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nasty stinky guard belongs in the toilet

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Ooooh that is a very interesting development!!!


Rhys pls just save Avery and his friend the rest of them can just turn into whatever the heck the guard is 😂


I thought the guard looked weird last time we saw them!

Amber Rothwell

Aww I was called Bambi a couple times growing up before my mom started bitch slapping those people. 🦌😂 it became AmberBamber, and now it’s just Bam.


Avery blushes at the hoodie tug aside. Focus, young man. You're about to be attacked by actual possessed people.

Raven Kurtz

I totally agree with you! That guard definitely looks like shit that needs to be flushed🤢🤮


I'll bet the guard got possessed by that nasty from last time our boys were there. Gotta protect your boy, Rhys. ♥️


Yeah that guard totally isn’t possessed. Nope. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.


I have a feeling that gaurd is gonna leave a lock on that gate


Yeah, the rotting meat skelton just "klanged" that lock. Pick you're escape buddy! Avery, hon! If you move two inches away from Rhys, I'mma make you pick your switch after he inevitably save your horny twit ass, cause boy . . . try me. /givin' him the mama death stare


Animated corpse, maybe? I'd say he's been dead several days, good thing flies don't show up at night. Yuck!