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Sorry for the radio silence over the last couple weeks. After the last page, I was feeling really burned out. Haven't been able to do much more than pick at this and do a little bit here and there. While I did succeed in doing 3 pages in a month at the end of last year, I haven't been able to keep that up, and trying to do it has been frustrating. Next month, I'm going to just keep my goal at two pages (probably plus this one). There's only 5 or so pages left in the comic overall, so it won't make much difference at this point whether it's 2 pages a month or 3, except that 2 pages a month isn't going to wear me out like trying for 3 has.




Hope you'll feel more energetic soon as the sun starts showing itself! :3 Your work always pure joy for us!


Hey Seff man look after yourself first❤ without you who would give us lewd two kinds and other furry content😢😁