk waking her up, he pulled her pants and bedsheets back up, then left the room.

Staying would be bad for Arenade and Edina, Kanae threw on a cloak, changed to human form, and left the adventurer's hall to catch some fresh air. A light breeze lifted the bottom of the cloak, and he quickly pleated it back down before anyone saw his bare pussy. He had come out wearing nothing else underneath, as if hoping for someone to see him.

At night, Orturic still had plenty of people wandering about. They were mostly drunkards lying in the streets and adventurers preparing to make a foray into the night, but the majority of citizens were asleep. Their presence even reminded him of Japan.

However, Kanae was a girl in this world and one article of clothing away from being naked. A blanket of fabric was all that covered him from people who might get the wrong idea about him, but maybe he was hoping to be assaulted.

All it took was a little wind to blow the wrong way and someone would know he wasn't wearing anything else. It excited him so much, he was dripping wet. Those juices from his pussy tickled his inner thighs as they streaked down.

As Kanae trekked through the city to explore his budding exhibitionist tendencies, he grew paranoid that people might recognize his face. Luckily, the cloak had a face covering to shield his mouth and nose. It might make him appear suspicious, but at least no one should know who he was.

Off to the side of the road, a stall merchant who was closing shop for the night took notice of him. The man's eyes fell to Kanae's chest, where two obvious peaks from the erect nipples were poking against the cloak.

"Lass, are you alright?" The merchant's words lodged in his throat.

Kanae gave in and walked up to the closing stall. With people walking past just several feet away, he opened the cloak to flash his bare chest and pussy to the merchant. No one knew that he had the lewdest smile behind that face covering, cheeks flushed red, and breaths escaping his lungs in short gasps.

The greatest joy was in seeing the merchant's eyes going wide and popping a boner. If there was no one around, he might have charmed him to have sex with right then and there.

"Excuse me!" Someone raced up to the stall, but Kanae shut his cloak and dipped away. He made a run for it and ended up in a much less dense part of the city. Buildings were much smaller and decrepit. Alleyways were filled with garbage being dined on by rats. Instead of magic lamps on the main street, wooden posts held burning lanterns or dim torches to light the way.

That show Kanae had given to the merchant flipped a switch that could never be switched off. If he had known flashing was this exciting, he would have done so back on Earth. There was nothing wrong with giving people a glimpse of this overly obscene body.

"Hahh… Hahh… Why does… it feel so good… to be like this?" Kanae asked himself.

A drunk human man suddenly stumbled into the street. Kanae hung back so as to not be seen. The man eventually found his footing to steady himself and continued walking.

With no one else around and only the insects buzzing around lamp posts, Kanae decided to follow the drunk, careful so as to not alert him. Trembling fingers gripped the seams of the cloak. He glanced left and right, then behind and front again

Kanae flashed the man's back and felt the cool winds between his legs first. The breeze then caressed his soaked crotch, sending a pleasurable shiver instead of a cold one through his body. He was doing it again, flashing another stranger like a pervert.

The man stopped to empty his bladder on the doorstep of some poor old building, stumbled into an alleyway, then collapsed to the ground. Kanae followed him and saw that his pants hadn't been pulled up. A limp penis was hanging out, like a feast awaiting to be eaten.

Visceral hunger gnawed at the depths of Kanae's stomach. He was hungry, and it looked incredibly tasty. No one else would know, so he entered the alley to have himself a snack.

"Turn Horny." Kanae held it by the base and casted the spell to make the cock erect.

No effort was made to suck quietly. Kanae went in on the cock, licking so sloppily that drool trickled down his chin.

"Shllrrrp… Shllrrrp… Sho good… mmm… chuup… shllrrrp… hahhh…"

The hard member soon blasted his face with cum, but he swallowed as much as possible. The slightly salty and bitter substance was thick like jelly. It somehow had an addictive taste that encouraged him to lick every last drop.

He was about to put it into his pussy until a group of people entered the alleyway. They didn't look like guards. Their equipment suggested they were adventurers.

"Well, well. What's going on here?" an elven boy asked.

"Street whore maybe with a passed out customer? Dunno," another remarked.


Kanae was just called a whore. That made his loins stir even hotter. Face and breasts covered in cum, he wouldn't look like anything else right now.

"Wait, I'd recognize those tits anywhere!" someone in the back exclaimed. "She's the one who defeated the dragon with the Knight of Silver!"

"You mean Kanae? No way! She must be a succubus or a real slut."

Kanae froze up. So there were people who had seen him fight the dragon that day. He gulped hard. If they think he was a succubus, it was the end of his life in this city. Or anywhere else for that matter. What now? Charm them? But if they somehow resisted, then it was all over.

Screw it.

"I'm so horny right now…" Kanae threw away his cloak to give them a full view of his naked body. "Do you think you guys can help me with that?"

The adventurers looked him in the eye and didn't need to be charmed to say yes.

The next morning, Kanae woke up feeling a lot better. Being gangbanged by them didn't earn him any experience because he was much higher in levels, but it sure as hell filled him up.

He was about to get up when a weight kept him anchored to the bed. He lifted the bedsheet to see someone's head nestled on top of his breasts. Glancing to either side there were two more adventurers also fast asleep next to him. Another adventurer was lying on the ground, too, for a grand total of four.

However, these weren't the same guys he had encountered in the alleyway last night.

"Eh? I don't remember bringing anyone back." Kanae gasped.

"Hehe… sleeping with the Streaking Dragonslayer…" The one on top of him mumbled in his sleep.

"Kanae, are you— wha?!" Edina opened the door and was surprised to see the crowded room.

"Uh… I can explain…"

"I can probably guess what you did last night… but you might wanna come downstairs," she said, voice tinged with hesitation.

Kanae pushed and shoved his way out of bed, got dressed, and followed his party down to the adventurer hall floor. Several armored guards, different from the ones that patrolled the city, were waiting with their swords and spears drawn. They appeared much stronger and seasoned, not like a typical grunt. An elven mage behind them stood ready with spells prepared in both hands.

"Are you Kanae Toyomi?" one guard asked.

"Y-Yes," Kanae answered.

"You are hereby detained under the suspicion of being a demon. More specifically, a succubus. Give yourself up, or we will take you by force," the mage said.


Chapter 34 - Exhibitionist Succubus


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