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Rhys? Bad at communicating? Wow...

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Omg who would have thought.......


Werewolf bar! Werewolf bar! Werewolf bar!


Those PANTS &lt;3


Those pants sure let us know Cash is a little ho


You really did f* up Rhys. Saying someone else's name during seggs is never a good time, regardless of the seriousness of the relationship. I'd love to see our poor Cash get some consolation. Can we perhaps find him a cute werewolf? Maybe one that can appreciate him for all his sweet sugar has to offer?


Knowing how Rhys is, Cash didnt misunderstand, Rhys probably spoke in Morse Code lol

Talia Mirai

Give!! Cash!! A boyfriend!!!!! I know he's supposed to be antagonistic but I feel bad for him. No one deserves to have a lover call someone else's name when he's balls deep in you :(


on twitter, lucid posted a screenshot of a thread of people saying they ship Cash with Rhys’s uncle with the caption ‘All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan)’ so there may be hope for that front! (also side note for the author, if you’re reading this, i hope that’s ok to mention that here! if not let me know and i’ll take this comment down!)


So excited to hear! I'm grateful as I deactivated twitter to limit my social media FOMO. Just insta and discord for me now.


I genuinely feel so bad for Cash :( He deserves better, and frankly if Rhys doesn’t get his act together and fix his communication issues I’d say Avery deserves better too!


Lol no it’s fine and yes can confirm I have set my sights on hendrey x cash B^)


Ooooooh &lt;3 (sounds both like "I'm happy" and "I'm howling werewolf style")