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While I try to finish the last page of Knot Enough by the end of the month, I want to run a poll to get your guys' opinion on... polls. I'm looking to get back to the sketch suggestions/color polls we had been doing with a beach/swimsuit themed round next month, but I feel like I could be doing the suggestions/polls better. I'll try explaining the problems, as I see them, and the solutions I have in mind, and then you guys can tell me which solution you like best or give me suggestions on different ways to solve these issues. Now, on to a quick list:

1. $5 Patrons may not always vote in both polls because they miss one of them or do not understand that they must vote in both for their vote to be counted twice.

2. I don't think $1 patrons can see the current standings in the $5 poll, meaning that they may not know if their vote in the $1 poll is for something hopeless and so they cannot reasonably switch their vote to something that has a chance of winning/their second choice before the end of the poll.

3. With $1 patrons not being able to see both polls, they don't have the same level of transparency into the process as $5 patrons.

4. Posting two polls is a very manual process that is open to error (read: it's kind of a pain in the ass and it's easy to screw up the poll settings/options).

Right now, I have four things I'm offering to patrons as a way to interact with you guys and thank you for your support. Voting in polls, WIPs, HDs, and suggestions for sketches. I do not want to paywall or time-limit my works to patreon, so those are off the table. When it comes to distributing these rewards to patrons, I feel like WIPs for everyone and HD copies for $5 patrons is a good split. But I am considering making one of the following changes:

A. All patrons can post sketch suggestions, but only $5 patrons can vote. This is just a simplification of how it is now, $1 patrons just go from having 33% of the say in what gets colored to none of it.

B. All patrons can vote, but only $5 patrons can post suggestions. This still allows $5 patrons more influence over the whole process, but the final say in what happens is now entirely democratic. However, the number of sketch suggestions I get each month has actually been fairly limited, and I worry that closing the $1 patrons out will reduce the number of suggestions further.

C. All patrons have access to the WIP feed, but only $5 patrons can vote, suggest, and get HDs. This provides extra incentive for people to support my patreon at the $5 level, but I'm not really sure it's fair.

D. Keep things the way they are, the problems you think are problems are not actually problems.

I don't want to try breaking sketch suggestions down into something like $1 patrons can submit 1 suggestion and $5 patrons can submit 5; that either requires seperate $1 and $5 posts and just gets us into the same issue I have with voting, or it requires extra verification on my part to make sure they everyone is playing fair. Let me know what you think by voting in the poll, and we'll try out the changes (if any) next month. This poll will close at noon on July 1st, and I'll make the post where you can submit sketch suggestions that afternoon.


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