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Since I want to keep giving you guys value and interaction for your Patreon bux along with content, we're trying out requests this month instead of voting. I don't expect this system to be perfect on the first go, so don't hesitate to give me any feedback you have on it so we can keep improving things moving forward. The way this will work (this time, at least) is you'll reply below with your suggestion(s), and I'll pick from them to do some sketches. Try to keep the suggestions fairly loose (don't get into too much detail, just a sentence or two to describe the idea) and to only 1-2 characters. I'm not quite sure how many sketches I'll get done, but depending on how many suggestions are submitted/how many I get through, I might make a second post later this month asking for a new round of suggestions.

Some other ground rules:

-Acceptable characters include video game chars (Pokemon, StarFox, etc), anime/movie chars (except Zootopia*), comic chars (TwoKinds, FreeFall, etc), and characters from Domovoi and I's "Camp Pines" setting (see above image**). I am not accepting suggestions for any personal OCs. Humans/Kemonomimi are okay, you don't have to limit yourself to furries.

-Suggestions can be clean or NSFW, but try to avoid anything too fetishy.

-Soft limit of 1 suggestion for $1 Patrons and 2 suggestions for $5 Patrons. This time around, I'm not really going to bother with verifying who is what level and how many you've submitted, but try and limit yourself and give me your best ideas. If this works out, it'll probably be what replaces the number of votes in the reward tiers.

*A large part of Zootopia's character identity/design is in their differing proportions and stylization. Doing these properly would take a lot of study, and that means a lot of time. Time I don't have right now.

**This isn't all of them, but should give you some idea if you're not familiar with them. This lineup is summer of '84, and the teenage characters could be drawn older if that's more appropriate for your suggestion.




I'd love to see you draw a feral Arcanine snoozing in a meadow.


It'd be great to see more Ashley + Seff or Ashley + Luna (or the three of them, if you're up for drawing three chars) :) And I'd rather you surprise us with what context they'd be in instead of suggesting it.


You're a brave wuff, I've always got ideas :P. A.) Taj & Spots coitus? B.) More Seff being a tease to a mew? C.) Male enjoying penile masturbation? D.) Female enjoying a Sybian? E.) More of Spots?


First suggestion: Adira is discovered out in the wild by a surprised nature documentary crew, and treats it like a sexy photo shoot.


Second suggestion: Carmelita Fox getting lewd with a handcuffed Sly Cooper.


Here's a suggestion Natani and Kat get serious in bed

Maloo Allaughn

Arcanine anthro dealing with the problems of being fire type and the fact that clothing tends to be flammable. Whoops.


Hmm this will be hard. r-r big Flora Fan so maybe Flora looking at a mirror of how big she has gotten


Second would be Issy (From webcomic rascals) wanting to conquer King Adelaide! ( in bed conquer) lol