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Finally finished my revisions for the Occultus Part 1 book! My printer has confirmed that these should arrive by the end of June, but with the global situation right now I can see it getting delayed for some reason. Fingers crossed it gets here so I can send these out before the end of the month tho!

So! If you were a $15+ patron in May you will get sent a book at the end of June (assuming they arrive on time). But! If you'd like to upgrade and get a copy I'm allowing June upgrades/signups, and once your $15+ pledge goes through in July I will send you a copy. Sorry it's a little complicated, but books are significantly more expensive for me to produce than postcards which is why I require a minimum two month sign up period.

Also there will be a black foil title treatment on the cover mwah chef kiss so excited for that!

May postcards just arrived here this morning so I will be sending out March/April/May's postcards sometime this week! There will not be a postcard this month because of the Occultus book, jsyk. Andd I plan to start Part Two next Monday, but it may just be the title page with how this week's schedule is working out.



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