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Yeah you should "talk" about it with your "lips"

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Amber Marie

I swear to God if one of them says “we can just pretend it didn’t happen” AND THEY GO WITH THAT I WILL LOSS MY EVER LOVING MIND


The amulet is gone, this conversation better not be interrupted by evil doers!


Cant decide if I want a KFFIL or a TFFIL (“Kiss Fuck Fall in Love” or “Talk Fuck Fall in love”

NiCollette Farrell

Please put his hair up I can’t focus😅

J.K. Hogan

Rhys blushing is everything. Also TIDDIES!


Peaking Avery face is adorable

NiCollette Farrell

“Suit yourself” lol he wanted him to look

Cynthia Smith (Dex)

Oh man, Avery is totally me lol. And that subtle way to hide his arousal. I would totally run my hand through that hair.


Isn't anybody going to mention Rhys' literal shoujou sparkles^^ Poor Avery never stood a chance, did he

J.K. Hogan

I keep coming back for the furry tiddies.


Avery just making himself at home