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Alright, I'm going to get a proper post for this together in the next day or two, but I want to give you guys a heads up about what is happening this month.

Number one, last page of Knot Interested. It's just a full page of some naked Raine and Zen cuddles, I'll be focusing my efforts on that so we can have something nice to end on.

Number two, sketches and polls! I'll draw sketch suggestions/requests for the first two weeks(ish?), then take them and put them in a poll. We'll have a few days for voting, and then I'll finish the winner up as a colored and shaded pic. If I end up doing a lot of sketches (probably not this month, considering that I know I'm gonna be working on the last page of Knot Interested alongside and I know my schedule is gonna probably be totally screwed second week of the month, but in the future), then I'll narrow it down to just a few that I think I can do a good job on or that were well received and have the voting between those.

It's a real hassle to try and sort out which tier each person is, so for the suggestion portion I'm thinking we'll go with any patron can suggest up to three ideas (I'll ignore anything after the third one in their post, probably), and voting-wise we'll get the old system of $1 tier gets 1 vote and $5 tier gets 2 votes. So! Put your thinking hats on and get your ideas ready, I'll have the official post for suggestions up soon (this one isn't it). This month is also the official Krystal Appreciation Hullabaloo, so Starfox ideas may have a higher chance of getting picked!



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