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plot twist Rhys was the zozo demon this whole time

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Awwww look at him trying to take part in his man's special interests 😭🙏 bless


He's trying for Avery 🥺


❤️ Soft Rhys face.


Rhys uses the Ouija board to spell "I love you, go out with me?" and Avery is like "A GHOST WANTS TO DATE ME????" and Rhys just bangs his head against the wall Side note, please be careful with Ouija boards, they can be some bad vibes if you don't know what you're doing


omfg that would be the cutest way for Rhys to ask Avery out though


avery i hate to tell u this. but he probably actually knows more than u


Awwww what no candle lit dinner*sigh*


Why do I do this to myself, I made the mistake in reading the comments first. Oh well, they are wonderful comments. Rhys being cute and Avery being dense and sus. Lol


Can't wait to see more! I may the only patron who cares, but I wanted to give you a heads up that the links around pages 130-133 on the yaoi biz site aren't working; some pages don't show if selected and for others the right and left buttons don't work. Love being a patron, but I usually read the pages over there!


Rhys because he can’t just say things outright- Is there any spirits here who can tell us how sorry Rhys is and also what he’s been hiding. *starts steering planchette around the board to spell ‘very’ and ‘werewolf’* Avery - OMG *total believer*


I'm glad Rhys busted out the white candles for purification. Someone has been doing his homework. Avery you can't just bust out a Ouija board without the proper protections set in place.


Seeing as we're talking 'bout Avery, he'd probably think that Rhys is hiding a werewolf somewhere, possibly in a closet.