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Hello everyone! Unfortunately I will not be able to post a River St page today. My grandfather passed away yesterday so updates might be spotty for a bit. Sorry River St has taken the biggest hit of my family emergencies as of late. Saturday updates are prone to that since my family w normal jobs have this thing called ~weekends~ Trust me it’s not for a lack of wanting to draw them. This summer has just been. Trying. Hopefully things will get better from here so thank you in advance for your understanding <3



Oh my gosh Lucid, please take as long as you need. If needed I'd wait weeks for you to have proper time to mourn.

Cynthia Smith (Dex)

Lucid, take all the time you need. Family is important. Take care of you.


I’m so sorry, take all the time you need…we’ll still be here whenever you’re ready


I’m so sorry for your loss, Hunny xoxo. You take all the time you need xoxo


I'm so sorry for your loss! We all understand, take your time and be with family 🧡💙


There's no rush. Focus on your family and healing. We understand and wish you and your family the best.


I'm so sorry lucid 💜 please take you're time, we and the comic arent going anywhere 💜💜


Take the time you need. So sorry for your loss. *hugs*


I’m so sorry to hear this news, having a family member pass is never easy. From all the comments you can see we are all thinking of you in this difficult time. Sending healing your way.

Antonia Bailey

Don't apologize!!! You are a human first and must always take care 9f yourself! Please take my condolences!

Sheena Warren

You and your family are in my thoughts. I hope things get better for you and you find comfort of some sort in these trying times. Please take all the time you need. You are what is important. I think we are all willing to wait for you.

asumi no go

My condolences :(