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Hey all! Sorry updates have been sporadic lately. I'm going through some mental and physical health stuff I'd rather not go into detail about publicly. But I just wanted to make a post updating where stuff is at right now.

Page updates: River St page is being colored rn and will be posted later today! Occultus page will go up tomorrow~

The Hunt Part 1 book: Art has been finished, working on print production now. I'm waiting on the printer to finalize quotes, but the PDF of the book will be sent out for $10+ patrons and Kickstarter folks this week.

The Hunt Part 2: HOPEFULLY starts for $14+ Patrons this week, might get pushed out until next week depending how print production goes. $5+ patrons will get access once I get 5 pages ahead (probably end of August), and public updates will start once I hit 10 pages ahead (mid september).

NSFW illustrations: Are so behind I am so sorry OTL;; I've been so busy with the Kickstarter and getting the NSFW extra done I just haven't had the juice to kick out extra illustrations. I have some stuff planned for this month to make up for the dry spell. ^^

Lastly I will be going on a very much needed vacation at the end of the month!  Page updates will likely get paused for that week, but I'll post some stuff I've been slowly working on behind the scenes.

If you need to contact me about something the best way to do so is by emailing us at llllucid.publishing@gmail.com Either me or my assistant will respond to you there. I've been drowning in managing messages/emails on top of everything, so my assistant is taking over the bulk of communication. 


xoxo Lucid



Take care of yourself! We’ll be here no matter when you come back~

Danielle Taylor

Just want to send my love and good vibes 💗💗💗


Its that soul snatcher messing with ya Lucid, give it a good whack and best wishes! :D <3


Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you're ready.


Thank you so much for your hard work. You don't have to feel bad about taking a vacation. I'm glad you can take a vacation even from doing art and what you love. Be sure to stay hydrated and we'll see you when you get back!


Thank you for the updates even with your troubles! Take care of yourself! 💛


We love and care about you, health always comes first! Take your time and don’t rush it on our account (or anyone else’s)! We’ll still (and always) be here regardless ♥️♥️


We all understand. Take care of yourself! We love you and your art!!


Take your time and enjoy your time off! It's well-deserved. You're amazing and you and your health should always come first. :)

Han Olliver

take care of yourself ♥️ we love you!!