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Quick Avery kick the chair out from under him

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Inside Rhys there are two wolfs


He respect mamas orders! Perfect son-in-law material right there.... but yes! Fuck off chair


I love the grumpy determined look on Avery’s face in the last panel 😂 Sure Rhys… if that’s what you think will happen… But Avery isn’t going to let you go ❤️


Damn Avery is getting bedded twice in one night by Rhys 😄


Ok Rhys you cant be that fucking dumb or heartless not to understand that Avery is seriously confused about a lot of shit right now. The mutual yet not very clearly discussed feelings between you 2, the torn bed sheets, the sudden leaving him in your apt without reason, the scary attack from a supposed ex that hates him so much and how does that guy know him. You and Avery need to have a serious convo 😠


Avery ain't never goin to sleep lol!

Macayla Bell

Wait, didn't this already happen?

Macayla Bell

I think this was double posted

Not Caramel Donuts

Boy if you don’t get in that bed or so help me!!!