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Yaoi.biz has been updated! I had my developer add both The Hunt and River St and do some other backend updates to get the Patreon stuff working again. So y'all should be able to log in to your account and the read up to the latest page per your Patreon tier! NSFW Extras have been updated up to Occultus Part 3 along with The Hunt Part 1 extra and Avialae epilogue. 

Impact Theory is no longer on the main navigation bar. Still on a permanent hiatus...I reread the script last night and I still Do Not Like It so it's not updating anytime soon OTL It's still on the site, though! It's under the extras tab~

Eventually there will be a bigger website rehaul with some ~features~ I'm excited about but shh it's a secret for now...that'll come probably the beginning of 2023?? Keeping it ambiguous for now until we have a proper schedule worked out.




Hey! I’ve been a patreon on and off for the past couple of years. I came back a few months ago and I can’t access old avialae chapters. Is that normal?


Excited for this!


The tier system is still confused with changes in currency ($10 becomes £8 and it shows as $8 🤦). So sadly the website cannot give access to the right content...


I love Impact Theory, but understand when it's just not working for the creator. Love all the other content you put out as well! Can't wait to find out what the secret features will be on the website!


You’re working on several projects at the same time right now. Impact Theory can wait until you’ve more time to figure it out — it may turn into one of those that you completely start over from scratch or end up in another work as a back story or something. It could end up the inspiration for a future story you haven’t started, yet. I look forward to all the new website features. :)


Ok but this is super convenient! I'm very excited to use the site and re-read the comics!




Yeah, I can't access either, Patreon gives me my pledge in NOK, and I can't access the extra content still 🤷🏼‍♀️


We are looking into a fix! Patreon changed how tiers are categorized awhile ago and didn’t tell me so it wasn’t on our radar until now 💦💦


It's ok Lucid. I honestly hadn't noticed until I tried the website again yesterday 😅. Don't worry 🥰


I am so excited to see the website updated; and I am looking forward to reading your new work along with rereading Avialae, which was the comic that introduce me to your wonderful comics.


There used to be a werewolf/vampire Aviale AU on yaoi.biz, but it is gone now. Will it come back? 😭🙏

Sam West

Yay! So happy!