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Yahoo we've reached 100k which means the NSFW extra will be EXTRA long 👀👀 I think it'll end up being around 17 pages but I'm still working on it! Should be done by early July so the PDF will get sent out aroudn then!

Andd time to announce the last few stretch goals!


If we meet 125k the "Graveyard Date" and "Casket Handjob" tiers will get to chose one of these collar enamel pins for free:


You'll also be able to add them on for $20 to any tier.

150k adds a graveyard acrylic stand to place the finger puppets on. "Casket Handjob" tiers will get them for free, and any tier can add them on for ~$25 (design isn't final for this so the price will be set later).

And last but not least is the 200k goal where I make a Hendrey x Cash NSFW zine! Ever since I came up with their character designs on the same page I've been scheming and plotting ways for them to get together.

The zine won't spoil anything for the main story, but these two don't really interact much until Part 4 and I am impatient lol

If we reach the 200k goal the zine will be given to all backers as a PDF and a physical copy will be sent along with all physical tiers. $10+ patrons would also get the PDF and $15+ patrons would get the physical copy. 

Thanks everyone!!

Back the Kickstarter here! 




*foams at the mouth for Hendrey &amp; Cash Zine*


Oh I hope the second collar pin gets picked. Though both are really good. Any chance the merch will be added to the store after the KS is done?


I want us to reach 200k so bad...



J.K. Hogan

Hey it's uncle Daddy

Hayley Walters

Come on!!! Bring it!! Gotta hit the 200k please people!!! 😫😭


I am SO exited. 😍💖


question: when you say "$10+ patrons would also get the PDF and $15+ patrons would get the physical copy"—does this mean patreon patrons, even if they don't back the kickstarter?


I saw the collar pins before I read anything and my immediate thought was "we get nipple clamps??"


*cries* because there's no way we'll hit $200k in 3 days. No Hennie and Cash for us