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An unexpected and spicy reunion!

But some things seem out of place...


75 - Mating with a Minotaur



# Taurac- YAY our precious Minotaur !! :D - though with everything else in this chapter, and *cough* certain Bio limitations without some potions to assist- I sadly think this isnt the RL reunion that Ellori wanted. # "Female minotaurs don't exist," - OH SHIT !!! Really!?! If it isnt enough with Orcs, goblins, kobolds, and pos Centaurs !! Here's hoping they don't just seek out human women!! Or hell, how humans even survive to point to bear & birth kids !! # SO a certain mysterious trader returns- so considering the "demonic" potraits on the wall; is he breaking Ellori out of her "Matrix", or is we one of the esteemed noblemen portrayed & this not looking good for our dear Futa. I doubt it's so simple however. Certainly acknowledging her situation & breaking the cycle wouldnt be in Edith's interests. His job in Forest & appearance of Towers are suspect. But with all this, I feel a pos 3rd player joining the fray between Eudora & Edith