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Ahhhh it's over! I'm free!!!!!!!!!! lmao I've had the rough sketch for this final page planned since 2014! It's this one:

Everything else kind of fell into place between this and the original concept of a boy who grows wings and gets a boyfriend~

So what's next? I'll be making a more official public post about more definite changes to my Patreon. Some of which I've talked about before, but just so you $5+/mo patrons know I'll still be doing early updates at this tier. If I can get it to work out it'll be a combination of early updates for River St and The Hunt, with $14+/mo patrons getting even further ahead for both. But like I said I'll make a more official post about this soon!

For the rest of the month I'll be posting previews of Kickstarter merch I've been working on. It'll be launching sometime in early September, but more details on that later. There will be an epilogue in the Ch 6 printed book and PDF for $10+ patrons, which maybe might be their wedding. :3c It wont be done until at least September, maybe October depending on how the Kickstarter goes. I kind of busted my hand drawing this last scene and I need my usual post Avialae chapter recovery time;;

So I'm taking a week off of updates! There will not be a Hunt or Occultus page next week. Like I said, I'll still be posting the KS merch I've been working on, but me hand hurt after 748 pages of wing hell. Occultus will return on 08/31, and The Hunt will return on 09/04. (Yes, The Hunt is going to 2 pages a week, but I've gotta get the KS and River St started first.)

And! River St! Tentative launch date is in October, and I'll definitely be posting preview stuff for patrons before that~

Thank you so much for being part of this (terrible, awful, I'll feel better abt it after my hand recovers) wing journey with me! It's been 6 1/2 years since I've started Avialae, and it feels so good to see it come to its intended end. I never would have been able to do it if it weren't for the incredible support and love my readers and patrons have shown me over the years. I'm not once to get emotional, but like...y'all gay...thank u.

I hope you enjoyed the end of this series! I tried to write an ending that was both happy and left room for their story to develop and grow on its own. I think I've gotten close to that but right now I'm full of such wing-based vitriol over the throbbing of my drawing hand I can't look at this story passively rn hahaa;;; I'll write a more in depth analysis on my experience with Avialae in the Ch 6 book! And I'll probably do an Avialae AMA at some point for patrons!



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