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Avery has been banned from the library on several occasions.

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Rhys quietly reading his book though 🥺Avery being his loud and excited self always makes me smile lol

M Connor

Y'know, the LAST damn thing Avery needs is a freakin' Red Bull. That boy!

Abeille Femelle

No avery allowed in the quiet room


Avery, you dumbass.


Rhys is sweating because he knows he's gonna have to go back there to protect his dumb boy from ghosts. ♥️ They're so damned cute! 😍


a straight person would NEVER SIT LIKE THAT


haha me too 🤣 avery &amp; red bull ... what is he thinking??? 🤣


Who taught Rhys to sit tho

J.K. Hogan

The boi has no chill.


Judging by the comments here sitting like that is a gay thing (?), I had no idea but I sit like that all the time so apparently it applys to pans too😂


Rhys.... Rhys, you know how dumb this boy is. *Of course* he's gonna go back, and you're gonna have to raw his - I mean, save his ass, again.

J.K. Hogan

Yup. Pan/demi here. Can't sit straight (ha). The joke is typically made about bisexuals, but pretty much anybody queer can be affected. 😂


OH ok that makes a lot more sense now that I get the joke *facepalm*😂 I was like wtf who decides these things😂

Elsie Sea

Rhys is a bb doll message ends

Jessi Anne

Rhys... you know he is lmao.